Here are the main components to test and track:

  • Subject lines, which is the factor that tends to have the biggest impact on open rates.
  • The product you’re promoting.
  • The overall offer, including price.
  • Calls to action.
  • The day and time you send your emails.

Most email service providers offer built-in tracking tools so that you can randomly split your list to determine which variable creates the best conversion rates for you.

Just be sure to test only ONE variable at a time so that you can say with confidence whether a particular variable affected conversions.

For example, if you test subject lines, then ONLY test subject lines (don’t also change the calls to action or any other part of the email, otherwise you’ll muddy your results).





One of the keys to keeping your readers engaged is to create reader-oriented content.  Simply put, this means that you create content that includes the word “you” (and similar) a lot more than it includes words such as I, me, and mine.

Simply put, readers don’t care about you (the author). They only care about you to the extent that they want to know how you can help them, and how it benefits them to do business with you. They’ll lose interest if you talk about yourself too much, so keep the focus on your reader by using the word “you” often.

Zip Code

Do you know where your prospects live? If yes, you may consider segmenting your list based on geography. That way, you can send emails out during prime reading time (rather than when your subscribers are asleep).


And there you have it: 26 tips, tricks, and best practices for creating a more profitable list. But so far, you’ve seen just the tip of the email marketing iceberg.


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