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CHANGE AGENTS II - Nelson Mandela: His Written Legacy - HISTORY


Nelson Mandela’s tribute to Walter Sisulu, the man who recruited him into the struggle for freedom in South Africa, is quite touching. Both men had spent almost three decades each in prison for daring to lead their people to demand equality of all peoples in their country.

They changed agents. They lived fulfilled lives. Change happened in their lifetime. Change agents have the ability to see into the future. They do not see things the way they are; they see things the way they should be. This characteristic is called foresight. The ability to see into the future and to communicate that vision with a great level of conviction sets change agents apart.

Moses in the Bible was a change agent. With God’s help, he became the bridge between slavery and freedom for his people. You and I have our own opportunity today. What tribute will be given to us at the end of our days? How will we be remembered? Change agents have insight. This is wisdom to identify real issues.

The ability to cut straight to the root of a particular problem and proffer the appropriate solutions. For example, a great number of Nigerians need knowledge. We need reorientation on a massive scale. Generally, people’s welfare in life is relative to their level of education and our people need to be educated, both formally and informally. We must empower our citizens to create wealth or else development will remain an illusion.

Another characteristic of change agents is communication. This is a very critical characteristic because it does not matter how important what you have to say is if you do not know how to say it. Change agents have the ability to effectively and accurately communicate vision and to ignite other hearts with the same fire that burns in our own souls.


Success is another characteristic of change agents. If you believe that you are called to be the president or a governor, don’t come out of the blues. It doesn’t work that way. Change agents have success antecedents. Do something about what you can do something about. Don’t wait until you can achieve big victories before you make a move.

Achieve small victories first. Those are the things that convince and persuade people that God is with you and that what you are communicating is a worthwhile assignment. If you are a student, be bold enough to stand out and do something in your school. What is the point in thinking you can talk to this country if you cannot inspire others to create order on your campus.

Be bold enough to speak out when things are not done properly. You see, the day your colleagues hear that you have become the speaker of the House of Representatives, they would not be surprised. In short while from now, we would not have people who do not have a successful pedigree in the positions of leadership in this country anymore.

It is those who have created personal wealth legitimately that will be chosen to create wealth for us. Start from where you are and God will multiply your success. Change agents seek and win the cooperation of people. In carrying out any assignment we need the cooperation of people. Nobody is an island. Change agents have the ability to secure the hands of people in carrying out their God-given assignments.


The willingness to pay whatever price to get the desired result is another characteristic of change agents. Commitment is sticking to the assignment until it is actualized. As we go on this journey of getting Nigeria on the right track of development, we would break it into two different categories. There are people who desire a better life but are afraid of executing change.

People know that carrying out change is not easy. There are people who thrive on corruption and when you try to effect a change they become threatened. They have valued their personal comfort over the good of everyone. They would do anything to stop change from happening.

But if your mind is made up for change and you are absolutely committed to change you would not be scared. In our quest for a Nigeria of our dreams, we would not relent. God will use you and I to take Nigeria to her place in destiny. You have what it takes to bring about change in the immediate environment. Start in your own little way. In a few years from now, this country will be the envy of other nations.

Nigeria will Succeed!



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