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Do You Have Sore Throat? Bitter Kola Could Be Your Best Plug And Here’s Why

Do You Have Sore Throat? Bitter Kola Could Be Your Best Plug And Here's Why

Bitter Kola is a highly sourced species and is called a “wonder plant” because every part of it such as the seeds, stem, and leaves has been used for medicinal purposes over decades.

Now that’s just one of its goodies! According to a study, it acts as an anti-bacteria, anti-virus, and provides protection against cancer among other diseases.

 Try Bitter Kola For Your Sore Throat

There are lots of health problems you can treat with bitter kola and Sore throat is one of them. Many people get a sore throat from time to time which can be quite discomforting and sickening.

However, you need not panic because bitter kola can fix it just before you know it.

To cure sore throat, chew two bitter kola seeds first thing in the morning before food for 5days.  It will help clear the sore throat and throat hoarseness.

Bitter kola clears the throat by boosting mucus production along the vocal tube lining, which helps to soften the dry throat.

Aside from sore throat below are other benefits or health conditions you can treat with bitter kola.


Among other health ailments Garcinia kola can cure, cough is the most common one (NCBI). Allowing cough to persist for too long is not healthy and thus should be treated immediately signs are noticed.

There are a number of local ways/methods you can use to treat cough especially the ones not caused by Pneumonia, lung cancer, Whooping cough, Heart failure, Asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), BP medications, bronchiectasis, Covid -19, etc. If you have got a cough, try the following home ready for cough and consult a specialist if symptoms persist.


Respiratory problem

Do you have mild lung issues? If your answer is yes then this aspect of the article is for you. Yes, you can fix respiratory issues with bitter kola. when you consume this plant in moderation, it aids in the strengthening and stabilization of lung tissue, as well as the maintenance of the respiratory tract.

Bitter Kola is used by traditional healers to treat chest colds. It also has a high antioxidant content, which is beneficial to a healthy body.

Chewing at least one bitter kola seed every two to three days can help keep your respiratory system in check.

Food Poison

Bitter kola is anti-poisonous in nature, being that it helps in the prevention of bacterial infection caused as a result of food poisoning.


The bark and seed of Garcinia kola when eaten together helps in the detoxification of the human system especially in cases of food poisoning.

It is recommendable to chew bitter kola immediately after eating contaminated food or suspected contaminated food.

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