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8 Selling Techniques to Overcome Obstacles

In achieving the Selling Techniques to Overcome Obstacles the Prospecting is a difficult task for many salespeople. Prospecting is the most difficult part of the sales process, according to 42% of sales reps. (a) What makes prospecting so challenging?

  • Ideal opportunities are hard to come by. According to studies, at least half of all prospects aren’t a good fit.
  • According to 61 percent of salespeople, closing deals is more difficult now than it was five years ago.
  • Getting in front of the proper prospects, according to 54% of sales reps, is difficult.
  • Almost 58 percent of salespeople never seek for referrals.

While selling does entail effort, it does not have to be a chore! The key is to break down the barriers that reduce the effectiveness of sales strategies.

1. Enhance company culture and leadership styles

Selling Techniques to Overcome Obstacles can make you to know cash pay is not the most significant aspect for salesmen. Company culture is the most important factor, followed by management effectiveness. If a company’s major goal is salary, it may build a barrier that attracts unproductive employees while hindering outstanding performers.

These issues can be solved by taking steps to improve business culture and working on management styles. Employees should be encouraged and rewarded in the workplace culture. Managers should be present and attentive, and mentor/coach/train people to motivate, inspire, and make them feel appreciated.

2. Examine the accounts

In selling techniques to overcome obstacles, making sales with outdated, inefficient methods of generating leads and closing sales is not a good idea. Top-down marketing, poorly researched cold outreach, focusing on a single decision-maker, and other unsuccessful tactics are all examples. Prospecting is an important aspect of sales, which means that buying choices may involve as many as ten people. Each job must be weighed and understood, as well as the client experience must be personalized through research and quality questions.

Prospects who have not made a purchase and clients who have gone dormant should be thoroughly examined to see if they are actually a good fit. Early identification of decision-makers and influencers also aids in the shortening of the sales cycle.

3. Create a referral network

The importance of reference networks for completing sales is underscored by the fact that 47% of top performers ask for referrals on a regular basis. (3) Peer-to-peer referrals are an effective marketing strategy. They establish trust with potential customers and serve as proof of the quality of a company’s product or service. They are even more successful in attracting customers than positive web reviews. As a result, every company’s sales force should concentrate on expanding and improving its referral networks.

Where can you find referral networks?

  • Online through social media groups, specific interest forums, or social listening, for example.
  • Networking events, speaking opportunities, and other proactive initiatives are examples of in-person relationships.
  • Internal customers, such as through other members of the sales team with whom you may have a mutual link, vendors/suppliers, and so on.
  • External clients who have made a purchase and can recommend another business, a place within the corporation, and so on.
  • Product launches, trade exhibitions, business expositions, and other similar events
  • Companies that provide add-on components or services that aren’t supplied, companies that supply products/services to the same niche market but aren’t rivals, and so on are examples of complementary products/service providers.
  • Competitors who provide identical products or services but are unable to meet specific demands or fill niches.

4. Concentrate on expanding your client base

Closing sales with existing customers takes a lot less time than closing sales with new customers. This makes it advantageous for businesses to focus on expanding accounts, gaining new business, and keeping customers for as long as feasible. For this task, the sales team should engage the help of the marketing department. They can communicate and provide systems to define various processes within the conversion framework if they work together. Some examples are:

  • Lead scoring techniques help salespeople better qualify and quantify leads.
  • Upsell training to increase the average sale price
  • After the sale, send automated trigger emails to follow up on inquiries, issues, extra goods, and so forth.


5. Develop the expertise of your sales associates

51% of top sales performers claim to be considered an expert in their profession. (4) Customers want to know they’re working with someone who knows everything there is to know about their company’s products and services. Sales reps are their first line of communication, thus the knowledge they demonstrate is crucial to their success.


Salespeople who display their expertise instill confidence in their organization’s ability to meet the customer’s needs and address their concerns.

8 Selling Techniques to Overcome Obstacles

6. Examine the Contact Methodology

Making contact that leads to sales requires persistence, techniques, and a compelling value proposition. Reaching out and replying quickly, as well as clearly expressing the high quality of the items or services in question, this overcome the challenge and helps to break down barriers and increase selling products.

  • Within the first four weeks, high-growth firms have 16 points of contact.
  • After one try to contact a prospect, 44 percent of salespeople lose up; after four attempts,
  • 92 percent of salespeople give up.
  • After the fifth point of contact, 50% of sales are made.
  • Following up with a lead within 5 minutes increases your chances of connecting with a prospect by 9 times.
  • Leads that are responded to within one hour or fewer are seven times more likely to result in meaningful conversations.

7. Be prepared for every conversation

Even if the conversation is expected to be regular in selling techniques to overcome obstacles, salespeople should be prepared for any circumstance. “Be prepared for the worse, but hope for the best,” as the saying goes.


  • Map out every objection, concern and question the prospect could have
  • From there, come up with persuasive yet valuable answers and responses to each
  • Leverage favorable facts, statistics, stories, studies and compelling testimonials to make the case
  • Meticulously document and organize information to ensure it is easily and quickly accessible if necessary

8. Keep Expectations in Check

Early in a relationship, the practice of controlling expectations begins. As a result, salespeople should see it as a dynamic process. They should make it a conscious effort to develop a healthy relationship that is mutually beneficial and promotes the relationship and discourse.

  • Listen carefully and make it a point to understand prospects. Take notes and save them electronically for future reference.
  • Consider the following: What does the prospect need? What have other customers in similar situations needed or requested? How were those needs met or issues resolved?
  • Anticipate needs questions and issues. Think about how the salesperson can meet their needs and respond to issues.
  • Review the customer relationship management (CRM) system or marketing automation tools to figure out what kind of content may spark their interest. Follow up with the prospect to provide that content

While prospecting comes with challenges, the process can become a strength rather than a weakness for businesses if handled effectively. By following these strategies, sales associates can rise to the occasion and significantly increase the number of sales they close.


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