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Breast Feeding: How Can I Lose Weight Without Losing My Milk Supply? – When you become pregnant, you will undoubtedly gain weight due to the additional weight of the baby, as well as the placenta and amniotic fluid.

Breast Feeding: How Can I Lose Weight Without Losing My Milk Supply?
Pregnancy hormones can also cause weight gain during pregnancy.

While the weight gain caused by the baby’s weight usually goes away after birth, the weight gain caused by your own pregnancy is more stubborn.

Many women find it difficult to lose postpartum body fat through exercise, so they turn to alternative methods of weight loss, such as weight loss supplements.

The safety of weight loss supplements for lactating mothers is hotly debated.

This article attempts to discuss how you can lose weight without losing milk supply while breastfeeding.

Does Losing Weight Affect Breast Milk Supply?

While most women struggle to lose pregnancy weight, some lose it too quickly.

Rapid weight loss after childbirth is harmful to both you and your child. Excessive postpartum weight loss can leave you exhausted and have an impact on your breast milk supply.

Furthermore, you may end up with breast milk that lacks essential nutrients for your baby’s growth and development.

Excessive weight loss after childbirth can be caused by a variety of factors, including breastfeeding, insufficient rest, and a lack of nutrition, among others.


Inform your doctor if you are concerned that you are losing too much weight.

The doctor can help you determine how much weight loss is healthy for your situation, depending on your weight before pregnancy.

Breast Feeding: How Can I Lose Weight Without Losing My Milk Supply

Here are some amazing tips on how you can safely lose weight during the nursing period without compromising your breast milk supply;

Stay Hydrated Regularly – You must stay hydrated at all times during your nursing period to enable you to produce enough milk for your body.


According to research, water can also help you with weight loss by boosting your metabolism, enabling your body to burn more fat.

Eat Fruits And Vegetables – Fruits and vegetables are rich in fibre and micronutrients.

The micronutrients will boost your baby’s health hence promoting growth and development.

On the other hand, Fibre can help you lose weight by keeping you satiated for a long time, which will prevent you from eating unnecessary calories, according to research.


Stay Active –  Keeping fit after delivery can help you regain your pre-baby weight faster than you expected.

If you had a normal delivery with no complications, you could begin exercising a few days after delivery with light aerobic exercises such as walking and swimming.

As your body grows stronger, you may increase your exercises duration and intensity for optimal results.

However, make sure that as long as you are breastfeeding, you maintain a balanced diet that will supply you with the nutrients your body requires for recovery as well as those your baby requires for growth.

Sleep Well – New moms tend to overwork themselves trying to be perfect when, in an actual sense, you cannot possibly get it all right.

When you fail to get enough rest (read sleep) your body perceives that you are stressed and releases a hormone called cortisol which will increase your appetite and cause you to gain calories you’d rather not have.

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