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S1: Welcome to the Be Your Own Boss series! We designed this course for entrepreneurs and business owners who have started their businesses and are looking to grow their businesses exponentially within the next 12 months.

The course is separated into 7 different modules with each part covering a specific area of your business. Each module represents a pillar and mastery of each pillar would help you in strengthening your business foundation.

In this first module, we’ll cover the first core fundamental which is your mindset. This is core because all of your actions originate from your thoughts so it makes perfect sense that if you want to change your results, you first must change your mindset.


S2: Why is it that in this world, there are rich people and poor people? Have you ever wondered what makes the difference between these two groups of people?

What makes them get the results they want in their life? Is it their rich background?

I don’t think so. I’ve known people who come from rich families but squandered their family riches over petty squabbles and lavish lifestyles. They end up being rich on paper but they have neck high debts.


On the other spectrum, I also know millionaires who come from simple average backgrounds. When they first started, they have all the reasons to fail and not make it yet against all odds, they held their ground and now enjoy the riches of their hard work.

So if the background is not the factor or resources, what is the deciding factor that will ultimately decide if you will be rich or if your business succeeds?

S3: The answer lies between your ears and that is your “mindset”!


We are the product of what we think. Where we are today is the result of all the decisions we made and did not make. The quality of life that you are enjoying and not enjoying is a result of your thoughts.

Success is a choice and all choices stem from your thoughts. It is an “internal game”. 90% of success in business comes from having the right mindset. When you win the internal game, you make better decisions which ultimately leads to building a 7-figure business and beyond.

S4: “There is nothing either good or bad, only thinking makes it so“, William Shakespeare. This quote means the way you see things determines if what happens to you adds or subtracts value. It is your thinking that differentiates a mistake and a lesson therefore if you want to change the fruit, you must first change the roots.


If you want to change the visible, you must first change the invisible. The same goes for business, if you want to take your business to the next level, you must first change your mindset. There are 5 mindsets which when practiced form the basis for a 7-figure mindset.

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