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Why should you consider working online?

Why Should You Consider Working Online? Legitimate Online Jobs In Nigeria That Anyone Can Do From Home (2022) – Working from home has become very popular in Nigeria and around the world. Many people are either leaving their work to focus on online jobs or doing online jobs alongside their regular jobs to increase income. In this article, we will look at the top legit online jobs in Nigeria that anyone can do.

Why should you consider working online? Legitimate Online Jobs In Nigeria That Anyone Can Do From Home (2022)

Why should you consider working online?

The economy in Nigeria is very tight. Apart from the very few who are wealthy, the majority of the people are struggling to make ends meet. Once they take care of feeding, rents and fees,  they are broke till the next payday or till they make reasonable sales for business people. Online jobs can help you increase your income so you can live a better life. If you are earning N100k a month and you make additional N100k a month from online jobs, that is N200k. It will go a long way to help your finances.

There are many potentials with online jobs. Because there are so many people on the internet, more than anywhere else in the world, the opportunities available online is enormous.

Online jobs help you save better. If you work online jobs, you do not need to pay transport, buy office wears, eat lunch at work and all the expenses. You just stay in your house, turn on your computer and work.

There is little stress in online jobs compared to regular jobs. You don’t get to stuck up in traffic every day. You don’t have too much pressure like regular jobs and you are in control of your time. Also, you can wake up when you want and sleep when you want.

Top legit online jobs in Nigeria that anyone can do from home

Here are the top legitimate online jobs in Nigeria that anyone can do from home and make money.

1. Blogging Job

Blogging job is surely one of the best online jobs in Nigeria for anyone who wants to make money. It is all about sharing information on a website. Information could be about any topic.

You can run your own blog or blog for others. There are people and company looking for bloggers to manage their blog for them. Write contents and drive engagement on the content. You can search for those kinds of jobs on job boards like Indeed and others.

However, it is more lucrative to start your own blog, grow it and make money. Bloggers earn from ₦0 to over ₦30 million every month. Depending on your niche, number of viewers and other factors.


You can blog about different topics: food, politics, news, sports, fashion, business, personal finance and more.

It is cheap to start a blog. You will need about ₦4k for a domain name and about ₦4k for hosting every month. But it is cheaper to pay for hosting for a year. That will be about ₦27k. With ₦31k you can start a professional blog and be on your way to making serious money online.


2. Online bank sales agent job

This is a very lucrative online job in Nigeria with the capacity to make you up to ₦1 million every month! Big names such as Nigerian mega music producer, Don Jazzy is doing this Job. If you follow him on Twitter, you must have seen it.


As an online bank sales agent, your job is to recruit people to open an account. Once they do that and deposit money into their account, you earn.

V offers the most popular online bank sales agent job V is a banking app owned by one of Nigeria’s biggest Microfinance banks, VFD Microfinance Bank. They are regulated by the Central bank of Nigeria.

All you have to do is download the app and install on your phone. Click here to download for android phones or click here to download for iPhones. Once you download, install the app. Make sure that you use 4PEYE as your referral code. Fill and complete the registration form.

Once you are registered, the best thing to do is add money to the app. It is a banking app. They give you an account number, you can use it as your bank account if you wish. You can add a little amount such as ₦2000. ₦2000 makes your account an active account. It is not compulsory but recommended. On the app, click on more, then click on start your bank. It will open to a browser.


V banking app
Click on more then click on start your bank

Then fill in all the required information and submit. It may take up to 1 day for your account to be approved. Once approved, copy the referral code. Use it to refer your friends and people to the bank. The more people you refer the more money you make.

Here is a breakdown of how much you can make:

  • Refer 25 people with a combined balance of ₦500, 000, you will earn ₦30,000 a month
  • If you refer to up 75 people with a combined balance of ₦2 million, you will earn ₦50, 000 a month
  • Refer 100 people with a combined balance of ₦5 million, you will earn ₦100, 000 a month
  • If you refer 250 people with a combined balance of ₦7.5 million, you will earn ₦150, 000 a month
  • Refer 1000 people with a combined balance of ₦25 million, you will earn ₦500, 000 a month
  • If you can refer 2000 people with a combined balance of ₦100 million, you will earn ₦1 million a month

To start, download the app and install. Remember to use 4PEYE as your referral code. Also, it will be an added advantage if you use the app to make payments or as your online bank.


3. Web search evaluator job

Web search evaluators are people who help search engines like Google and Bing improve their search result to match what people are looking for.

If you have ever used Google, you will see how amazing it is. When you search for something, the result comes out to match what you are looking for. There are people behind it. Who help search engines show relevant results and help in overall performance. They are known as Web Search Evaluators or Internet Assessors.

Web search evaluators work online. It is a remote job. All you need is a computer and connection to the internet. You apply, take their test and pass the exams. Then you have a job. You are paid per hour.


4. Programming job (software developing job)

This is not just one of the highest paying online jobs in Nigeria, but it is the same in every country of the world. Programmers are in outrageous demand.


Programming or software development is about creating computer software. People that build digital goods. WhatsApp app is a software, Instagram is a software, MS word is a software.

If you are very good in this field, you will have lots of opportunities open to you. I have a friend who lives in Agege, Lagos, Nigeria. He is a talented software developer and works remotely online for companies in US and Europe. He stays in his house, turn on the generator and does his work. Earning over ₦600k a month with a nice car and family.

Remember that Mark Zuckerberg, the founder of Facebook and his peers are software developers. Most of them started their platform from their bedroom, all they had was the computer.

If you know little about software development, you can become a software developer in 5 months if you follow our guide.


5. Data entry job

Data entry job is one of the online jobs in Nigeria that anyone can do to make money. This job involves entering data (information) into a system. It is all about helping a company stay organised.

All you have to do is follow instructions given to you. Enter data that is required and you earn money. Data could be researching and entering names of companies, dates for events, address of companies, list of competitors and so on.

To succeed in data entry job, you should be very comfortable with the computer and you should be able to type fast. Most payments are per hour. You can make anywhere from less than $1 to over $30 per hour from data entry jobs. It all depends on who you are working for.

There are many platforms you can find data entry jobs. To learn more and to get a list of places you can find data entry jobs, read: Best data entry jobs to make money from home

This is one of the best online typing jobs in Nigeria.

6. Survey job

Survey job is all about answering questions online. That is all just. Just give honest answers to questions and at the end, you get paid!

You may wonder why someone will pay you to answer questions. Well, companies around the world rely on data to improve and grow their business. Data also involves public opinion and perception. To get these data and help improve their business, they create a survey. And to get people to take the surveys, they offer payment.

All you have to do is join as many survey websites as you can. Take part in surveys and get paid. When you join a Survey website, you should give honest answers when signing up. Because the number of surveys you get will depend on your profile.

Some surveys are targeted at particular regions, industries and other metrics. You may not qualify for all surveys, but you will definitely qualify for many.

If you are looking for online jobs in Nigeria that pay daily, this is it! As long as you meet the minimum balance, you get pay out.


7. Freelancing job

Freelancing job is all about working part time online for people or companies on a particular project. You are not really committed full time and can work with as many people or company as you can.

If you are skilled in any way, you can find freelancing jobs online and make money. Whatever skill you have, it could be: writing, graphic design, programming, video editing, social media skills, translation skills and more. People are looking for you on the internet.

All you have to do is join a freelancing platform, register your skills, bid for jobs and make money.

This is the best online jobs for students in Nigeria, because it gives the flexibility to practice their skills, make money and focus on studies.


8. Online teaching job

If you are good at a particular subject or skill, you can make money teaching that one thing you are good at online. The internet is full of people from all over the world who want to learn something new.

You can teach a language, how to play an instrument, how to cook a particular dish. There are many things you can teach: Business, science, web design, money skills, anything at all that is worth learning.

There are many ways that you can teach. You can create an online course. Where you outline everything and sell to people online. On average, each online course makes $8000. That is over ₦2 million. To learn how to do this, read: How to make money creating and selling online course

Another way you can teach online is to create your own website. Outline what you teach and why people should learn from you. Once you have students, you can bill them and teach them via live sessions on Skype.

Alternatively, you can sign up with a platform like Tuteria. They will connect you with students that you can teach online and offline.


9. Web Design Job

A lot of companies and individuals out here on the internet are looking for people to build and design websites for them and their business.

If you are skilled in coding and building websites, you should set up a website about your services with contact information and get customers.

You can use platform like Upwork and Fiverr to find customers


10. Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant provides administrative support to an individual or company remotely. It is like being an office assistant but this time; it is online, not in a regular office. The job of a virtual assistant may include: Writing emails, replying emails, typing, receiving calls and more. But all is done at the comfort of your home.

You get paid per hour, weekly or monthly depending on agreement. How much you will be paid depends on your profile and who you work for.

There are many websites you can search for Virtual Assistant jobs, they include: UpworkRemoteFreelancerLinkedIn and more.


11. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is all about referring products or services to people for a commission. It is as easy as that. You get online and refer products to people, if they but you get a commission. You are given a unique link to share, once people click on that link and buys, it can be traced to you.

Let’s do some math. Assuming you refer people to buy an iPhone worth ₦120k and your commission is 10%.  You get online and work very hard from Facebook, to Instagram, blogs and forum to promote this product. At the end of a month, 1000 people bought through your link.

That will be 120, 000 X 1000 = ₦120 million. Your commission which is 10% will be ₦12 million! If you negotiated a better deal of 20% commission that means ₦24 million for you in a month!

The key is to identify a product you want to promote then build a niche blog or social media channels around it. There are affiliate networks that you can find products to promote.


12. YouTube Video blogging job

YouTube video blogging job is one of the most lucrative online jobs in Nigeria! You can make a lot of money from this job if it goes viral. And you also get famous!

Video blogging is all about uploading videos on YouTube. The videos could be about anything: comedy skits, sports, tutorial, food, music, anything at all.

Grow your audience and make money from it with Google AdSense and affiliate marketing. YouTube Video bloggers make from ₦0 to ₦50 million every month.

All you have to do is create a YouTube channel. Shoot videos with your phone or camera, upload, share and make money.


13. Social media job

With so many people active on social media, it has open up a lot of opportunities. There are many jobs that you can do on social media and make money.

First, you can become a social media marketer and help companies find leads on social media. This is a very lucrative job all over the world.

You can alternatively work as a social media manager. As a social media manager, your job is to manage the company image on social media. You can find social media manager job at LinkedInUpworkIndeedJobberman and more.


14. Translator Job

If you speak and write many languages, you can become a translator online and make money. You will have opportunities to work for big brands around the world from your home.

As a translator, you will be required to translate documents, audios, videos and more.

There are many websites online that you can find translating job such as Gengo, Unbabel and others.

We will keep adding to and updating this list. Bookmark it and check back in the future. We recommend that you check out the list of companies that will pay you to work from home.

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