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5 Diseases You Can Cure Treat With Mango Flowers - Have You Tried Any?

5 Diseases You Can Cure Treat With Mango Flowers – The mango tree is a medicinal tree with various health advantages in its fruits, leaves, bark, and flowers. Mango fruits are consumed widely throughout the world, primarily because of their mouthwatering flavor and sweet aroma.

The flowers of mango trees also have many health benefits for people’s bodies, but few people are aware of this. It’s best to eat the mango flowers as soon as you can, even though they might not be available throughout the entire season.

Uncommon Facts To Know

Within three days of consuming a mixture of mango and pomegranate flowers ground with water and cow milk is said to aid in the removal of phlegm.

Haemorrhoids can commonly be treated with a mixture of cumin seed powder and mango flower powder.

Due to the high tannin content of mango flower tea, it can help to improve heart and brain functions.

Dried mango flowers can be used as mosquito repellents and keep away diseases like dengue and malaria.

Mango flowers are used medicinally as haematinic (helps in the formation of blood cells) and styptic (wound healing).

Mango flowers may help stop nose bleeds which are prevalent during the summer season.

What Are The Nutrients In Mango Flowers?

Gallic acid, quercetin, mangiferin, and ellagic acid are some of the essential polyphenols found in mango flowers, along with amino acids like alanine, threonine, and tryptophan.

Dihydrogallic acid, ethyl, methyl, n-pentyl, n-propyl, n-octyl-4-phenyl, and 6-phenyl-n-hexyl gallate are additional vital active ingredients in mango flowers.


They also produce a valuable oil that contains a variety of compounds, including linalool, elemene, and humulene.

These are phenolic compounds, which act as powerful antioxidants and are effective in treating and preventing a wide range of illnesses. Now without delay, let’s look at diseases you can treat with this plant.


5 Diseases You Can Cure Treat With Mango Flowers

1. Treats eczema – Eczema is a skin disorder that causes itchy, red skin. According to some Ayurvedic studies, a boiled mixture of mango flowers combined with sugar and water can greatly reduce the symptoms of eczema.



2. Treats mouth ulcers – A study has shown that a decoction of mango flowers can be used as an antiulcer agent. The study adds that when mango flower decoction is taken orally up to a dose of 5 g/kg, there are no signs of toxicity in animals like mice and rats. Mango flowers can help accelerate the healing process of gastric and mouth ulcers and help in their treatment.


3. Aids toothache – Mango flowers are known to contain gallate compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. It might ease toothache pain and discomfort brought on by gum inflammation. According to some anecdotal studies, drinking water from boiled mango flowers may help with toothaches while also strengthening the teeth and gums.


4. May help manage diabetes – Mangiferin, a crucial substance found in many mango tree parts, including the flowers, is known to have anti-diabetic properties. According to a study, mangiferin works to treat and manage diabetes and its associated complications by enhancing insulin sensitivity and lowering cholesterol. According to some studies, you should drink a glass of water and a spoonful of powdered, dried, and crushed mango flowers every morning on an empty stomach to control your blood sugar levels.


5. Improves digestive system – Mango flowers are believed to have cooling properties that can aid in the management of digestive fires, thereby treating digestive-related conditions like heartburn and persistent diarrhea. It is advised to consume a mango flower water stew to treat these ailments.


Best Way To Eat Mango Flowers

Boiling mango flowers is one of the best ways to eat them. The flowers can also be properly squeezed the night before and then soaked overnight.

Even though mango flowers can be eaten, some people may develop allergies to them. If you experience any allergic symptoms, such as itchiness or rashes, avoid consuming it.

Kindly note: Mango flowers have many therapeutic properties. Though it is beneficial for human health, one must consult a medical expert before consumption to know more about its dosage and side effects.

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