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How to Develop Long-Term Client Relationships

Long-Term Client Relationships are vital for professionals who operate in sectors with long sales cycles. They are essential for sustaining (and recurring!) business. But, with a never-ending to-do list and a packed calendar, how can you find time to cultivate those long-term relationships?

Strengthening the bonds you have with your customers is also a wise investment. Did you realize that acquiring a new client might cost up to 25 times more than keeping an old one? Plus, when your satisfied (retained) clients praise you, the reference business they send your way is almost free. This is why marketing to your current consumers is typically more effective than buying leads or reaching out to untapped markets.

Here are some pointers in achieving client relationships on how to actually connect with your customers and keep them coming back for more.

1. Keep in touch with your client

The way to build client relationships is that your customers have a right to know what’s going on. Whether you’re a real estate agent with numerous offers on a house your client wants or a loan officer with a mortgage that appears to be in jeopardy, tell your clients as much as you can, as often as you can, and do it proactively. When you’re in the middle of a sale, err on the side of being excessively communicative. Reach out to them and keep them up to speed on what’s going on, what their options are, and what you propose they do so they don’t have to keep track of you to figure out what’s going on.

2. State the Facts

You’ll run into snags now and again. Clients will not always receive what they desire. Financing fails to materialize. Credit scores are insufficient. Someone else has placed a bid on their dream property. They’ll have to pay a little more for the insurance coverage they want than they anticipated. Life happens, and you must be honest about any difficulties or roadblocks you encounter. It’s preferable to face the music than to risk worsening the situation by delaying unpleasant news. It’s extremely tough and time-consuming to regain your client relationships once it’s been broken.

3. Compassion

Recognize your customers in order to build your client relationships. Demonstrate empathy for their needs and try to see things from their point of view. Know what they want and assist them in obtaining it. Take notes and make sure you have a system in place to keep track of them so you can remember who your client is in five years. Of course, needs change over time, but if at all possible, avoid starting from scratch. Investing in a CRM program will help you maintain track of each client’s history and details so you can provide better service.

4. Improve their quality of life

Honesty is key in building client relationships, if you offer value to people’s lives, they’ll remember you and tell their friends and family about you. Although you are clearly delivering a service, acting as a guide and sharing your industry knowledge can help people remember you as a reliable and important resource. Even if the inquiry isn’t immediately linked to your transaction, your clients should know they can come to you with any queries concerning your area of expertise. Creating and sending helpful, relevant information that teaches the client is a great approach to do this.

5. Recognize and reward your loyal customers

Make sure to thank your consumers when they become repeat customers or suggest friends and family. Make sure you’re appreciating your VIPs, not only contacting them when you’re trying to sell something, whether it’s with a unique offer, a meaningful gift, or even a handwritten note.

6. Maintain Contact

The last thing you want after the purchase is for the client relationships to terminate. That is why it is critical to continue the conversation. But how can you do that when there isn’t a transaction to talk about? There are two options:

  1. Keep track of crucial dates and events (such as their close date’s anniversary, their birthday, or six months since your last communication) and reach out with a handwritten note, card, or phone call. This is when your CRM will really pay off for you.
  2. Send them useful, entertaining material via email and social media in between those personal interactions. These lines of contact remind them that you provided excellent service and that you are still available as a trusted expert to address any queries they may have. Clients are more likely to remember you when they need your services again, or when a friend does if you reach out with intriguing content rather than a clear sales message.

Final note

It’s crucial to build client relationships in order to acquire repeat and referral business. Stay in touch with your prior clients on a frequent (but not bothersome!) basis to make it easy for them to suggest you. Make sure you’re not only delivering sales pitches, but a range of messages as well. Do you have any obnoxious friends in your life who are always taking and never giving? Don’t be that person in the corporate world. Make sure you’re giving your customers something of value, and they’ll reward you with long-term devotion.


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