All Round Praise for SADC and SuccessDigest

Former Federal Minister of Education, Mrs. Oby Ezekwesili, also acknowledged the impact of SADC and SuccessDigest in nation building while receiving SuccessDigest Enterprise Award for Distinguished Public Service in November, 2005.

She said:

“The Ojeagbases [Founders of SADC] will go down in the history of our nation as pioneers in this very challenging task of re-orienting our people back to hard work.

The decadence, and degrading of hard work in our society, is what has got us to where we are today as a nation with frustrated people.

But this couple has been doing this brilliant work quietly. It is not as though there has been any form of big support from any particular quarters, but they have been committed to a mission. I do not know them but have followed their antecedents of spreading the gospel of productivity.”

Otunba Akin Alabi – I came across Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase through the then SuccessDigest in 2001. That was 20 years ago. Time really does fly! I was intrigued by the volume of potentially life-changing information contained in the magazine. I made it a duty to always get a copy of the magazine every month.

Two kinds of business lessons were of interest to me – Information Marketing and Internet Marketing. I was interested in them because one can start both businesses with little or no money. And that described me to a T. I had little money. So I started learning all I could learn about those topics. 

In 2002 when Dr. Ojeagbase offered a 5-day seminar about these two topics, I knew I had to attend it. But, there was a problem, two problems really. The first problem was that the seminar cost N15,000 and I did not have it. I borrowed it from a friend and that was solved.

The second problem was that I had nowhere to stay in Lagos. And, of course, I couldn’t afford to stay in a hotel. For 5 days, I would leave Ibadan for Lagos in the morning to come back in the evening. Imagine the risk. I didn’t even tell my parents what I was doing.

Anyway, I learned a lot and read up on the bonus materials given to us. More importantly, I took action. I started by buying small ad spaces in SuccessDigest to sell the Information Marketing products I created. As I made money, I spent more money on bigger ad spaces. I remember selling as much as SIX MILLION NAIRA worth of information products from one single advert in less than 14 days.  

I have used earnings from Information Marketing to fund other ventures. My popular sports betting company, NairaBET, was funded using money made from Information Marketing. Today, my advice to anyone seeking for money to fund a business is to get busy selling information products. It’s that easy.

I started out little, so I know what it is like to start from scratch. In a nutshell, I have gone through what my mentor, Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase, the publisher of Complete Sports and SuccessDigest calls the ‘University of Hard Knocks.’ I can say that the foundation of what I know in business today was built by reading SuccessDigest.

I know what I know today thanks to God for directing me to Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase.

Otunba Akin Alabi

Founder, NairaBET, Nigeria’s Pioneer Sports Betting Company

Best-Selling Author, Small Business Big Money (How To Start, Grow And Turn Your Small Business Into A Cash Generating Machine)

Oyeleke Toye – I can’t believe it is already almost 19 years since I met Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase, Chairman of Success Attitude Development Centre and Publisher of SuccessDigest and Complete Sports.

In August 2002, I attended the 5-day Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase Information and Internet Marketing Boot Camp and that altered the course of my life forever. My parents were both civil servants and I had always wanted to take a different path in life.

I always dreamt of not taking up any employment, not having to dress up in suits to go to work, owning several companies and getting rich.

 Every time I shared those dreams with anyone, they laughed and assured me things could never work that way. My dreams were most certainly just dreams, everyone told me. I was almost convinced.

Then, as a 400 Level undergraduate of Chemical Engineering, I met Dr. Ojeagbase in 2002 and he fixed all the missing pieces of the puzzle. Today, all those dreams are reality and even more.

So, what really happened? The boot camp was like a financial intelligence and business deliverance session for me. For the first time I was exposed to the principles of money. I was shown where money comes from and how anyone could legally get as much as they want.

Those lessons I learnt from there have been very instrumental to my modest success in life. I first combined the Information Marketing knowledge and Internet Marketing knowledge I got to build my first business. It took a while to take off and that was where Dr. Ojeagbase, the mentor, came in again. I always went back to him till it worked.

Till date, I have started quite a number of businesses, most of them online; and I have recorded a string of successes. From Information Marketing to Electronic Currency Exchange to International Partnerships in Forex; and then to Real Estate.

When I bought my first house at age 26, I was excited and couldn’t wait to break the good news to my mentor, Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel-Sunny and his wife, Pastor Mrs. Esther Ojeagbase. When I met them, I was a starry-eyed, mostly confused undergraduate. But in five short years of being their student, I was a landlord… in Lagos!

Today, I will tell the story of a certain group of people who Dr. Ojeagbase has no idea of their existence but they have benefitted and are benefitting immensely from the good seeds he sowed. I am talking about people like the young man who has worked in my company for just five years and he has already built a house of his own and lives in it with his family.

On behalf of my entire team who are doing wonderful things; building houses, taking care of their families, getting more education, taking overseas vacations and more; I say thank you very much Sir. You wouldn’t know how many lives you are touching indirectly.

If anyone reading this piece ever has an opportunity to learn from and be mentored by Dr. Sunny and Pastor Mrs. Esther Ojeagbase, I encourage you to take it very seriously. This may be the missing piece of the wealth puzzle for you.

Oyeleke Toye, CEO Instant Web-Net Technologies Limited, Nigerian Partner of international Forex broker, InstaForex.

Sanmi Akindipe – I used to see SuccessDigest at under the Oshodi Bridge those days and I usually stand to read them since I could not afford to buy one. Furthermore, someone by name Bukola had told me about Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase that he runs a business empowerment training center, and a magazine that teaches all you need to know and master doing business.

I wrote a book on How to make money from stocks and shares and I got a copy over to Mr. Ayo Arowolo, then publisher of MoneyWise. Mr. Arowolo invited me to a training at CAP Plc, Ikeja, and that is where I met Dr. Ojeagbase. I think this was between 2006 and 2007. I love the way Dr. Ojeagbase taught.

But little did I know that he was the person I have been thinking of meeting for years since I was reading about him under the Oshodi Bridge.

Meeting Dr. Ojeagbase opened me up to a lot that was lying inside of me. Dr. Ojeagbase gave me a platform in the SuccessDigest magazine where I used to write on “Penny Stock” and it was the only paper in the nation that shows unusual business opportunities to a teeming population of hungry entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs in Nigeria.

Dr. Ojeagbase gave a lot of us, young people, opportunity on his platform in such a manner that I have not seen any other person does in Nigeria. Sanmi Akindipe, Fisayo Akinlolu, Akin Alabi are some examples of people who have enjoyed the benefit that Dr. Ojeagbase’s platform provides.

Initially, I was thinking that Dr. Ojeagbase was interested in people with only “Akin” in their names. But then I also remembered Toye Oyeleke, Taiwo Balogun, Efe Imiren and so many others that I can’t mention because of space.

Dr. Ojeagbase’s platform gave me an advantage that has made me a blessing to my generation. Regularly, I receive messages from people who have been inspired till date to do something because we were given a platform to be a blessing.

Today, the company I run has several groups. We are into real estate, training, seminars, information technology, vehicle and machine importation and agriculture.

My contact with daddy Ojeagbase has become a blessing, not only to me but also to my family, Nigeria and the entire world, because we now have international office and have a large chunk of clients outside Nigeria. 

I am yet to see someone like Dr. Ojeagbase in Nigeria. If we have one Dr. Ojeagbase in all states of Nigeria, we should have a nation with a lot more successful young entrepreneurs.

In fact, nobody is approaching entrepreneurship from his own angle till date.

Dr. Ojeagbase and his wife, Pastor (Mrs.) Esther Ojeagbase, are a great blessing to our nation, and a great blessing to the world. We thank God for their magazine, SuccessDigest, that is blessing millions and bless His Holy Name for their seminar platform as well.

I was invited to speak at Sheraton Hotel, Ikeja, and a lady was talking about how what she learnt from SucessDigest had changed her life from poverty to someone that has a group of about 60,000 people, all learning from the SuccessDigest magazine and seminars organized by Dr. Ojeagbase.

I have so much to say about baba’s contribution to the lives of ordinary Nigerians. But let me stop here.

Sanmi Akindipe 

CEO, SET Group International,

A Personal Finance Company.

Mrs. Patience Azegbe IlaboyaI came to Lagos in 1982 after my secondary school education. I didn’t attend any university because my father was late and there was nobody to sponsor me. So when I got to Lagos, I attended school of typing after which I worked with Abbey-Bassey Company as a receptionist/typist in 1983.

In 1984, when I had my first child, I stopped working at the company and started my own business.

I sold palm oil and vegetable oil in retail. Then in 1986, I started selling kerosene.

It was my husband, Mr. Frank Ilaboya that introduced me to SuccessDigest Magazine in 1988, though I didn’t pay much attention to it initially. There was a particular edition he brought home that caught my attention; the headline sounded funny to me, “How To Do Business With Little or No Money.”

I laughed and told him that they were deceiving people. How can anyone do business without money? But my husband encouraged me to read the story. Without much interest, I glanced through the magazine and dropped it.

After a few hours, I picked it up again and read the particular story over and over again, then it occurred to me that what I read was possible. I saw a great opportunity in it for me.

At that time, there was a site at Oke-Afa (Jakande area in Lagos) which “Omo Oniles” (land owners) were begging people to come and buy at a give-away price so that they can get money to buy sallah ram.

I called them and told them I needed 1 acre (6 plots) of land. Each plot was sold for N100,000 so I was to pay N600,000 for the 6 plots. But all the money I had for my kerosene business was N200,000. I offered them the money promising to pay the rest later and they agreed.

One week after, I sold 2 plots for N300,000, paid them another N200,000 and kept the remaining N100,000 for my business.

I sold another 2 plots for the same amount, N300,000, a few days later, paid their balance, recouped my business money, and I still had 2 plots of land left. That was how I started my real estate business.

I have a 60 room hostel at Unab, Abeokuta. I also have a site that I am developing for building materials.

With SuccessDigest, I don’t have any fear of going into any business; even if I do not have the capital, once I have the idea, the money will come.

I will describe SuccessDigest as the road that leads to success. If you follow the editions regularly and understand it, you will make money easily.

To our daddy, Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase, God Almighty will continue to strengthen guide, protect and bless you and your family in Jesus mighty name. You will live long to eat the fruit of your hard labour. Daddy we the family of Frank llaboya appreciate you and mummy for showing us the way to riches.

God used you to wipe out poverty in our family. You strengthen my heart on how to face any challenges in Business. Daddy you taught me how to do business without fear. Today I dedicate my success to you and Almighty God. Thank you daddy for making me to be who l am today.

Mrs. Patience Azegbe Ilaboya

– Azegbe Business Ventures

Ronald Nzimora – I learnt about SuccessDigest in a bus. I was going back to school in 2003 and the guy sitting next to me had a copy of the magazine. He wasn’t reading it because he was sleeping. But I was bored and needed something to read and all my books were in my bag which was in the booth of the bus.

So, I tapped the guy and asked if I could read his magazine, he agreed and handed it to me. I looked at the title, SuccessDigest, and read through it till I got to my destination.

I searched for SuccessDigest on every newsstand at Umuahia where my school was located, I didn’t find it. I went further to Owerri and found only 2 editions which I bought. And, with each edition of the magazine I read, I kept yearning for more.

So when I got back to Lagos, I went to different newsstands to buy old editions of SuccessDigest magazine. And I’m glad I did.

In 2008, I was at SADC for the first Information Marketing Business Workshop. My sister lent me the N5,000 with which I paid for the workshop and I had to trek half way from Festac Town to the venue of the workshop. The training basically changed my life.

By 2011, one of my Info-products had made over 1 million naira. I was happy but, all my efforts to improve on that, was not working. I would come up with a new product hoping to make tens of millions of naira from it but I’d end up with just about a hundred thousand naira.

Then one day, I was fortunate to have a meeting with the Executive Chairman of Success Attitude Development Center, Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase. I told him I wasn’t able to replicate the success I made earlier and he said to me, “…you know how to make money but you don’t know how to build a business.”

I asked myself, what’s the difference between making money and building a business?

To answer that question, I started reading. Then I started implementing the things I learned from him and the books I read. I started, on purpose, doing what business owners should do. I started keeping records, I know exactly how much I earn, how much I spend, how many clients I have, how many of them purchased my product and, I started a proper follow-up system. Then the results started improving.

At another time, I went back to my mentor and he said, “…if you really want to move ahead faster, you should have an office, you can’t run a big business from home.”

I asked him if I could use a space in SADC and he agreed. So I started using an office in SADC and things got better.

But along the line, I figured out that the kind of business you build will determine how fast you move. Some business ideas are not scalable. It doesn’t matter how much efforts you put, it will remain small. This knowledge helped me a lot to decide on my business ideas. However, Info business is the best business you can do online.

Another thing that helped me was the fact that I had very good support systems like Akin Alabi and a few others who I met at SADC. Entrepreneurship is very lonely unless you have good support systems.

Ronald Nzimora, Director at Digital Nexus Interactive

My name is Tamilore Adewuyi. I am a 300 Level student of the University of Ibadan. I am an Affiliate Marketer.

I heard about the Ojeagbase Super Affiliate Programme in October 2019 but I didn’t pay attention to it on time so I missed the opportunity to register before the deadline.

So when the opportunity came again, I quickly joined the Ojeagbase Super Affiliate Programme on the 4th of February, 2020.

I started working immediately I joined. I used free traffic to make over a Hundred Thousand Naira in 5 days on the Ojeagbase Super Affiliate Programme.

It is a very good one with everything done for you. All you need to do is to promote the Online Prosperity Bundle and you’ll make exciting commissions. It is such an easy work to do.

Thank you, SADC/SuccessDigest.

Tamilore Adewuyi, Student, University of Ibadan

Samson Olatunde I came across Success Attitude Development Centre around year 2000 and since then I’ve been an addicted follower.

My first breakthrough came from a seminar I attended at SADC, called Money In The Bank Workshop. I borrowed N25,000 (the tuition fee) from three of my friends in school.

By applying what I was taught at the event by Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase (my mentor) and my own determination to refund the borrowed N25,000 from my friends, I was propelled to a lasting breakthrough in the ICT and Business world today.

I made my first N4 million packaging information products from the CD that was given to every participant of the Money In The Bank Workshop. The CD contains over 1000 Resell Rights Products with license to resell them. I advertised the products as instructed during the course, using handbills, newspaper adverts and online platforms. And it sold like hot cake!

Furthermore, the seminar launched me into business. I registered my own company, Business Impact Limited, in year 2008, which today has trained over 12,750 Nigerians from over 35 conferences, workshops and training in under 7 years.

Thirdly, the quality of information acquired so far from SADC platform has helped me to author and publish over 20 books, launched over 10 Practical Training DVDs and run over 7 websites, all interlinked, which can be seen at

One of the landmarks I’ve achieved and will appreciate my mentor for is the over 10 years in business (I celebrated 10 years in the Information Marketing Business in December, 2015) And this is as a result of the constant words of wisdom and encouragement that has kept me going even when the going got rough.

Samson Olatunde, Passion Business Consultant

Dr. Efe Imiren –  A lady very passionate about two concepts – Entrepreneurship and Travel Opportunities.

I began my first registered business of providing information and consultancy (helping people – travel, go for holidays and visit, relocate, work, study, and live abroad at,) as a total greenhorn, knowing next to nothing; but astonishingly turned over multiple millions of Naira within the first 12 months in business.

I have provided information and taught thousands of people how to set up the same and other businesses at

I have also taught how to transition from paid employment into business owners and have been featured in several newspapers nationwide, radio talk shows, television talk shows, personal finance columns, and online news sites; all because of putting to work the training I got from the extraordinary NGO, Success Attitude Development Centre (SADC), known to provide practical business start-up training to individuals like me who were determined to successfully give up paid employment way back in 2008.

I have been invited to train and deliver empowerment programs on entrepreneurial opportunities, transitioning from paid employment, and How to Make Small Business Work in a Depressed Nigerian Economy, at several prestigious platforms including that of the United Nations Development Program; Ministry of Youth, Sport and Social Development; NGOs and Religious Organizations.

My story as a successful entrepreneur, trainer, speaker, author, and consultant is never complete without the SADC narration and I remain grateful that Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel-Sunny & Pastor (Mrs.) Esther Ojeagbase choose to live a life of helping aspiring entrepreneurs find direction through trainings on the platform of the valuable NGO – Success Attitude Development Centre (SADC).

Efe Imiren, CEO, ServiceForts Group,

Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase is one great leader and the skillful authenticity of his leadership and vision is what has made young people like me today get a chance to be able to have a voice in a country like Nigeria.

I want to thank you very much. Somehow, you have touched my life in such a great way and I just want to thank you and let you know that we will keep making you proud.

Toyosi Akerele Ogunsiji


A Word For Our Father, Baba Sunny Ojeagbase…

Just help me thank him.

He may not remember me but he reluctantly allowed my full page Sports Betting Advert in 2008 which kick-started the Sports Betting Industry in Nigeria that has employed 100s of thousands of Nigerians today.

God bless him and everything about him forever.

Dotun Ajegbile
Chairman/ CEO Betland

Ayo Odusolu – To every young man or woman reading this, don’t joke with that inner voice, that intuition. People may not believe in what you have seen but, make sure you nurture it.

I recall the very first time I had to meet my mentor, Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase, several years ago. I had been reading SuccessDigest magazine prior to that meeting. And each time, I read with rapt attention.

On one of such occasions, I was reading the magazine when my good friend came in. He invited me to go out and have fun with him but I told him I needed to finish what I was reading. He tapped the magazine and laughed at me.

He went to have fun and returned to meet me on the same spot. Then told him, what came to my heart as I was reading that particular edition. I said, “a day is coming that I will stand on the same platform with the Publisher of SuccessDigest.” He looked at me and laughed even louder than he did the first time and called me a clown.

I got home and told the same vision to my Dad and he asked if I knew the Publisher and his caliber. I said no. He then advised me to concentrate on what I am doing and leave that ambition. Even my Dad didn’t believe me.

But several months later, in the edition of SuccessDigest that I was reading, my mentor, Dr. Ojeagbase, said he had some issues with his email and gave instructions on what to do to reach him.

On that faithful day, I went to a cyber café at Mushin, stood on a long queue to use the internet. Eventually, it was my turn and I got just 15 minutes but the internet wasn’t stable. Immediately I hit the send button, having typed my message, it timed out and the computer went off. I wasn’t even sure the message was delivered.

Surprisingly, I saw his response in the next edition. He wrote that he was delighted to read from me and requested to see me. I was amazed and I took the copy to my dad who was surprised that Dr. Ojeagbase responded to my email and even published it.

Of course, I went to see him and when I sat down with him he said, “…young man, I am going to have the very first Internet Summit and I want you to come.

At the Summit, he introduced me as his friend and people clapped. Immediately, I remembered what I told my friend and my Dad.

Again, to every young person reading this, don’t let your dreams fly away. It may seem crazy, not realistic or achievable but, nurture it. That’s equity for the future.

Also note that, as a Nigerian, you have a natural DNA to overcome extreme circumstances. You are naturally endowed to survive. Don’t give up.

Always be prepared because opportunities will come. If you are not prepared, it won’t wait. Pay the price for apprenticeship too. If you jump into a business without the necessary info, you will get your 10 fingers and 10 toes burnt. You must be trained and equipped by someone who has gone that way, has learned the hard lessons and is willing to train you. I, like thousands of other young Nigerians, was fortunate to be trained by this couple, Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel-Sunny and Pastor (Mrs.) Esther Ojeagbase.

Not many people will be willing to take you under their wings but when you find such, you are indeed fortunate. Don’t joke with it; don’t be lazy.

One of the great lessons I have learnt from my mentor is, not to compromise on quality. Whatever I do, I ensure it is of great quality. When I say I will do something, I do it.

I sincerely thank this wonderful couple for the great tutelage.

Ayo Odusolu (An Adaptable, Versatile & Creative Professional in Business Development, Media & Training)

Pastor Bisi Adewale – I am an international Conference Speaker on Marriage, Parenting and Family Life. I am also the author of best-selling books and the president of Family Booster Ministries International and College of Marital Success (CMS), host of Family Booster Moments on TV, watched in many countries across the globe.

I started reading SuccessDigest when I was on campus.

A friend of mine dropped a copy on my table and forgot to pick it when he left. I just took a glance through it and I got hooked.

That my friend became my monthly supplier of the magazine since I didn’t have money to buy mine. He always got me a copy when a new edition came out. How grateful I am to this great friend! Unfortunately, though, he wasn’t reading them. He would buy it and get it across to me without opening it. What a loss!

The magazine started the flame of fire of entrepreneurship in me. I became more focused on what I could do for myself right there on campus.

I got a camera and became a photographer. As a result, I never went home to my parents to ask for money till my graduation. I had become self-sufficient! The money I was making was not much. But it was enough to meet my needs on campus.

Running a ministry now, without working as an accountant that I was trained as, and not running any Church, would have been difficult but for the knowledge of purpose, vision, thinking, and persistence that I had learnt from SuccessDigest.

I also learnt about book writing in one of the Book Writing and Magazine Production seminars organized by Success Attitude Development Centre (SADC). Today, I have authored more than 70 best-selling books in my niche, which is marriage, parenting, and family life.

Among my best-selling books are the extremely popular books: Fight for That Marriage; How to Win Your Husband’s Love and Attention; and 32 Ways To Know True Love; among others. These books are being sold on, (in Nigeria); and online at

I will forever be grateful to GOD and the Publisher of SuccessDigest who graciously, wrote the foreword to one of my books titled 22 Pillars of Success, and has been a mentor ever since.

Pastor Bisi Adewale

Dennis Isong – I remembered back in 2006 when I started nursing the idea of making money through the internet. I saw many adverts on the internet that made me believe that within one month of starting internet business I would become a millionaire. I had already started budgeting how I would spend and invest the money. I will buy a mansion in Lekki, invest in stocks, buy one of the best cars, go to holidays any time any day, and marry the best woman in the world. Apparently, I was wrongly informed and I learnt the lesson the hard way.

Let me tell you how it all began. My father came back from work with a SuccessDigest Extra newspaper and in the paper I saw an advert “How to make money on the internet”.

It was actually a seminar that was held the previous month. I was not happy with myself because the seminar was a 5-day training which was FREE.

As I flipped to the next page I discovered that there will be another edition of the seminar the next month. I was so excited because the seminar’s topic I saw then was called “Demystifying the Internet II 2007”. So many mouth-watering, breath-taking and eye-popping headlines that made me not to sleep for days. After I saw the advert, I started thanking God for my miracle was already here.

But there was a challenge: there was no money to attend the seminar. I had to start thinking of how I could generate this money. For me, if I missed the seminar I will not have forgiven myself. I kept reminding myself of that fact. So, what could I do to get the money?

I decided to sell the idea to my friends and I was able to raise money for this seminar without begging or borrowing money from anybody. I simply used a method I called “create money from thin air – Dennis Isong’s version”. I told my friend, Onyeka, that there was a seminar I will like us to attend but I knew he would not leave his shop to attend any seminar as an Igbo guy.

I was able to sell the seminar to him in a way that he could not say “No”. But the problem was “leaving his shop,” which was why I went to meet him. I told him to bring half (N1500) of the money while I brought the other half (N1500) so I could attend the seminar on our behalf. I promised him that after the training I would teach him everything I learnt. He agreed. I was able to get N1500 from him. I also used the same idea on another of my friend, Matthew, and it worked. I gathered N3000 to attend the seminar.

It was after the 5 days seminar that I got a direction. Today, that Dennis Isong is the creative Director and Lead Instructor of The Expert Host and The School of Web Consulting respectively. He is a graduate of Computer Science from Lagos State University. He is an alumni of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (UK) where he had trainings on Digital Marketing. Also an associate member of the Association of Accredited Small Business Consultants (US).

I have gathered over 9 years’ experience in GOOGLE ADWORDS, Social Media monitoring, SEO, Social Media marketing, planning viral campaigns & mobile/web programming. I also had worked as a Web Programmer with SADC, TechClick Limited, and as an IT and Digital Marketing Consultant for several organizations, including: Littoral University, Benin Republic; School of Eloquence; Enlighten Media; Rely Health Limited; Transafty; and several others. I have also handled some states and federal government projects.

The story is so long. But this is the summary. And it might not have been possible if God had not led me to my destiny helper and mentor, Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase.

Dennis Isong,

Kehinde Olagbenjo  – Knowing and meeting Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase is one of the best experiences I will never forget in my life. Due to my quest for knowledge for success in business, I came across SuccessDigest magazine many years ago and fell in love with the magazine.

As a writer and business coach, I got vital information from the magazine and one of the information then was on stock market. It was a column I did not miss and through it I made a whole lot of money from buying and selling shares. I also helped many people to make money through shares.

One of the testimonies I will never forget was in 2007 when I organized a seminar on buying and selling shares through the information I got from SuccessDigest.

 One of the participants came to me after the seminar telling me of the shares he bought years ago. I took him to my stock broker and I discovered that the man’s shares were worth over N6m. But he was living in poverty because he never knew he had such money and that seminar changed his life.

Another encounter with Dr. Ojeagbase was when I attended a seminar on How to Write and Publish a Book in 2007 where the likes of Rev. Sam Adeyemi, Praise George and Pastor Olumide Emmanuel were there live to speak on the topic.

That seminar led me to write my first book of which I sold 1000 copies in two weeks. Till date, I have 3 books in total and I have published a business magazine with over 15,000 copies in print distributed. I have organized several seminars that have changed lives positively.

I have had the privilege to meet with Dr. Ojeagbase on several occasions where he gave me quality advice on how to succeed in what I do. He is one of the mentors that have great influence on me and today I have other businesses doing great.

I was the recipient of the 2012 Nigerian Entrepreneurship Recognition Awards as the Most Outstanding Website Designer of the year for one of my online businesses. And I also won the 2012 SDEA (SuccessDigest Enterprise Awards) Young Entrepreneur of the Year.

Lastly, I can say confidently that Dr. Ojeagbase and SADC family are part of my success story and I pray that God will continue to bless and honor them.

Kehinde Olagbenjo,

Founder /President, The Land Is Green

Africa Foundation

My name is Ayo Arowolo. I am a financial journalist with over 28 years of practice in leading media houses in Nigeria such as The Concord Group; The News Group; The Guardian Group; THISDAY Group; Financial Standard Group

Though I had known Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase for 14 of those years, my real mentoring relationship with him started in 2010 when I started attending his Information Marketing Workshops

Up till that time, it never occurred to me that I could turn my writings into streams of income. Those workshops and seminars got my attention and I was determined to explore it to the fullest.

This was how I started. We were given a challenge in one of the information marketing classes to create income from the knowledge we were exposed to. I got to work immediately and within three weeks, I was able to generate over N1m from the thin air!  I generated the cash with practically nothing other than my laptop and internet connection.

I got the cash prize of N50,000 for being the overall best student in the class with the highest income generation. In another strategy he personally taught me; I created another information product that fetched me over N2m in one weekend. For me, given those two experiences, there was no going back.

I have stretched my experiences with SADC further by travelling to the United States of America and London a number of times to further hone my skills in information marketing. Today I am a consultant to a few top individuals in the country working with them to help create cash from their passions.

I am personally grateful to Dr. Ojeagbase for the particular interest he and his wife, Pastor (Mrs.) Esther Ojeagbase have shown in me since our path crossed. There has been nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING; he has kept away from me as long as he believed they would enhance my career.

I cannot thank him enough. He is a mentor with a genuine heart to impart knowledge in his protégés. He is rare brand in that wise.

Ayo Arowolo

Financial Journalist/Information Publishing Consultant

Author: The Millionaire Capsules, Fire Your Share Analysts, Wealth in His Presence.

Toyin Omotosho – An Ode to the Man Who Saved Me From Struggle and Poverty.

There is a wise and gentle man of igbo descent

I heard he could also speak Yoruba fluently like an Ibadan man

He saved me and thousands of Nigerians from poverty and struggle

You can ask Hon. Akin Alabi

You can ask Ronald Nzimora

You can ask Patrick Ogidi

You can ask Fisayo Akinlolu

You can ask Efe Imiren

And thousands of other Nigerians whose lives were transformed because of him.

They will all tell you about this wonderful man.

He invested his time and energy to import and share helpful knowledge.

Knowledge about succeeding in business

Knowledge about investing

Knowledge about using the internet for good purposes.

The knowledge he shared opened my eyes to the world of opportunities outside the norm.

His honesty shined through his writing to pierce our souls and made us believe in ourselves.

His name is Dr. Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase

And he is the mentor of mentors

People like Hon. Akin Alabi and Ronald Nzimora were privileged to be close to him and learn at his feet.

I wasn’t that privileged

The only time I met him was at a seminar in 2010.

I mainly learnt from him from afar.

Through his magazine (SuccessDigest), blog, books and audio cds.

And that has benefited me so much.

If you see this wonderful man anywhere, please thank him on behalf of us all.

We need more Nigerians like him.

Toyin Omotosho.

PS: I know an ode is suposed to be a song. Add rhythm to this one and be fine.

Paul Oghoghorie – It is with excitement that I write you on this phenomenal achievement in my business career as another feather was added to my cap in September, when the Extraordinary Peoples Award in USA recognized my business prowess and awarded me the prestigious Business Icon of The Year award.

This has automatically transformed me into being a proud American Award Winning Entrepreneur. It’s a major achievement that I’m grateful to God for. Whenever I think of where I am as a business person, I still vividly remember the good old days at Success Attitude Development Centre.

That was the only business school that gave me the energy to venture into business so that I could successfully move from active Information Marketing to Entertainment and Digital Marketing.

By the grace of God, my platform, the Top Naija Music Company, is growing in leaps and bounds, day in day out. We have three platforms fully running now under the company which are, and which is in its 3rd edition already.

The digital arm is also growing. All thanks to God Almighty and to you for giving me a direction.

We may not be discussing for a while now, but am proud to tell you that every day by day, I work hard to build a brand that will have a great impact in the world; and Top Naija Music is that brand. So help me God.

Thanks for your time Daddy.

Yours sincerely,

Paul Oghoghorie

Oluwatayo Olasunkanmi Israel – I got to hear of the training at SADC on Twitter after signing up for Ronald Nzimora’s book. I know that Dr. Ojeagbase is the father of Internet Business in Nigeria so I wouldn’t miss his training for any reason.

I came from Iyana-Ipaja since yesterday and slept in a not so comfortable place just to be at the training.

It blows my mind to know that possibilities exist on phones and laptops. There are many things one can do selling your brain, i.e., what you know to gain financial independence.

Attending this training has given me the opportunity to be a part of the huge programme coming up on SADC platform.

It is a huge one for me because, the last person I know that did that kind of thing with them got over 4 million naira in a month. That’s the kind of record I intend to break.

Beyond that, the impact of SADC/SuccessDigest is just profound and resounding. I know that there are many more things to come on this platform and I wish that you, reading this, be a part of it. There is an army that is coming and you don’t want to miss out.

You don’t need to complain anymore, once you have a smart phone, it’s enough to get you to the level of financial independence you deserve.

I thank the SuccessDigest team for this programme that I attended. I have started doing upsell already and I am planning for my advert run because I want to join the Ojeagbase Super Affiliate Programme as soon as it resumes. I want to really do it. I only need to run ads, everything else is done for me.

With the knowledge I acquired from this training today – Ronald and Sanmi’s session, I am going to make big money.

Oluwatayo Olasunkanmi Israel, Iyana-Ipaja.

The name Appah Amaebi will immediately ring a bell, especially if you are an ardent reader of SuccessDigest. He is known as the Most Sought After Digital Marketing Coach, who is passionate about coaching Nigerians and other Africans on how they can start their own Information or Internet Marketing business through his academy and from the comfort of their homes.

I will like to thank God for making Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase and his wife, Pst. Mrs. Esther Ojeagbase to establish a platform like Success Attitude Development Center, owners of SuccessDigest newspaper that has continued too show light & lifeline to youths, retirees, stay at home mums and people that society never thought they will ever do well in life.

I, Appah Amaebi, am a mentee of Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase and a product of Demystifying the Internet and Information Marketing Business Workshop where I learnt how to make money on Information and Internet Marketing Business.

Today, I thank God for having a thriving Information Marketing business and even a consulting firm serving clients in the UK from Nigeria.

Having been empowered by Success Attitude Development Center, I want to contribute to empower Nigerians and Africans to replicate the same success despite the economic crunch; thereby raising Information Marketing business moguls like they do in Silicon Valley.

Appah Amaebi


Chaplain Taiwo Balogun – Chaplain Taiwo Balogun – GOD has been using you through SADC to impact and empower humanity in which I am one of those that benefited abundantly from your empowerment programmes. You empowered and mentored me through life.

I want to use this opportunity to thank God for your life, family and SADC.

You are a father to me and many of us and I still cannot recover from what God has used you to do in my life. You empowered and mentored me through life alongside Forex.

God used you also to discover the writing talent in me. I never knew I could write but I cannot forget the day you called me to be writing article for SuccessDigest Extra. Today, I write almost every day.

My prayer is – as you are working toward the New SADC, may the Lord fulfill 1 Peter 5:10 in your life, in Jesus name. Amen.

Yours sincerely,

Chaplain Taiwo Balogun

Barrister Tomi Vincent – Success Digest is not just a print but an Angel of blessings designed to bless me especially. I learned so much from Dr. Ojeagbase through his writings on Success Digest. Although I can’t claim to have used all I learned, I can boldly say the little I used catapulted me forward financially.

My interest in Success digest started in 1995 when I came across a small advert in Vanguard newspaper stating the intention of the advertiser to start a newspaper aimed at empowering Nigerians and helping them achieve success.

That news gave me so much joy that I had to quickly respond to the advert by sending a message to the Post Office Box stated in it. And to my surprise, I got a reply some days after from a man who would become my life coach, mentor, and friend, Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny (formerly Obazu-) Ojeagbase; the founder, together with his wife, Pastor (Mrs.) Esther Ojeagbase, of Success Attitude Development Centre (SADC).

I remember clearly the 5 days value-packed Boot Camp on Information Products I attended at SADC.
The knowledge I gained from that program joined with the prior knowledge from reading success Digest publications empowered me to start writing my own information manuals, which then became books.

Till date, the information manuals and books generate sizeable residual income and have attained me some positions of honor and prominence in society.

Amidst all I learned from Dr. Ojeagbase, the power of focus is the ultimate for me. It helped shape a lot about me and my success journey.

I remember back then being loaded with so many ideas and sharing my ideas with him whenever the opportunity availed itself. He would listen attentively to me, never for once condemning the “crazy” ideas. His only consistent advice would be “Tomi, build a solid platform first and you can do all those things later”.

It took a while, but, I made a choice to run by that advice by building a brand as a lawyer who specializes in legal affairs of FAITH-BASED AND NON FOR PROFIT ORGANIZATIONS (FBOs & NFPOs). The decision to build that platform has literally made a huge difference to my legal practice, as well as my financial and personal success. And, like he rightly pointed out, I’m able to attend to other things with ease, riding on the platform of my renowned expertise.

My only regret so far is if only I could do more with much of the knowledge I had the privilege of acquiring.

SuccessDigest and Success Attitude Development Centre have made a huge impact first, on me personally and, later, on my wife who I introduced to the magazine after our marriage.

Indeed, SADC woke a lot of sleeping giants in Nigeria. And even beyond!

Barrister Tomi Vincent.

My name is Oluwakemi Yunus. I was born into a poor family about 40 years ago.

All my young life, I lived in a room apartment with my parents and siblings. I’m the first child and male of the family.

As I was about to finish secondary school, my mum, who had separated from my dad when I was 12, impressed it on me that I should be a mechanic as that was the only way I could make a headway in life.

So, while I was sitting for my WASCE, I saw no reason why I should read since I would become a mechanic after school.

Shortly after my exam, I met some young men who convinced me I was brilliant enough to go to higher institution. I agreed with them and sat for another exam which I passed.

I then sponsored myself to a college of education because that was where I could afford. After my college, I worked for a few years before I sponsored myself to the University of Lagos.

After I finished my university education, all efforts to get job proved abortive. I, therefore, decided to go for my masters all in English Language. All through my education, I was teaching in tutorial centres to keep myself in school and put body and soul together.

I need to tell you that I lived my life like a leaf on a river during this time. I submitted myself to life to take me anywhere. I had no mind of my own.

After my masters degree and still there was no job, I thought, since I had been teaching all along, a period of about 9 years, I should start my own school. I rented an abandoned, uncompleted flat and started my sojourn into business in 2002.

Something dramatic happened in December of that year that changed my entire life. My computer operator came to check my computer and forgot a copy of SuccessDigest, December 2002, edition.

Then, SuccessDigest was in gloss cover and monthly edition. I had never seen any magazine like that in my whole life and I read every page of the magazine. I realized immediately why I had been struggling all my life.

Since then, I never missed any edition of the monthly magazine. I started attending the seminar and training organized by SADC. I attended 8 different trainings within three years and this led me to other wonderful trainings and ideas.

The book bonus in the magazine and the story of success of fellow Nigerians, who had an equally difficult background like mine, is a source of great inspiration to me.

I came in contact with SD late December 2002; by April 2003, I bought the first land for my school and completed the building within 6 months. It was the fastest construction in that town.

Today, the leadership skills I learnt from the SD magazine and training give me so much edge that my colleagues listen attentively when I talk. I am at present the Chairman of National Association of Proprietors of Private Schools, Ifo Local Government chapter. The youngest proprietor to ever attain that position. Most of the members I lead had started running their schools since I was in secondary school!

I have a school with government approval and WAEC and NECO approved recognition; I have two houses and the foundation for my second school will be laid before the end of the year by special grace of God.

If it were possible, I would ‘worship’ Dr. Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase. But, as he says always, let all glory go to almighty God. Thank you so very much SuccessDigest for bringing out the best in me.

Gbolagade Adetunji L – I would like to first of all thank you, Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase, for the wonderful job you are doing in our lives as Nigerians. Only God will compensate you and your NGO, Success Attitude Development Centre, for your great work.

Here is the birth of another protégé of yours!

My name is Gbolagade Adetunji Lukman. I have been reading SuccessDigest since I finished secondary school in 2002. My younger brother brought a copy of the magazine home and ever since, I knew that Internet Money Making is my direction.

I wasn’t too serious because I had some limitations in implementing some things i learnt and some opportunities that i invested in until recently. I took the bold step and attended the IMBW-9 in 2011.

I knew right there during the 5 day seminar that I would soon make it from Information marketing and internet business (I love Internet business so much). It wasn’t a surprise when barely few days after my graduation from IMBW-9, I had products advertised on our darling success digest. The advert was somehow successful and i made almost #40,000 from them.

But, there is one statement that our Daddy made during one of our classes in the IMBW-9 SEMINAR. He said, “if you know a way of making $1, you have already known how to make money. All that you needed to do to make $1000 is just to scale up the processes that you took in making the $1.”

That statement is exactly what brought the change to my fortune. I was already making like $50/month from and because it wasn’t giving me much money that I could live on,
I decided to let it go and search for a better opportunity.

I had left fiverr for almost a month before i came to the IMBW-9 and heard that statement from Daddy. Immediately, I felt a spirit telling me that Daddy is talking directly to me and what he meant is that I can make more money from fiverr.

Immediately after the program, i went back to fiverr and I started doing research on how to make money from it. I gathered a good number of materials (eBooks and videos) all on fiverr.

But, because of my studies (I was running my at the University of Ibadan), I couldn’t implement all that I learnt on fiverr. Immediately after my session break, I put up a new account on fiverr and started implementing all that I learnt with some personal touches.

To the Glory of God, I made $1,064 on my fiverr account of 28 days old. i have made my first $1000 online.

The good news is that, I have mastered the processes and as such, I am damn sure that I can repeat this process over and over again.

Since I was trained in information marketing, I was bold enough to organize a seminar on how I am making money on the internet through Believe me, I held my first ever seminar on Saturday 19th November, 2011 at Ibadan and I had 11 attendees.

I charged #5,000 per attendee and they were very grateful to me after the seminar for divulging the secret of making money from fiverr to them.

I felt happy not only because I now make good money from both online (through fiverr) and offline (through seminars) but, because of the feeling that I am touching lives with the knowledge I gained. My clients are the unemployed people.

I couldn’t have achieved all these feats if I had not come across SuccessDigest or attended IMBW-9 and gotten the inspirational statement from Daddy. God bless the day I came across SuccessDigest. God bless SADC. God bless Daddy.

Thanks for giving me hope and making my dream of becoming an Enterprenuer and never working for anyone come true. I am targeting an average income of at least #250,000 this month – $1,200 from ; #70,000 from seminar and, one-on-one training. I am almost there, currently on #220,000. Such is the beauty of Internet business and following God sent mentors like Daddy Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase.

Gbolagade Adetunji L.


SuccessDigest Has Been a Tremendous Blessing to Me! – P.C Orji

I came in contact with the magazine at a newsstand in 1995, and till date, I don’t miss a copy of the magazine. I still have most of them in my library, from 1995 till date. Until it became a digital magazine, when I travel either outside Lagos state or outside Nigeria, I make sure my people buy and keep my copies for me.

God called me into the ministry in 2005 precisely and I left my job as electrical engineer with my employer.

As a minister of the gospel, I’ve written about 20 books and I also train people on financial empowerment. These are things I have learnt from my over 15 years of reading SuccessDigest. Sometimes, I still go back to past copies of SuccessDigest to do research. I’m grateful to the publisher, Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase, and his team for the wonderful work they are doing.

Really, SADC/SuccessDigest is taking people away from idleness, making them their own bosses and employers of labor. It has created many millionaires and is still creating more.

P.C Orji

Now I Understand Personal Finance! – Pastor Aboki Duniya

I’ve been reading SuccessDigest for a long time. I don’t buy any paper except SuccessDigest. This is because I want to know how to make money on my own without depending on somebody. Reading SD alone wasn’t enough for me so I began to take action on what I read that’s why I am here to share my success story.

The paper has helped me a lot in understanding Personal Finance, i.e., how to manage money, how I’ve been wasting my money and the right attitude to money management. Now I know that, even if I am working and I receive a lot of money, if I don’t have the knowledge to manage it, I will only end up squandering it.

With SuccessDigest, I have learned how to turn N10,000 to millions. So, SD has increased my level of understanding concerning finance. My mentality has changed. And, what usually happens to a man when his mentality change is that every other thing will change too.

I am so grateful to SADC, Publishers of SuccessDigest.

Pastor Aboki Duniya

SuccessDigest Changed My Life – Adekoya Babatunde

I came into contact with SuccessDigest many years ago through one of my Aunts, Mrs. Osholonge who is a teacher. She gladly gave me volumes of the magazine and I went home and read them.

Then, I was really looking for how to change my life from the way I was living it, I needed materials to assist me in that regard and SuccessDigest has been really helpful. I have followed the magazine religiously and saved the editions in a way that, in the next fifty years, I can still refer to them. Even my grandchildren will still benefit from SuccessDigest because the ideas there are not just for today, they are timeless. And as the world is changing, I know the SD vision will go a long way.

I pay special attention to the Publisher’s page. It’s like having a one-on-one mentoring programme with Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase. I get direction on what to do per time and how to go about it. I also find myself counseling other people with the knowledge I have acquired there.

Adekoya Babatunde

SuccessDigest Made Me Self-Sufficient Even As A Student – Victor Mathias, Zaria

My coming in contact with SD is a long story that dates back to 1995. I used to buy newspaper from a vendor, that was how I noticed the magazine and I got interested. And that was the beginning of my journey into entrepreneurship.

SuccessDigest has helped me tremendously! Even before I thought of starting my own business, the ideas I found inside SD were empowering. It really helped in developing my entrepreneurship qualities. When I got admission into the university, I started a small business which I used to help myself through school.

So, I didn’t have to demand much from my parent right from 200 level up to graduation. SuccessDigest taught me how to generate income of my own, even my classmates and friends looked up to me. Now I’m an Author, Radio Host (Zaria) and Information Marketer.

I always look forward to the Publisher’s Viewpoint in every edition.  I also love to read the back page because there are always very wonderful articles on different areas of life. The Home Front column is also powerful.

I see the paper as a front-liner in changing the attitude of Nigerians. This is because one of the things I believe we need is entrepreneurial knowledge. I believe SuccessDigest is the major catalyst that will transform Nigeria to the way we want it to be.

I want to encourage the SuccessDigest team to continue with their good work and to keep adding value to Nigerians.

My advice to those reading this is that, no amount of money or time is too big when you go after information. Keep reading SuccessDigest. When you know more than the people around you, automatically you will become a leader.

Victor Mathias, Zaria.

Thank You SuccessDigest For Helping Me Become My Own Boss – Goodnews Loveday

I came in contact with SuccessDigest through somebody sitting close to me on a journey. I always love anything about success, so when I saw the title of the newspaper, SuccessDigest, I said to myself, what kind of paper is this. That was around year 2000. I borrowed it, skimmed through it, and from that time I have been buying it.

SuccessDigest has helped me a lot. It has helped in developing my reading habit and changing my thinking pattern.

Today, many young men think about where they will work and get money, but I don’t think about that. I think about what to create job opportunities by myself and be my own boss and employ people, not an employee. So from what I’ve learnt from SD, I do business right from inside my house and make money.

I read about Moringa from SD, and within a short time I started marketing it. I make a regular income from this without even going to any seminar. My mother treats a lot of sick people, so I just encourage them to use Moringa which they buy from me.

I read SuccessDigest from cover to cover because every column is important. The magazine has a huge impact on the reader. If there are 3 or4 people like the Publisher of SuccessDigest, Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase, in Nigeria, the country will be a better place.

I say this because this paper has done a lot in the lives of many Nigerians, especially youths who want to be independent. Today we see young boys collecting pay cheques for just doing very simple but legal things.

Everybody needs to read SuccessDigest. For those who are already reading it, I will advise them to find one or two things in the paper to implement. This is the only way they can make money from the knowledge acquired from magazine.

Goodnews Loveday, Porthacourt.

SuccessDigest Constantly Opens My Eyes To New Business Ideas – Grace Ezeogu

I have been reading SuccessDigest for a long time now. My Dad introduced me to the magazine may years ago and it has been a wonderful experience because of the so many valuable information I’ve been gleaning from it.

SuccessDigest has helped both in my existing business and in my search for new business ideas. When I want new business ideas I go through SD to get them.

I also get marketing strategies and tips on how one can survive the tough waters of entrepreneurship. I also learn by reading about people that started from the scratch and have become something today. So SD has really helped to develop my business and my personal life.

I always look forward to the Personal Finance column amongst others.

My word of advice for the reader is based on what the Bible says,” My people perish because of lack of knowledge”. SuccessDigest is providing the knowledge they need to succeed in life, they should not just read and keep it but implement it. That is the only way this knowledge will be effective in their lives.

Grace Ezeogu

Thank You For Providing The Information I Need To Run My Business – John Daniel

I came in contact with SuccessDigest about four years ago and I’ve been a regular reader for about four years now.

The magazine has been so helpful because I’m into production, and I need to acquire more knowledge. I produce insecticide and air-freshener but I still want to further improve on my business. I have learned so much about marketing, customer retention and personal finance from SuccessDigest.

I read all the pages because there is always something to learn in each column.

SuccessDigest magazine is having a great impact on the readers. I have a friend who is a Banker. He is also into Facebook marketing. I was the one who encouraged him to take this step by introducing him to SuccessDigest, and he did.  Now he’s into Internet Business and is making more money.

Sometime ago, I bought a CD from SADC which was advertised on SuccessDigest and gave another friend to explore and develop himself on internet. He did and he is a better person now. These are parts of the impact SuccessDigest is having in Nigeria.

John Daniel