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Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase was my HERO!

Through love he made me realize that I have more abilities than I ever imagined, and this made me consistently do better in whatever I do.

I met Daddy, as I fondly called him, on Monday, January 05, 2009, more than 13years ago, when I resumed work at Success Attitude Development Center, SADC, as the Multimedia Coordinator.

Then, SADC would hold seminars that would run into weeks back-to-back with attendees coming from all nooks and crannies of Nigeria, and neighboring countries.  My job was to produce audios, videos and other materials for the training seminars for both attendees and those who couldn’t attend.

Daddy wanted everyone to benefit from these trainings without any bias. He was a cheerful giver.

While I was the Multimedia Coordinator, Daddy discovered the proofreader in me. He made me his Proofreader and Book Editor. He ensured that I proofread and edited all his official letters and memos too before issuing them out.

Then, in 2018, I became his Office Manager. He trusted and believed in me so much, even without knowing my biological parents. He’d entrust me with responsibilities that I ordinarily wouldn’t ever imagine I could handle but, I’d never say no.

Daddy taught me how to write and sometimes made me write his content when he wasn’t available. Then, he made me the Content Marketer for SuccessDigest Marketplace.

His supportive nature was everything one would rarely find in anyone else. He groomed me to be a sound professional in all I do. He strived to make working with him an interesting and memorable experience. He was not only interested in me effectively and efficiently discharging my duties, my welfare was of paramount interest to him

After I got married in 2010, he’d check up on my husband and children to know how they were faring. He groomed me to become a good wife and mother, then he named me Superwoman, and Diligent Homemaker with a blog to show for it.

It’s indeed a blessing to come across a boss who inspires one every day, but, working under Dr. Ojeagbase was an experience that I will forever treasure. He was my role model; a wonderful boss and a father.


From the first day I met him, his words filled me with courage and determination to carry out my work in the best way possible and I am grateful that I got very good results in all aspects, not just in the workplace.

Just a few days before he passed on, he wrote to me:

“You are a STRONG WOMAN… You don’t know how much I have invested my trust in you and how you have never let me down for once. You have done everything I had you to do beyond my expectations. I am hugely proud of you and of course a raving fan! Congratulations on also being a great and caring mother. Your place of honor among women is established in Jesus name Amen.”

Who else would send a message like that? Only a Father!


Dr. Ojeagbase was a dependable father to me in the last 13 years that I worked with him. He treated me like his own daughter and I saw him as a father and that’s because he truly stood up for me on several occasions.

Rest on Daddy Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase. You’ll forever be in my heart and I’ll always make you proud knowing that you are watching me from heaven and cheering me as usual.

-Titilayo Igwe

Content Marketer, SuccessDigest Marketplace.


Dr. Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase was pure-hearted, so many memories of him but one thing I will put here is that he never gave up on me. He gave me second chances till He was sure I didn’t need it anymore which I truly didn’t.

He was a Good Christian. He Loved God.

Daddy helped build me, gave me a definition of life, a compass to it. He taught me how to love and reside in God. Asides from being so many things to me, a few of it:

He was my best friend, my compass, my therapist, my father, my spiritual father, my mentor…

I miss you forever Daddy. I will always make you proud and you will reside in my heart.

Love, “Anaruo. “

-Sandra Oyedele

Web Mastery Trainee, SEO Department – CDMSD.



I really don’t know where to start.

Well, I got to know Daddy in September 2019 when I was newly employed as an Account Officer for CDMS, a Division of Complete Communications Limited.

He is gifted at discovering the potential in people. He discovered some aspects in me that I was yet to see and he modified me to be a better version of it.

Oh, Daddy! He will never disrespect you, He calls me Mrs. Shonupe despite the fact that he is old enough to be my grandfather.

Baba as we fondly call him treats everyone as his biological children.

Him: How are you?

Me: I am very well sir…

Him: May you be very well in Jesus Name, Amen.

He is never hesitant at appreciating every little thing you do for him. It is always “Worth it”.

When it comes to giving, ha, Daddy “Ibaa re o!”

He says, “If giving tends to poverty, I should have been as poor as a church rat.” He is just all-encompassing. He gives his all.

I must say this, I am yet to see or meet his kind in this life. I remember that last words Daddy said to me; DO NOT BE ANXIOUS FOR NOTHING.

I appreciate the last moments we had, it is so beautiful  to behold.

An Icon, A Great Teacher Lives on…

Go back, read again and identify the “Pronouns and Prepositions” used. I actually used them unconsciously and that can only mean; He is still here…

Your Amazing Daughter,

-Jadesola Shonupe.

Bookkeeper/ Customer Happiness Manager, CDMSD

Daddy was the kind of person that you would cross paths with and that encounter would change something in you.

I didn’t know him for that long but the few times I was privileged to discuss with him, such encounters always left me with a smile.

I could remember a few times telling my wife after conversing with Daddy on the phone that this is the kind of person I want to be.

Daddy was a blessed Soul, full of Life.

I bless God for His Life well Lived and for giving me the opportunity to cross paths with Him

We will miss you, Daddy.

-Remi Olowookere

Web Developer, CDMSD.


DEATH no doubt is an inestimable end which must come when it will come. If it comes to a beloved one, the grief of all those affected as a result of the death can best be imagined, especially when it becomes very obvious that never again can such a fellow be seen or heard.

A man may die, but his legacy will continue through his deeds. Daddy, the pain of losing you today is difficult to bear because this world needed you for some more years.

You were one of the few leaders who has not just been a tough cookie, but also a guide and a mentor who never treats anyone like a rookie.

You have been an illuminating light in my life.

My biggest satisfaction in work so far is that I had a chance to work with a person like you.

Having to see you go is the worst feeling there could ever be.

Farewell Daddy, I will surely miss you.

– Babatunde T. Oloyede

Computer Graphics Artist, Production Department – CDMSD.

I’m that evidence to prove “no soul met you Daddy and remained the same”.

You touch my life and rebranded me to the Amaka of today.

I joined CDMSD with no knowledge of Email, Information, and Content Marketing.

But all that changed the moment I was absorbed into the origination where you independently tutored and trained me to be grounded in SEO.

I remember how you used to send me materials to read and each time I encountered challenges in practicing what I read, you would always ask me two questions, “Amaka, have you made more research for broader understanding? Amaka have you prayed about it?”

I got used to Mark 11:24 because you always said it to my hearing!

Even while I was done with training, you never stopped sending me more materials to keep learning. You kept encouraging me to learn new things everyday so as to be better than i was the previous day.

I have worked with employers but, with you, Daddy, I felt the difference.

I got that daughter treatment uncountable times starting from making sure I have nothing bothering me (as you always encouraged me to pour out my worry) to ensuring I’m healthy and enjoying my work.

Daddy you gave me a gift (Knowledge) that I will forever treasure!

You may not be here with me anymore but you live on in my heart forever!

Thank you for being my Daddy

Thank you for being patient with me on the job

Thank you for teaching me what I know today.

Thank you for rebranding this Amaka

I’m forever grateful Sir, Thank you!

-Ezinneamaka Ibe

SEO Expert,, CDMSD


My happy memories with the great Icon, Father, Mentor, and Teacher Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase…

Daddy treated every staff as one of his own, he taught and addressed us the way a father addressed his children and wanted the best for every staff.

I joined Success Attitude Development Centre (SADC) in 2015. I was employed as an Account Officer, but today I am an SEO Expert.

Daddy gave my life meaning. From a “nobody”, he took me and molded me into the man I am today. He showed me what it takes to be an entrepreneur and the importance of learning.

The empowerment program started in 2018 and today, my story is a testimony.

His word of advice is, “Keep working at it, a little drop of water makes a mighty ocean.”

I’m blessed to have learned under you, Daddy. You have left an imprint no man can erase.

I’m consoled you’re with the Lord.

Keep resting Daddy!

I love you but God loves you the most.

I will always miss you, daddy. Live on!

-Korede Idowu

SEO Expert,, CDMSD

Gone But Never Forgotten: A Tribute To A Daddy Like No Other.

My journey of knowing and staying with Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase, fondly called Publisher by some of us, began in 1998 when I came to Lagos for the first time. I was based in Kano, but my purpose for coming to Lagos was to become a professional footballer.

I had been reading Complete Football back then in Kano, and Daddy, being my sister’s husband made me believe that when I met him, he would help me achieve my dream.

That faithful morning when I arrived his home at Okota, he had travelled out of the country, but he instructed one of the workers in Complete Sports, Mr. Kazeem, to help me out. Mr. kazeem gave me a written note to go to Plateau United for screening. Unfortunately for me, the screening was a week gone, so I was unable to attend it. That was how I started living with the Publisher in his house.

He took me in as a son, they prepared a space for me where I was staying as one of the family members in the house. To cut the story short, Daddy was a father to me since knowing him, he guided me to become who I am today. He was my support system.

I don’t know why a good person like him should die. He paid for a course for me to become a Professional Graphics Artist when I failed to secure a club that year. After my training he gave me a job and started paying me as one of his staff.

As a graphic artist working on SuccessDigest magazine, I was lucky to work very close with him, he taught me how to carefully listen to instructions and carry it out without supervision.

He always wanted to hear my opinion about something we were working on in the office. There is none of us, his staff that worked with him that he did not impact positively. He built confidence in us to go about our work.

I was so used to communicating with him via email that, after his demised, I still unconsciously wanted to send him mails to update him on what I am working on. As I write this tribute, I still feel he is going to reply to previous emails I had sent to him. All has become a wish now.

He was a true born again Christian who lived by example; he was a philanthropist who people with problem easily cried to, and he solved their problems. A cheerful giver who didn’t discriminate among his workers. He would treat and correct everyone with respect and love

I could remember when I was going to my in-laws’ house for the first time to introduce myself, by then his health was really challenged, so I told Mummy that there was no need for Daddy to go with us, but Mummy said that I should not worry that Daddy would come along with us. He was such a loving and caring father who had the interest of everybody at heart.

When I was about to settle down as a young man, he paid for my rented apartment and supported me so much with all that I needed at the time. He also went further by buying me my first ever car that I use till date. And he fondly call me FRANCO!

I will miss him so much because, honestly, he was the only one I saw after God Almighty that could do anything I wanted for me.

Daddy, I know you are up in heaven and I love you and miss you very much and still think about you to this day. I know you are proud of the people you left behind to keep the flag flying. You will continue to live in my heart.

-Francis Ozavisa Jacob

Computer Graphics Artist, Production Dept. – CDMSD

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