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Do You Have A Goal?

Do You Have A Goal? – DON’T regard this question as absurd. If you have a goal, I say congratulations to you. That’s one great hurdle you’ve just crossed. In case you don’t have a goal, don’t be despondent. This article will help you to appreciate why you must have a goal and how to set it.


If you already have a goal, take this second question: Are you working towards

achieving your goal? If your answer is “Yes.” I again say congratulations to you

You are one of the few people in the entire universe who have a goal and are working towards its realization.


If majority of people are goal-setters and they have the discipline of working consistently until their goals become a reality, there would’ve been more successes in the world than we have today. The 80/20 rule will still be at work, only that instead of 20% sharing 80% of the world resources, leaving the remaining 20% resources for 80% of the population to share, it will be the other way round.


This rule is one of the things you come across as you journey through life and you come to the conclusion that this is not a fair world. I share your opinion on that. However, I will not go along with you if you now decide that because the world appears not to be fair therefore, you will fold your arms and do nothing about it, then you’re on your own.



Let me explain. However unfair the world may appear to be, there is one thing you cannot accuse it of: You cannot say the world does not give you the opportunity of improving your chances of success in life. No, that will be a wrong accusation.


The truth is that while the world operates on the 20/80 percent formulae, it also provides you with enough information about how to cross from the 80% to the 20% group. The choice is yours whether you want to remain with the 80% folks or move over to the 20% group.



I swallowed hard the first time I came across the 20/80 philosophy by a guy name

Pareto. I thought about the implication of the rule. I discovered that I had no way of changing the way it works. It would be a waste of time for me to attempt to change it. That rule had been in existence long before I was born. And it does not appear as one of the things that would ever change. Your best bet is to co-operate with it.


To make this point abundantly clear to you, the 20% are the rich, wealthy, and influential while the 80% are those tagged “masses”. My definition of “masses” is a group that could not help themselves, who are depending on others to fish for them before they can eat.



The day I realized what “masses” meant, I vowed that I would quit their company and join the 20% who own the most resources in the world. That simple decision transformed my life. Since the day of that decision, l discovered that I was engaged in things that would liberate me from the “masses” mentality, which is that there are not enough resources to go around; call it “lack mentality” if you like.


Now, let me tell you the truth. Moving from the 80% group to the 20% is not one of the easiest things to do in the world. You have to struggle with every ounce of energy that you have before you can cross over. But the good news is that you can triumph. What you need is a road map (which I will supply you here) and your own determination to make a difference.


With those two things, you are on. Are you ready to pay the price? If you’re ready, then, let’s confront the challenge headlong.


The system that most people moving from 80% to 20% use is called goal-setting. That is what most and that is what the majority of people at the top that I know used. Let me now break it down into manageable pieces and you can take the same steps that I took.



The good thing about setting a goal is that it helps you to focus on an activity that will take you to where you want to be. Come rain or shine, your goal will be a driving force in your life. Nothing will discourage you. You will never be daunted by challenges. Instead, every challenge will strengthen you.

Okay, now you know what a goal is. How do you go about setting it? There are six easy steps to follow: (1) Decide what you want (2) Write it down (3) Give it a completion date (4) Break it down into smaller units (5) Commit yourself to it.

(6) Do something about your goal every day until you achieve it. That is, every single day will take you one step closer to your goal. If you follow these steps, sooner than later, you will arrive at that destination that you have sought after.


Work on this idea in 2004 and you will be surprised where you will end the year.


Good luck!


First Published in December, 2003.

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