SuccessDigest Marketplace


S2: Mindset 5: If you’re not growing, you’re dying.

S3: The only thing constant in this world is change and to keep up with that change and stay relevant is to learn. The world is moving forward every hour, every minute and every second therefore we cannot use yesterday’s solution to solve today’s problem.

This goes the same to mindset.

You cannot achieve a 7-figure income with a 3-figure mindset. The gap is just too big. Therefore you and your team need to commit to growing themselves not just in their skill and talent department but also mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

You must be wondering why so many areas?

Well, try taking one area out, does the business or would your staff still be able to contribute to the company?

For example, if you take physical growth and improvement out of the picture, you’ll have all the money in the world but are ridden with sickness and disease. No matter the amount you earn, your health cannot be replaced.


S4: And bear in mind though, if you’re learning the wrong thing, whatever that you do will be wrong, and this is when “unlearning” comes into play.

Unlearning is as important as learning. It is a process of setting aside all thoughts and beliefs that no longer serve you and your company in today’s world. You might find it hard to change yourself, or even your habits. But the only time you start to see growth takes place, is when you feel uncomfortable. You can never reach to a new level, if you remain in your comfort zone.


S5: It is easy to fall back to your existing mindset if you surround yourself with people who do not support what you are doing. If you want to grow emotionally, intellectually, and in business, you have got to make sure that you are growing in an environment surrounded by positive people.

These 5 mindsets are the fundamentals to handle your business growth. You may add more to it and that is fine but make sure whatever mindset and beliefs you adopt function only to serve and empower you to do better.

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