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How To Make Money on Instagram With These 3 Strategies

How To Make Money on Instagram With These 3 Strategies

In less than seven years, Instagram has evolved into one of the best photo-sharing apps. Instagram has rapidly grown its user base to 700 million in the last two years. Instagram stories are one of the causes for this expansion. Instagram is really simple to use and navigate. You never believe that Instagram is a wonderful medium for increasing followers, engagement, traffic, revenue, and brand exposure.

With the diversity of the audience on Instagram, everyone has an opportunity to make money. If you want to make money on Instagram, then you need to build the foundation initially. Social media success is directly proportional to have a long list of followers. There are several ways to create such fantastic followers such as socializing, like and follow your niche account, asking people to follow you, running contests, running events, running giveaway contests, and so on. Also, follow and post on several hashtags.

The giveaway contests can be anything like it should encourage your followers to engage with you as well as it should initiate the audience to follow your Instagram account. Ask your followers to talk about your branding product or your Instagram posting, and so on. For this contest, you can fix some rules, such as ask their five friends to follow your account. Or ask them to use your hashtags in their posts. As with this, you can develop your Instagram account followers.

  • This article was created with the participation of Philip George from

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

In the above mentioned screenshot, you may find how you can announce a giveaway contest to your audience. Create an excellent level of binding between you and your audience through these events.

Let us move with the three strategies which will be used to make money on Instagram as well as the common mistakes that should be avoided by the influencer on Instagram.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

Strategy # 1 Influencer marketing

In 2021 Influencer marketing budgets increasing in a significant way. 17% of companies will spend more than half of their marketing budget on influencer marketing.

80% of marketers find influencer marketing is an effective way to improve their business. Especially, influencer marketing has been done successfully on Instagram when compared with other social media channels. In the following screenshot, you can analyze how Instagram plays a vital role in influencer marketing.


Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

Instagram influencers do pay anywhere between $75 and $3000 per post. Even if you are in the starting level of reach, as an influencer, you can get a lot of money for just a single Instagram post. If you want to earn money quickly and to become popular quickly, then you can select this Instagram Influencer Marketing.

Now you may think of how to start Instagram Influencer and to earn money. Here are some points for you.

  • If you are interested in any field to become an Instagram Influencer, then begin to post about that specific field continuously and regularly.
  • Research and find your right niche then analyze how they are posting content in that field.
  • Never do a similar post, which was your niche post every day. Show your individuality and uniqueness in your content post.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY


For example, if you are interested in doing DIY products, then show your originality and update that content in your Instagram post.

  • Once you find your niche, and then create your attractive Instagram profile, which will directly attract people’s attention. This is the starting point to increase your potential followers.
  • Connect with your followers on an emotional level and share your stories with them. Through these stories, you can engage them well.
  • Concentrate more on the Instagram uploaded image appealing. Your Insta feed can get a good number of visits when your pictures look attractive.
  • Never forget to choose the right hashtags. Hashtags play an important role in other Instagram users to find you. Instagram allows a maximum number of hashtags per post. Try to make use of them in the right way.
  • Always write the content with a small inspiration quote or with a little fun quote. It will develop a high engagement with your audience. Establish a better relationship with your followers and make a reply to the comments you have got from your audience. Always connect with your audience.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

Follow the above things to improve your followers organically. Once you have reached your growing state that your followers are above a thousand and have a proper engagement rate, start to outreach regarding influencer marketing.

Sometimes you can also send direct messages to brands that you are relevant to their product. You can also collaborate with other influencers in your field of interest.


In the following screenshot, you may see how the user influences the product to the public. Once if you sharing the eye point of view with the audience regarding the product you are going to influence, they will get eager to get that product. Likewise, you can start your influencer marketing through Instagram.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

Influencer marketing is the type of sponsored post that will help to improve your business. If you want to get sponsored posts in your interested field, then never forget to focus on your content and passion. I assure you the sponsors will follow you.

Once if you have a sponsored Instagram post in your specific field then:

  • Create a sponsored Instagram post it could be a photo or video
  • Include a branded hashtag and link to promote a brand
  • Share it with your audience
  • Get paid

The entire above conclusion could not be done within a day. Be patient and constant in your path to become Instagram Influencer. Make more money by becoming an Instagram Influencer.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

Strategy # 2 Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is a marketing strategy that signs up with a brand and after that, promoting its products to your Instagram followers. Once you sell the product or each sign-up takes place by the followers, then the company or brand paid you accordingly.

Believe it, there are dozens of affiliate marketing programs available. If you are familiar with the art and craft field, then choose the art and craft-related affiliate program. Always choose an affiliate program that will suit your followers. You may have a question like how to choose the affiliate program.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY


Simply, you can move with the Google search and sign up for an affiliate program that you may like. For example, Amazon has its affiliate program link. Also, Flipkart and Myntra have their affiliate program. So you can select an affiliate program based on your interest field and followers base.

After getting the affiliate program sign up, follow the below to grow in your affiliate marketing:

  • When promoting affiliate products, never forget to use affiliate links in your Instagram posts.
  • Use Instagram shoutouts
  • Use tags and hashtags

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

In the above screenshot, you can see how they are doing affiliate marketing via Instagram. They have shared the link in Bio. And ask the audience to tag with their friends who are all in need. Through this kind of sharing, you can get a good share of the product. And you can see all the above-mentioned hints are perfectly used in this screenshot, such as tagging, hashtags, affiliate links.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

Strategy # 3 Become an Entrepreneur

In the previously discussed strategies, you are indicating to sell other products on Instagram. But in this third strategy, you are insisted on selling your product as an entrepreneur. Here there are two possibilities to you that,

  • You can sell any product that you produce yourself or a product built by different suppliers.
  • You can also sell the dropshipping product. It is worth mentioning that an effective niche finder will help you conduct product research.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

In the above screenshot, you can see the entrepreneur they sell their own customized product on their Instagram. This is the first possibility that they are making on their own and sell it.

In the first possibility, you need to spend some capital amount to store some products. That is, it requires some storage place. But in the second possibility, it is not required. Since drop shipping is a business model that there is no need to store their product. Once you have committed to the order, then your supplier will ship your products from their warehouse directly to your client’s doorstep. In this case, it is enough to grow your follower’s database and make their influence to buy that product.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

To influence your product through Instagram, introduce your product by Instagram Stories highlights. The highlights of your profile create a great opportunity to invite new followers with your best content. And through your story highlights, it gives them a clear sense of understanding that what your business/service is all about. In the below screenshot, you may see the bright scheduled highlights make the audience that he has done his way as a scheduled one. And this is the first impact he has created on his Instagram profile. Attract your audience and followers in any way. Never stay as static and change your post as a dynamic one.

All the discussed things can be done without any investment. The proverb “reap what you sow” can be perfectly suited to the Instagram ad campaign. As an entrepreneur to harvest your investment, you can do an Instagram ad campaign. Even though Instagram is a very competitive marketplace for brands, Instagram ad campaigns bring difficult sales to easy. It gives more opportunities to business more than before.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

When you introduce an Instagram ad campaign, never forget to choose a proper audience list. So spend more time investigating your audience whether they are interested in your content or not. Finally, never forget to place your call to action in the Instagram ad campaign. Through this, you can predict how much your campaign plays among the audience as well as among your followers.

Now you may know the three strategies to make money on Instagram. You are all set to start growing your Instagram journey. Always be sure to keep your brand quality and establish all the other possibilities. And you are not at the end of the session. Let us discuss that common mistakes that should be avoided on Instagram as an Influencer.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

Common Influencer Mistakes to Avoid on Instagram

Irrelevant content at the wrong time. The budding influencers have made this kind of mistake in that they post irrelevant content at the wrong time as a post. Consistency of posting relevant content and posting at the right time is the crucial point to get the success rate. Make a proper schedule based on your content delivery. Do some relevant research on this which time suits your audience and which is not. Related to this analysis, try to give a scheduled post to your audience/followers. Once your scheduled time is confirmed with your audience, then maximize your engagement by posting relevant content during peak hours and get back from your followers.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

The lower level of engagement with your audience

The mistake that must be avoided by you is losing your participation with your audience. The engagement can be done by sending a reply to the audience’s comments. This is the secret behind your success. Since, Google tends to rank posts with higher engagement, higher than others based on the engagement. This will lead you to make proper engagement with the followers. There is no force to give a long set of replies to your audience’s comments. You can make it as easy as possible. This will show that you care about them, and you are giving your valuable time to your followers. Also, ask your followers to provide suggestions and provide comments on your post content. In case if you are traveling to the “Malaysia Trip,” then you can ask your followers to send comments like which place is the must-visit place in Malaysia.

Make money on Instagram with these 3 strategies | SEO WEB AGENCY

Wrapping up

As you are that much interested in Instagram Influencer marketing, you should know which pitfalls to avoid and which can be maintained. And that will lead to the right path to increase your followers as well as your opportunity. Implement soon and make money like your competitors who are on the right track.

Fazeela is a Digital Marketing Executive at Bright Bridge Infotech, and an attorney SEO company, and she enjoys learning about the Digital Marketing field. She specializes in guest blogging, blog publishing, and social media. She is an avid reader and loves writing impeccable content about digital marketing. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Engineering.


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