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3 Primary Disadvantages Or Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Bread

3 Primary Disadvantages Or Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Bread

Bread has a delicious taste and is frequently served as an appetizer at restaurants. Many homes go for bread during breakfast as it can be prepared in a different way and will just fit in for that perfect morning meal.  However, some people love bread so much that they end up eating a lot more than required.

Eating too much bread is unhealthy and bad as it will affect your body negatively. No debate that people who intend to lose weight focus on eating fewer carbs by choosing to eat bread but is that healthy? We will look at all that and explain the negative consequences of eating too much bread in this article! Is eating too much bread truly harmful to your health? You will find out just in this article.

3 Primary Disadvantages Or Side Effects Of Eating Too Much Bread

Can Affect Your Digestive System

Bread has low fiber and one disadvantage of not eating enough fiber is that your digestive system becomes out of whack, causing you to become backed up and suffer from constipation. All that bread isn’t doing much to help your bowel movements or keep you regular, and there’s nothing worse than that, is there?


May Cause Blood Sugar To Spike 

Eating that entire bread basket can end up resulting in raising your blood sugar levels. And it’s important to keep in mind that as your blood sugar levels rise, this can potentially lead to an increased risk of type 2 diabetes.

“White sandwich bread is a refined grain, not a whole grain. When eaten as is, it has a high glycemic index and can directly lead to elevated blood-sugar levels,” Lori Zanini, RD, CDE told us in a previous article.



Your Stomach Can Get Bloated

White bread can be high in sodium, especially if you eat several slices at once, and the bread served in restaurants is notorious for being high in sodium. Consuming all of that salt at once can cause bloating, which can be painful.



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