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We need men… We need men of vision, men of great dreams; those who know that “without vision, the people perish”. Great men of dreams, who clutch their dreams until they manifest in the physical. Men believe in dreams because they know that dreams do come true. We need men who can shout to the whole world and say “We have a dream.”


Where are the fearless men of courage? Where can we find the bold men of action? Who can lead us to those who fearlessly face fear and destroy the enemy of all achievements and excellence? Where are the men of “I can”? Where are the good men of will, the courageous men of integrity?


We need men who have the right mind-set, men who know that their thoughts are the creators of their world, those who will not give in to careless fritters of thoughts. Man who know that “as within, so without,” those whose thoughts objectify themselves positively. The positive thinkers who know that thoughts are things, men who know that it is not what they think they are, but they are what they think, such men we need. Great men who discipline themselves to think only of those things they want and refuse to think about what they don’t want.


God, give us men of love, those who are their brother’s keeper. Men who show love and understanding. Those who do not always seek their own interest and gain in every matter, but always think of others too. They believe that God is love and so, they as human beings, need to show love to all men. They also show understanding for others’ shortcomings, their maturity has reached a certain level that they take others’ misgivings as a sign of weakness and always help them to overcome those weaknesses. They know that love is the greatest, it conquers all, so they harbour no ill-feelings for others but give out love in abundance because they know that in giving, shall they receive. They understand so well a quote like, “only one life that soon is passed, only what’s done with love will last.”


We long for men of knowledge, those who seek wisdom earnestly; they pursue understanding as if their lives depend on it. They see knowledge as the pillar of success; so they continuously acquire more knowledge for self-development. They fill their minds with the right tools needed for success. They go all out for these successful accessories, in the form of books, conferences, seminars. They invest hugely in these resources because they know that knowledge is life.



Great men of faith, faithful believers, possibility-thinkers, where can these ones be found? Men of faith who will persistently hold on because they know that their dreams will surely come to pass. Great believers who calmly, patiently, continuously believe in their dreams, and hope that, they shall achieve their goal.


We need men who know that faith is the key, men who will stick to their visions in the face of all odds. They know that the more intensely you believe something to be true for you, the more likely it that it will be true for you. They always expect the best because they know that they are living magnets that attract people and situations that are consistent with their dominant thoughts.



We cry out for men of substance, well-balanced upright, and uplifting souls. Great men of character; those who will stand out in a crowd; those whose individuality will sparkle forth and brighten up everywhere they go. We need men who are firm, but fair, those who the spoils of office will not buy, those that will not give in to corruption and decadence but will lead the people out of this present-day chaos to the promised land.


Dedicated men we want, diligent souls we need, hardworking hands we seek. Where do we look for such men of great strength whose honour is their clothing, kind and caring, trustworthy and reliable? Where are the men of ideas, whose imaginations give birth to great inventions? We need confident men who hold themselves in high esteem, not those that think that they are nothing and as such achieve nothing. Give us men of great potentials and great talents, those that use their God-given gifts to the fullest for the advancement of mankind.



Spirituality is a mark of the men we need. They seek the things of God ardently. They love God and are really serving Him. They know that they are spiritual beings on earth to serve, that only in service will they come to enjoy the abundance that the earth has to offer. We long for spiritual men who are not embarrassed with the service of God. They long for the gifts of the spirit because they know that this world of ours is more spiritual than physical and that as spiritual beings, we need to apply spiritual laws to all our doings on earth.


We need goal-oriented men, those who pursue their goals diligently. They not only set goals, but they also write them down. They hold the picture of their achievements in their inner mind’s eye, and grip their aims tight until they have achieved them.


Where are the men who will not say anything negative about themselves or others? Where are the men who bring out the best in others with the “words of their mouths? Where are the men who persistently affirm that it is possible, and talk their ways to success? Where can we find positive-talkers who know that their words are powerful, they are not ordinary, but spiritual forces that go forth to create our world. Great men who erase words like, “impossible and cannot” from their dictionaries because they know that the words they utter will make or mar them. “Words are life,” they admonish others. Where are the men who understand the universal laws resting in creation that guide all human activities? Show us the men who understand the law of sowing and reaping, those who know that in all things they do, this law guides them and returns to them in full the produce of their undertakings.


God, give us men who love thee, those who show this love to their fellow beings, those who will make the world a better place for others to live in, those who will always have it in mind that one day, they will go back home and report their dealings on earth to HIM who created them, such men we pray for.

First published in November 1998.

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