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How To Make Money On Telegram In Nigeria

How to make money on Telegram – Popular for its high-speed media sharing and unlimited channel participants, Telegram is one of the most used messaging and media-sharing social platforms. It currently has 700 million monthly active users, which means you can reach a lot of people and make money. In this post, you will learn how to make money on Telegram in 9 different ways.

How to make money on Telegram
How to make money on Telegram

How To Make Money On Telegram In Nigeria?

Telegram itself does not pay any user or give activity rewards. However, users can leverage their skills and use that to make money on Telegram. Whichever way you want to do that, you should start by creating a channel or group.

A Telegram channel is allowed to have an unlimited number of subscribers/members. You can also make money with Telegram bots. Now let’s take each method and explore their opportunities.

How to make money on Telegram

Before starting, you should note a few differences between a Telegram group and a channel.

Telegram Channel

This is where the business happens. A channel is where you can create and publish your content. Anyone you allow can join it and become a subscriber. However, a subscriber can’t see the list of other subscribers.

Unlike other social media platforms, Telegram channels are allowed to have an unlimited number of subscribers.

Telegram Group

This is where the conversation and interaction happen. The members of a Telegram group can message each other and view all other participants.

1. Selling your branded products and services

One of the easiest ways to make money on Telegram is by selling your products or services on a channel. You will also create a Telegram group where your potential and existing customers can interact openly.


After driving as many members to your channel, you can start displaying your products. Note that you have to offer them something before anyone can join in the first place.

Telegram is a social media platform, not an eCommerce or shopping site (although it can be for some). The top priority is fun and entertainment, and you may have to offer these.

Along the line, and after amassing a large audience, you can start promoting your products. You can do it multiple times per week, but make sure you create and share entertaining content as well. 70% can be content while 30% can be product/service promotion.

2. Running ads and promotions for other individuals/businesses

Here’s another common way through which people make money on Telegram. Note that you may need to have tens or hundreds of thousands of subscribers before a consistent flow of income can be possible.


In this method, you will approach other individuals and businesses and offer to advertise for them. If they like your offer and are comfortable with the number of subscribers you have, they will sign a deal with you.

It’s very straightforward. They will pay you a fixed amount to advertise for them for a particular period. It may be to buy a product, try a service, visit a website, download an app, attend an event, etc.

Either way, you will be paid upfront and you won’t be held accountable for results.

3. Affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing works like what we just mentioned above. You will also be advertising and promoting products that belong to other people/businesses. But there’s a little difference.


Unlike advertising, Affiliate marketing is based on your performance. In fact, you may not receive any upfront payment.

In affiliate marketing, you will be promoting the products and services of other businesses using a special link. This link will be specially created and assigned to you by the business you’re promoting.

Any customer/client that purchases through that link is believed to have come from you. As a result, you will receive a portion of the profits whenever anyone buys through that link.

4. Paid subscription and exclusive content

Here’s another brilliant way to make money on Telegram. This method can generate a lot of money for you, as long as you have more than a few audiences and premium content to offer.

Note that any normal human won’t pay money for what they can find for free elsewhere, so you have to provide exclusive content that is almost impossible or difficult to find elsewhere.

Common examples are old movies, trendy movies, TV series not available on Netflix, MOD and hacked apps and games, rare Windows files, popular books, and lots more.

5. Creating, growing and selling Telegram channels

Wait wait wait. Right now, you’re probably thinking that everyone can create a Telegram channel, so why will they be willing to buy one from you?

Well, this is social media. Just like Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, and the like, anyone can create an account, group, or channel. However, not everyone can grow them, at least not within a short while.

If you create 5 different Telegram channels and grow them to a huge size at intervals, you can turn them into a continuous stream of income.


6. Using Telegram to drive traffic to your blog

This method doesn’t need to be overemphasized. If you own a blog, you can frequently share the links on Telegram. If you have a channel of your own, you can share it there and your audience will engage.

If your channel doesn’t have many audiences or you have no channel at all, you can approach other channel admins and pay them to promote your links.

7. Offering Telegram consulting services

As of right now, you’re on this webpage, reading this article. Now imagine having all this information in your head, and knowing how and where to apply it. Wouldn’t that be great?

If you know how to grow Telegram channels or how to make money on Telegram in general, you can offer consulting services to people in need of it.

You can also organize online classes where you will coach other people on how to make money on Telegram.

How to make money with Telegram Bots

To put it in a way anyone will understand, we can say that Telegram bots are telegram accounts run by Artificial Intelligence, virtual machines and the like. It looks like a human but it’s actually programmed software.

8 . Using Telegram bots to reinforce your business

If you’re a business offering customer support through Telegram, you reduce your company’s employee budget a little bit by employing the use of Telegram bots.

These bots will act as autoresponders even when you’re not available in person. You can also use them for a whole lot of other things.

  • Provide real customer care
  • Teach other people
  • Share information with clients
  • Help perform searches
  • Remind users of some events
  • Integrate with other services
  • Schedule messages
  • Process orders and many more

9. Building Telegram bots and selling to other users

If you don’t have a business or any use for Telegram bots, but know people that need them, you can create and sell them to individuals and businesses.

If you know how to locate potential customers, you use this method to make good money on Telegram without having to create and grow a channel of your own.


Telegram has no Newsfeed and it doesn’t show ads to users. As a result, there’s no way it can reward users like Facebook or YouTube. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t make money on Telegram.

With a Telegram channel, you can make money on this messaging and media-sharing platform in 7 different ways. If you know how to create or use bots, then you can save and make money on Telegram in 2 different ways.

And that brings us to the end of our educational article. So far so good, we’ve discussed how you can make money on Telegram in 9 different ways. Go through the article once again and bookmark this webpage. See you at the top!

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