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4 benefits of drinking water before intimacy

4 benefits of drinking water before intimacysex is often seen as a physical act, but it’s also very important to hydrate before getting intimate. Here are four benefits of drinking water before sex.

Your body is mostly made up of water, so it’s no surprise that being properly hydrated is important for all aspects of your health.

But did you know that it’s also important to drink water before sex? Here are four benefits of drinking water before intimacy:

  • You’ll have more energy.
  • You’ll be more aroused.
  • Your body will be better able to lubricate itself.
  • You’ll feel less pain during sex.

4 benefits of drinking water before intimacy

In detail, below are the 4 benefits of drinking water before intimacy…

Increases sexual arousal

When you are sexually aroused, your blood flow increases and your body temperature rises. Drinking water before intimacy can help to increase these effects, making for a more pleasurable experience.

Your body is mostly made up of water, so it makes sense that drinking it would have an effect on your sexual arousal. When you drink water, it helps to raise your body temperature, which in turn can increase blood flow to your genitals. This increased blood flow is what leads to the feeling of sexual arousal.

Water can also help to keep you lubricated. When you are aroused, your body produces natural lubricants to help with intercourse. However, these lubricants can sometimes be insufficient. Drinking water before sex can help to supplement these lubricants and make for a more enjoyable experience.

Reduces anxiety

When you’re anxious, your body goes into “fight or flight” mode. This means that your heart rate and blood pressure increase, and your body releases stress hormones like cortisol. These physical changes can make it difficult to get or maintain an erection.

Drinking water before intimacy can help reduce anxiety by decreasing the physical response to stress. When you’re hydrated, your heart doesn’t have to work as hard to pump blood, and your blood vessels don’t constrict as much in response to stress hormones. This can help you stay calm and focused during intimacy.


Helps with vaginal dryness

Though you may not feel thirsty, your body needs water to function properly. Drinking water before intimacy can help with vaginal dryness, a common problem that can cause discomfort and pain during sex.

Your vagina is made up of mucous membranes, which are delicate tissues that need to be lubricated to prevent friction and irritation. When you’re dehydrated, these membranes can become dry and cracked, leading to discomfort during sex. Drinking water helps keep the mucous membranes in your vagina healthy and well-lubricated, making sex more comfortable and enjoyable.

In addition to helping with vaginal dryness, staying hydrated helps your body function at its best overall. When you’re properly hydrated, your heart works more efficiently, your muscles are better able to perform, and your brain is better able to focus. All of these benefits can lead to improved sexual performance and satisfaction.

Increases natural lubrication

Water is essential for overall health and wellness, and that includes sexual health. When it comes to intimacy, water can help increase natural lubrication, which can make sex more comfortable and enjoyable.


There are a few reasons why water can help with lubrication. First, water helps to keep the vaginal area clean and free of bacteria. This can help to prevent infection and irritation. Second, water can help to soften the skin in the vaginal area. This can make intercourse more comfortable.

It’s important to drink plenty of water throughout the day to stay hydrated. But if you’re looking to increase natural lubrication before sex, you may want to drink a glass of water about 30 minutes before getting intimate.

4 benefits of drinking water before intimacy

How much water to drink before intimacy

Before engaging in any type of sexual activity, it is important to make sure that you are properly hydrated. This means drinking plenty of water throughout the day, and especially before any sexual activity.


Water helps to keep your body healthy and functioning properly, and this includes your sexual organs. When you are properly hydrated, your body is able to better lubricate itself, which can lead to a more enjoyable experience for both you and your partner. In addition, staying hydrated will help you to avoid any unwanted discomfort during sex.

So how much water should you drink before intimacy? There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as everyone’s individual needs vary. However, a good rule of thumb is to drink at least 8 ounces of water an hour before sex. This will help to ensure that your body is properly hydrated and ready for action.


There are many benefits to drinking water before intimacy, including improved lubrication, increased sensation, and reduced pain. Drinking water can also help to reduce the risk of UTIs and other infections. If you’re looking for ways to improve your intimate experiences, drinking water is a great place to start. Thanks for reading!

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