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The Best Blog Niche Ideas For Making Money In 2023

Find out “The Best Blog Niche Ideas For Making Money In 2023” Discover the best blog niche ideas for making money this year. Plus, pros and cons on each topic to help determine what you should blog about.

The best blog niche ideas are the ones for which:

  • You enjoy creating content around the topic (Fulfillment)
  • There’s enough demand in the marketplace (Demand)
  • There are many paths to monetization (Profitability)

The Best Blog Niche Ideas For Making Money In 2023

In this regard, it’s best to think of blog niche ideas like college majors.

Majors such as finance and computer engineering make sense if earning a large salary is a priority.

Other majors — such as social work or teaching — can maximize fulfillment but come with lower salary potential.

Neither option is right or wrong. What’s important is knowing what YOU want upfront. Then, you can choose a niche that aligns with your goals.

You wouldn’t go into teaching if your priority were to earn a six-figure salary right out of college. Similarly, if your goal is to make money from your blog, you shouldn’t choose a niche that’s difficult to monetize.

It sounds obvious, but it’s a common mistake.

Whether you’re a new blogger or have been blogging for some time, it’s important to give serious thought to choosing a niche.


In this article, I’ll break down the three most important factors in choosing a niche:

  • Fulfillment
  • Demand
  • Profitability

Then, I’ll reveal eight good blog niche ideas for making money.

If you want to learn a step-by-step process for starting a profitable blog of your own, plus get a behind-the-scenes look at how I grew The Ways To Wealth into a successful blog, sign up for my 100% free, 14-lesson email course titled “How To Make Your First $1,000 Blogging.”

Choosing A Blog Niche

Blog Niche Ideas: Fulfillment

You’re probably familiar with the following advice:


“Follow your passion and success will follow.”

While this advice is often quoted, following it can be dangerous. The excellent and well-researched book So Good They Can’t Ignore You by Cal Newport shows us that:

“Passion comes after you put in the hard work to become excellent at something valuable, not before. In other words, what you do for a living is much less important than how you do it.”

Newport continues…

“If you want to love what you do, abandon the passion mindset (“what can the world offer me?”) and instead adopt the craftsman mindset (“what can I offer the world?”)”

Let’s start there:

“What can you create that offers the greatest value to the world?”

It’s this mindset that maximizes your path towards fulfillment. As such, it gives your blog the greatest chance of success.


As an example, The Ways To Wealth is a personal finance blog that teaches people better ways to make and save money.

There are a lot of things I’m passionate about — finance, sports, fitness and family, to name a few. Yet, as a CFP® with 10 years of experience in financial services, it was pretty clear where I could provide the most value.

In my case, I happened to have professional experience and expertise in a good blogging niche (personal finance). However, experience and expertise aren’t necessarily a requirement.

My favorite finance blog, The Simple Dollar, started when its founder Trent Hamm was tens of thousands of dollars in debt.

Back then, Trent was far from an expert. Instead, he wrote about his journey to becoming debt free, which resonated with readers.

That’s the great thing about blogging: sometimes, the greatest value you can provide is sharing your journey of solving your biggest problem.

Blog Niche Ideas: Demand

What’s smart about choosing a niche where you’re maximizing for value creation is that you don’t need to think as hard about demand.


Because value creation is all about helping people.


And whatever you create that offers the greatest value to the greatest number of people maximizes demand by definition.

As someone who has been blogging since 2009, I’ve seen many blogs in profitable niches come and go.

One common trait successful blogs share is that they help a lot of people solve problems.

Yes, it sounds simple.

But solving problems is how you create value.

And the more people you can help solve problems, the better your chances of success will be.

Blog Niche Ideas: Profitability

To summarize, the best blog niche ideas are the ones where you can offer the greatest value to the world, by helping as many people as possible solve problems.

Next, you have to find out if your blog niche idea is profitable.

This is actually quite easy.

You only need to ask yourself the following question: are other bloggers making money in the niche?

In blogging, competition is a good thing.

There are thousands of personal finance blogs.

There are thousands of food blogs.

Why so many?

Because it makes sense for their owners to continue putting time, energy and investment into them — that means they’re making money!

It’s actually easier to make money in bigger niches because brands have recognized the power blogs have.

As such, there are more opportunities to earn with:

  • Affiliate marketing
  • Sponsored content
  • Advertising

To summarize, the two most important questions to ask when choosing your blog niche are:

  • What can you create that offers the greatest value to the world?
  • Are other bloggers making money in that niche?

The Pros And Cons Of 8 Popular Blog Niche Ideas

The goal of this blog is to help people find better ways to make and save money. As such, I’ll be focusing on eight proven, profitable blog niche ideas.

Each already passes the test on whether they’re good for making money.

You’ll likely need to narrow down within each of these niches. For example, I wouldn’t start a general business and marketing blog. I’d narrow down and start a business and marketing blog within specific sub-niche, such as dentists or independent insurance agents.

#1. Business And Marketing

There’s a proverb that says, “in the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king.”

In other words, when no one has any clue what to do, having even a slight information advantage is all it takes to rise to the top.

That’s an important concept to keep in mind when entering one of the most competitive niches: business and marketing.

Say you want to start a blog about making money online. If you do, you’ll be competing with some of the sharpest marketers in the world.

Now, say you want to start a blog about internet marketing for freight brokers (or any other hard-working, big, profitable, blue-collar industry which has money to spend but is not known for its marketing acumen).

Here, you can be a one-eyed man in the land of the blind.

And that’s exactly what you want.


  • Can sell high-priced information products, including consulting
  • You’ll sharpen your own business and marketing skills


  • It’s a crowded field where you’re competing with some high-level marketers

An example of a profitable business and marketing blogger is…

#2. DIY And Crafts

Sewing, arts, crafts, DIY, etc… these are HUGE niches on Pinterest.

And since it’s easier to drive traffic on Pinterest for a new site, compared to Google, it’s possible to build a successful arts and craft blog quickly.


  • Big potential in SEO and social media, especially with Pinterest
  • Can sell physical products with a Shopify or Etsy store
  • Great visual niche with a lot of potential on YouTube


  • Harder to sell high-priced products

An example of a profitable craft blogger is…

#3. Food

Food bloggers make most of their money from advertising. That means generating a lot of page views before your blog becomes successful.

This can be done somewhat quickly with a good Pinterest strategy. But there’s a good amount of competition in popular niches like paleo, keto and vegan.

If I was going to get into this niche, I’d do a lot of research upfront using Google Trends.

My goal would be to find a trend that’s starting to gain traction. For example, it would have been a great move to start a paleo blog around 2009.

Best Blog Niche Ideas Image


  • Very high demand in both SEO and social media
  • A lot of brands in the space, which allows for sponsored posts
  • Trends move fast, which can create opportunity if you’re quick to react


  • It can be a labor of love to create every new recipe (photographs, testing, content writing, etc.)
  • Limited ability to sell products, as most people just want free recipes

An example of a profitable food blogger is…

#4. Fashion

This is a very visual niche.

Which is good, because social media is getting more and more visual (see: Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube).

Display ads, sponsored content, and affiliate marketing are the most common monetization strategies.


  • Can make good money through affiliate programs selling clothing and accessories
  • A lot of opportunities on visual and less competitive (compared to Google) social networks such as Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube


  • Your brand will be visually based around you
  • Not ideal for selling high-priced items

An example of a profitable fashion blogger is…

#5. Personal Finance And Investing

My favorite niche on the list!

There’s a lot of demand on Pinterest for topics about frugal living and saving money. As such, you can build traffic rather fast on the site, while concurrently developing an SEO strategy.

The best-earning finance blogs focus on making money, as this is where you can sell higher-priced info products.


  • Can pivot into the making money niche once a large readership is built
  • High-demand for information


  • Personal finance can be very seasonal, with interest peaking in November through February
  • It’s a competitive space in SEO, with many larger publishing companies fighting for traffic

#6. Health And Fitness

The biggest benefit of the health and fitness niche is that the audience is hungry for information (pun very intended).

People want answers to their problems, and they want them now.

This is a great niche for a site like Pinterest, where it’s easier to build traffic for new blogs.

Most health and fitness blogs start out making money with affiliate programs.

The big earners have their own info product that solves their audience’s specific needs.


  • Can make money in a lot of different ways, from affiliate revenue to high-priced products


  • Can be very competitive
  • Very seasonal (will peak in January)

An example of a profitable health and fitness blogger is…

#7. Lifestyle Or Multi-Niche

It’s easier to start a blog based on a niche. But, a trend not to ignore is the dozens of successful multi-niche blogs taking the blogosphere by storm.

On the surface, these bloggers get to form a content strategy around whatever interests them.

But a deeper dive shows that successful multi-niche blogs are very calculated in their content strategy, often focusing on producing content that has the ability to drive serious traffic via Pinterest.

More so, successful multi-niche blogs focus on solving the problems of a specific demographic. For example, a millennial lifestyle blog focuses on finance, travel, career, and relationships. Mom blogs focus on parenting, home, feeding their family, etc.


  • You can switch between different topics based on the latest trends
  • You can keep things interesting if you get bored with topics
  • More monetization opportunities


  • It can be harder to rank on Google if your content is broad rather than deep
  • Your audience may all have different problems they’re looking to solve, making it harder to create a content strategy

An example of a profitable multi-niche blogger is…

#8. Travel

The best travel blogs:

  • Have a specific audience they build content for
  • Inspire others to do interesting things
  • Understand how to drive traffic from social media and SEO

In other words, what they’re good at should be nothing surprising. Social media, SEO, creating content around a specific demographic… this is what makes any blog successful.


  • Can create content linked to other related niches, such as making money while traveling and travel hacking
  • Good potential for making money through credit card referrals
  • It’s a lot of fun


  • Many travel bloggers’ content strategy revolves around them traveling. Thus, you have to be willing and able to travel a lot, in both the short and long-term
  • Not much opportunity for high-priced information products, as most people’s budgets go towards travel expenses
  • Has higher upfront cost if you were not planning on traveling

An example of a profitable travel blog is…

Summary: Best Blog Niche Ideas

The Ways To Wealth was launched on a whim back in 2016. I didn’t have grand plans, and I would have laughed if you’d told me that I’d leave my job to blog full-time just a year later.

Heck, for the first six months of this blog, the only thing I posted was reading lists from famous investors. I had little to no strategy. Honestly, I thought earning a few hundred dollars a month would be amazing.

But, I kept working and learning, and here we are.

If you’re considering starting a blog and have a good niche in mind, the most important thing I can tell you is to start. You won’t know everything there is to know today, but when it comes to blogging, you learn by doing.

If you’re ready to take that leap, I negotiated an exclusive discount on hosting for readers of The Ways To Wealth with Bluehost.

I used Bluehost to set up The Ways To Wealth, and recommend it to readers primarily because of how easy it is to launch your blog with their one-click install. It also doesn’t hurt that they have the lowest pricing. Plus, you’ll get a free domain name and their 30-day money-back guarantee.

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