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4 Wrong Breakfast Habits That Will Age Your Skin Faster, What are they? Let’s take a look.

It is normal for your skin to change over time. Aging skin is a natural process that everyone goes through, just as changes occur throughout our entire body as we age.

While everyone experiences it, certain factors, such as not wearing sunscreen, high levels of stress, and poor dietary choices, can hasten the aging process.

We wanted to focus on the foods that could harm your skin, so we asked some expert dietitians about the worst breakfast eating habits that could prematurely age your skin.

So here they are…

4 Wrong Breakfast Habits That Will Age Your Skin Faster - Take note of them

Eating donuts or any sugary food in the morning

We all enjoy a good donut, muffin, or pancake in the morning, but “excess sugar can be wreaking havoc on your skin health,” says Lauren Manaker, MS, RDN, author of The First Time Mom’s Pregnancy Cookbook and Fueling Male Fertility.

Sugar consumption can cause the release of advanced glycation end products or AGEs, which are known to accelerate skin aging. So, while grabbing a donut every now and then is perfectly fine, it’s important to be aware that making it a habit can harm your skin’s health.

Consuming white bread toast

Another thing to keep in mind when it comes to a healthy breakfast is to avoid white bread toast whenever possible. “White grains are stripped of their nutrient-rich properties and are really just another version of sugar,” says Courtney D’Angelo, MS, RD, author at GoWellness, “and the high B-vitamin content is lost during the refinement process.”

Whole wheat bread is much less processed, so it retains its B-vitamins, which, according to D’Angelo, can “help reduce inflammation.”


Not adding veggies to your food

If your egg breakfast consists solely of bacon, egg, and potato, you may notice that your skin ages faster than your peers. Avoiding certain foods can help slow down the aging process of your skin, but there are also foods you can add to your diet to help you have healthy, glowing skin.

“Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, which can help support healthy skin,” says Manaker, “so adding berries to your oatmeal or a handful of spinach to your morning eggs can help you get your fill in a natural way.”

Adding sweeteners to your coffee

Last but not least, how you make your morning cup of coffee can influence how your skin ages over time. Whether you prefer a hot or iced cup of coffee, adding too much sweetener can be harmful to your skin.

“Sugar is pro-inflammatory, promotes an unhealthy microbiome, and can cause blood sugar spikes, all of which contribute to the aging process,” explains D’Angelo.


When it comes to making a healthy breakfast that will nourish your skin, it’s important to limit added sugars and include ingredients like fruits and vegetables. And don’t forget that staying hydrated is the most important skin-care habit.


Final note…

A healthy breakfast should be free of all mentioned. Doing this consistently keeps your look beautiful and youthful.

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