SuccessDigest Marketplace

I did hint you here last week that I’ll be answering questions from my readers to round off the commercial break that I embarked upon some three weeks ago. So here goes:

Sir: I would really like to attend your FREE Mentoring Programme. But I’m staying far away somewhere in the northern part of the country. Getting permission to come for the training might be difficult. Is there anyway I can still benefit without being present physically? – Oni [08056481xxx].

These days, distance is not a barrier for anyone who is determined to achieve a worthwhile goal. Technology has made it possible for people everywhere in the world to learn from the comfort of their homes.

And that includes learning at their own pace and at a time that is most convenient for them. I intend to take advantage of latest technology in reaching people in their homes, if that is what will be most suitable for some of them, like you.

But the most important question is: Will you be able to master yourself?

Self mastery is one of man’s greatest challenges. Until we discover how “self” blocks our pathway to success and learn how to successfully overcome it, we can never become who GOD wants us to be.

It takes massive burning desire to succeed and an incredible high level of self discipline to be able to draw up a time table for studying and following it up until our dreams are translated into reality.

Someone who has a teacher, a mentor or a guide, that is constantly reminding him of what to do and when to do it in a constant, face-to-face interaction, is by far better off than someone who has not gained mastery and is trying to achieve things all by himself.

If you have the right attitude and what it takes to be admitted for my mentoring programme, the fact that you are not going to be able to travel to attend my live classes will not be a barrier.

But let me warn you: every assignment must be completed before you can move to the next stage of the life-transforming course. Once you are able to cope with that, you should be okay.


Apart from being a subscriber of SuccessDigest, is there any other thing I need to do to be qualified for your free seminar? – Charles Amadi [received via [email protected]].

Yes, just one very important thing. You have to provide answer to a set of questions at my website for the FREE Mentoring Programme – – which now goes live on Monday, September 24, 2012 as against today that was previously announced last week.

Your answer to those questions will ultimately determine whether or not you’ll be admitted. Remember to go to that website and pre-register and you would have taken a giant step towards being a part of that ground-breaking mentoring programme.

Can l still take part in the FREE Mentoring Programme without subscribing for SuccessDigest? – Nelson Nwachukwu [08070568xxx].


The short answer is “No!” And this is why: My FREE Mentoring Programme is for readers of SuccessDigest. And the only way you can prove to me that you are a reader is by subscribing for the paper.

By the way why, if I may ask you, would you want to benefit from my FREE Mentoring Programme without a desire to tap into one of the nationally acclaimed best resources for every wise intending or smart entrepreneurs who want to grow their business consistently and exponentially?

For 17 years, SuccessDigest has ignited the passion for entrepreneurship in thousands of Nigerians. And through the publication hundreds of Nigerians are running their profitable businesses successfully today.

For anyone who genuinely desires to benefit from my mentoring programme but do not want to be a reader of SuccessDigest is an aberration that I will not permit.


As a matter of fact, one of the criteria for admitting anyone into my FREE Mentoring Programme is that they are a consistent subscriber to the digital edition of the paper.

Why the digital edition?

Because it is the only secure way for me to confirm that everyone in the programme is a reader.

The alternative to the digital subscription is the hard copy which is available through the vendor. But we cannot base our admission on that because it will make administering the programme cumbersome.

One of the draw backs, if we adopt the hard copy approach, is that you will have to be presenting the papers each time we have a programme to establish the fact that you are a regular reader.

Besides. I cannot bear the sight of having people coming for my programme hiring Onyemburu or Alaru or Dandoko to bring their paper copies of SuccessDigest just to prove that they are readers.

And, considering that the digital edition is just N200 for an entire month – a total of eight editions – versus N800 for the hard copies, you cannot ask for a better bargain!

I am an ardent reader of your publication. I have been reading it for the past two years when I was 18. Recently I bought an eBook from one of your protégés, Ronald Nzimora. After reading it, I decided to swing into action by implementing what he thought in the eBook.

So, I started writing an eBook about two ways one can make money online and receive payments via AlertPay. Since I didn’t have a computer of my own, I borrowed one from a friend to use.


My guardian was informed by someone that I have been seen with a computer; that I have joined Internet fraud which I never did. That forced my guardian to start ransacking my luggage and she found that I have so many editions of SD and most of the headlines were talking about making money and being your own boss.

Since she is not exposed to such opportunities online, she was forced to believe that I wanted to commit fraud with it. Yesterday, we had a meeting to resolve the matter. Everyone is saying that I’m too young to involve myself in it.

The real problem now is that I’m the one managing her shop and since sales weren’t up as before due to the nationwide strike that affected us so badly, she is saying that about 100 copies of SD is what contributed to the sales slump.

For me, I don’t like putting my hopes on someone else. I’m not the type that likes to ask people for money. Now, Sir, as a father, mentor and entrepreneur, I want to ask you if I’m too young at the age of 20 to start trying to do things for myself relating to making money both online and offline because they asked me if I have any responsibility that makes me to be so concerned about it now. Please, Sir, I need your advice on what to do. Thanks so much. Solomon A. [07084839xxx].

No, Solomon, you are definitely NOT too young at 20 to start trying to do things for yourself relating to making money online or offline, provided it is legitimate.

I was barely 18 years old when I sneaked out of the house to join the Nigerian Army back in 1968 because of the same reason that is presently driving you to discover how to be financially independent. I certainly have no regrets for accepting that responsibility at that early age, looking back from where I am today by the grace of GOD.

The Knowledge Economy that we are in now is creating millionaires and even billionaires before people mark their 30th birthdays. Once upon a recent time, it is rare to find anyone becoming a millionaire under the age of 30.

But I’ll not in any way disapprove of the action that your guardian has taken because of what many misguided youths in the country are doing with the Internet. So, try and understand the genuine fear that your guardian has about what you are doing.

This is what you can do. If you let me have your guardian’s contact address. I’ll put in a word for you, by way of explaining to her what SuccessDigest is all about and how fortunate she is to have a ward who GOD is leading to wake up the sleeping giant in him at such a tender age.


First published in September, 2012.

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