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5 Simple Ways Small Businesses Can Increase Web Traffic

Find out “5 Simple Ways Small Businesses Can Increase Web Traffic” When you are building a business, one of the primary metrics of success is customer acquisition, which is how to find and convince people to buy your products. One of the best tools in 2022 and beyond is an attention-grabbing and highly functional website.

Many small business owners get their brand new website up and running, but they need help regarding how to get eyeballs on that site. The good news is that there are many simple and easy ways to use technology to your advantage to increase web traffic.

5 Simple Ways Small Businesses Can Increase Web Traffic

This article will discuss simple and strategic ways to increase web traffic for your small business, so to get website visitors, learn and use these tips.

5 Simple Ways Small Businesses Can Increase Web Traffic
5 Simple Ways Small Businesses Can Increase Web Traffic

1. Data-driven personalization

To get people to visit your website and revisit it continuously over time, you need to learn about them and cater to their needs. You can do that with data-driven personalization, collecting information about current and potential customers to attract them to your site.

You can start by collecting data via a platform like Google Analytics or SEMrush and see which customers are coming to your site, how long they are sticking around, which pages they visit the most, and more. Then you can change your website accordingly.

You can also collect customer information by asking for their contact information while you put them on a mailing list, or you can send out surveys to learn about your clients. Once you know, change your website accordingly and combine this strategy with the other tips to lure in those customers.

While obtaining the data from your customers may help your company succeed, you must remember that some people are more private than others.

While many customers are happy about data-driven marketing because it helps them find and buy the things they need, others don’t want their data shared. So, it is crucial to strike a balance.

Give customers control over their data use, and ensure you aren’t violating your privacy standards. Customers will likely keep shopping and refer their friends if they trust you.

2. Multichannel marketing

While we will talk about ways to improve your website, it is essential to remember that it should only be one element of your strategy to increase web traffic. For the best results, try multichannel marketing, which uses different strategies to draw people to your website.


You could incorporate social media and direct marketing and add a link to your site, so you have more customers coming from multiple sources.

One additional marketing strategy that is easy to set up and use is an email list where you can ask customers for their email addresses and send out messages whenever your new products come out, host a sale, or a coupon becomes available. Add a direct link to your website in the email.

3. Create high-quality content

While you can use every tactic we have described so far to bring customers to your website, they won’t stick around for long if you don’t have a presentable high-quality site with great content. The attributes of a high-quality site include:

  • Quality images
  • Clear and simple navigation
  • Visually appealing design
  • Fast loading times
  • A way to communicate, for example, live chat

Besides these components, you also need great content, such as an intense video explaining your products, an informative blog section, and more. A better strategy is to design your site and media to speak to your specific audience.


For example, millennial customers spend money on products that match their values, so you might have content that talks about how your products are environmentally friendly or how they promote self-improvement.

Meanwhile, Gen Z typically spends their money with companies prioritizing customer trust, so your content could speak to that. Do your research and cater to your specific audience. If you will share these videos on social media, then mention your site in the video or add a link to the description.

4. Make your website mobile friendly

While getting online with a viewable website on computers is a good start, you also need to make it a point to ensure that your site can be used on mobile devices. When you consider that people check their phones once every four minutes, you can see how important it is to ensure that your website is in front of their faces every time they go online while they are out and about.

Customers should be able to do and find everything on your mobile site they can do when they are on their computer, including having the ability to purchase products.


If you are creating your website, then you may design the mobile site at the same time. If your website is already well established, speak to a web designer about helping you make the transition.

5. Follow SEO best practices

While you can use the strategies above to find and draw in customers, you can use search engine optimization (SEO) to make your website attractive to search engines like Google so random people searching the internet for your services can find you.

Good SEO starts by researching keywords associated with your business. You can do that by using the same tools you use in your data-driven personalization and seeing what people searched for when they found you.

Another strategy is to look at your products and set up a unique key phrase you believe customers will search for online to see your site.

While strategic keywords are essential, avoiding getting too wrapped up in trying to trick Google by overstuffing keywords is vital. Instead, you need to write for humans first and search engines second.

Otherwise, the search engine may catch on and won’t send any traffic your way. Good SEO also includes having a site with plenty of quality backlinks and internal links to the other pages on your site.


As you can see, there are several tactics that the decision makers at your small business can use to increase web traffic. Try these strategies as your business grows, and you could see increased profits sooner than later.

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