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5 Diseases You Can Cure With Bitter Leaf Easily

Bitter leaf, which many people are unaware of, has the potential to cure at least a dozen diseases. It has been shown in studies to have anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that aid in the prevention of illnesses and diseases. In this article, we will be looking at 5 diseases or ailments you can cure with bitter leave.

5 Diseases You Can Cure With Bitter Leaf Easily

5 Diseases You Can Cure With Bitter Leaf Easily

1. Measles

Can bitter leaf cure measles? According to independent local research, bitter leaf or its extract may aid in the treatment of measles in children and adults. However, scientific research does not support the claim that “bitter leaf can be used to cure measles.” So far, research has shown that bitter leave is highly medicinal and effective in the treatment of some of the health conditions discussed here, but not measles.

2. Diabetes

Eating bitter leaf has a positive effect on diabetes. It’s thought to be a good consumable for adults and children living with diabetes. This thought is birth out of the fact that bitter leaf contains phytochemicals, vitamins, proteins, lipids, carbohydrates, ash, and other nutrients.

Research by the International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences shows that bitter leaf may help lower blood sugar levels.

To gain the benefit for this condition, drink one cup of bitter leaf water or juice every morning and evening/night before going to bed. Discontinue the moment you see improvement in your condition.

P.S. Speak to your doctor first about your intention of drinking vernonia amygdalina extracts and work with your doctor’s instructions.


3. High blood pressure

High blood pressure is a condition that threatens the wellness of your health. It stresses the arterial wall and makes the heart works harder than normal to pump blood. If left unmanaged, HBP can lead to several other ailments. Bitter leaf among a few other herbs can help restore high blood pressure readings to normal. According to a report by the Journal of Food Biochemistry, bitter leave has a positive effect on high blood pressure and may aid the treatment.


4. Ulcer

According to a study by NCBI, bitter leaf plants may cure or protect against stomach ulcers. Stomach ulcers, also known as gastric ulcers leave painful sores in the lining of your stomach. The feeling can be so discomforting but can be relieved with bitter leaf juice. Scientists believe the positive effect of this plant on stomach pain or ulcers is as a result of the antioxidants contained.


5. Infertility

Bitter leave contains a rich amount of vitamins and minerals that are beneficial to reproductive and general health at large. One study by PubMed shows that the plant can improve sperm quality which inturn rids off infertility. So, if you’re a couple trying to conceive, drink one cup of this plant solution mixed with scent leaf water for days or weeks depending on when you start seeing results.

In conclusion, bitter leave is a healthy plant to consume. The health benefits are incredible and many to be counted. It has high medicinal and food value and should be used often in meals. You can also chew it raw or juice it. Whichever way you choose to eat it, the benefit will still be gained.


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