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Dr. Emmanuel-Sunny Ojeagbase Was a Good Man Who Gave His All…

First and foremost, I want to thank God for a life well spent!

I cannot thank God enough for connecting me with Dr. Sunny Emmanuel Ojeagbase, the founder of Success Attitude Development Center (SADC), who has been my business mentor as well as a father for many years, through his life-changing publication, SuccessDigest Extra Magazine.

I didn’t know what the future held for me until he scooped me up without inquiring who my family was and continued to mentor me even as he approached the end of his life on Earth.

My success story would be incomplete without the contribution of Dr. Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase. You were always there for me, and I’ll never forget your last Whatsapp mentoring session with me in May 2021, when I was at a crossroads.

I assumed you’d be around to witness the results of the ideas you shared with me a few months ago, but your Creator understands why He took you home at this time.

Papa, sleep on. Your son, Chaplain Taiwo Balogun (as you used to call me), will be eternally grateful to God for your life, and I truly desire to continue empowering and impacting our generation from where you dropped the baton.

Chaplain Taiwo Balogun




It is incredible how kind-hearted and generous this great man was. He could literally give his eyes out to anyone.

I remember in 2010 when I completed his mentoring on information marketing where he had thrown an uncommon challenge: that if we followed his teaching in class and applied what he taught us, we would make back the money we paid for the coaching.

The 6-week coaching programme cost N60,000. I took him by his words and executed two of the instant cash ideas he shared. I made N676,000 while the class was still on. I was declared the student with the best income-generating strategy and I was given an additional cash price of N50, 000, and the privilege of delivering a lecture on the graduating day – just sharing my income-generating idea.


But after about one month of finishing the programme the late Dr. OJEAGBASE called me to his office and asked me why I had not turned my strategy into a permanent business entity. I could not give any coherent answers.

He sensed that my confidence in myself was very low.

What he did next surprised me. He asked for my account number and he transferred N400, 000 into that account same day with this instruction: that idea that generated N676,000 for you add this N400,000 to whatever you have and start the business and rest assured I would show up to back you up

My confidence level hit the rooftop and within a month I created a coaching programme called WEALTH MASTERY COACHING PROGRAMME. He showed up at every single event we organized. We took the programme around the country.


I had unrestricted access to his house in Okota and I was a frequent visitor to the place and was always welcome by the late Dr. OJEAGBASE and his wife, Pastor Easter Ojeagbase.

I was not the only one he mentored personally; there are many great men in the country today who have openly attributed their success to the direct mentorship they received from the late sports guru.

One other thing I noticed about him is that he was a man of incredible networking ability. He had virtually all the people he had encountered in his phone and he always ensured he reached out to everyone frequently and he never missed important dates in the lives of such individuals.

He called me from the US two weeks before the sad demise asking about my wellbeing and my family.

He offered his usual prayers.

Tough to accept he is gone forever from our lives.

But here is the GOOD NEWS. He was able to reproduce himself in so many people that long after he has left here, his memories will remain forever etched in our hearts.

So far, so long, bye-bye to a very great soul.






Let me start by thanking God for the gift of God to me and my spouse Dupe by reason of your legendary life.

S.O. I dare not cry. No reason to. Not at all. You really made me understand life and its fleeting nature. And you were never afraid of living it well to the very last breath.

As far and as much as I know of you, you creditably gave life all it needed to make it worth your while and the while of countless others like me who you took very selflessly under your mentorship wings. Your shoulders became our launching pads for soaring to limitless heights.

I will miss you but your inspiring admonitions will remain ever fresh.

You truly are my hero in life or in death.

And stoutly I will say sleep well the valiant one. Sleep well my leader.

You gave life so much without holding back.

Memories of you shall always be sweet S.O.

Good Night Sir

-Barrister Tomi Vincent 


Tribute To My Mentor, Dr. Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase.

Oh my God, our Daddy and Mentor…

Indeed he came, he saw and he conquered. He built many soldiers, indeed he passed on the baton to us.

What a great loss.

May God give mummy, his biological children, and all of us his other children the fortitude to bear the loss.

He calls me every of my birthday to tell me he is proud of me because I am holding on to the baton he passed on to me.

What an impact your magazine SuccessDigest made on me and many others.

I am saddened that you have left us but I am consoled looking at the legacy you left behind.

This world is a passage to all of us, one day we will all leave it behind.

You have done well my mentor.

I wish you a safe journey, my mentor.

I know you have gone to continue to serve.

My heart is heavy. I will do the best I can to be who you have mentored me to be.

I remember telling you when I was starting the TLI community and you encouraged me to go ahead.

TLI Community is going to be a blessing to many lives, it is a continuation of your good work.

Go well my mentor, we love you but God loves you more.

-Love Oladele



I had sent him an email the previous day being Tuesday, in June 2009 expressing my pain and how I felt I was not yet qualified due to my recent failure and trading losses.

It appeared he read what was on my mind, and on Wednesday, the day after I sent him the email, my phone rang. It was Dr. Ojeagbase asking me to see him in his home office the following day. I went and after the session with him, my hope and confidence were all restored. He did not let me go with the kind words of admonition and great counsel alone, he also gave me a check to go start again.

Dr. Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase was many things to me. He was a selfless man. At first, I used to call him Uncle Sunny. But, as the years progressed in our mentorship relationship, I realized he was more than an uncle to me. He played the roles of a father, mentor, prophet, counselor, teacher, and destiny helper to me.

There are countless experiences that clearly expressed all the above, but for space, I will mention just a few.

Many Things That He Was to Me…

  1. As a father and Uncle… He would always advise me on what he thought would work and what would not. He would call to speak and pray for my wife and I, and he would always close with;” God will do it this…” I still remember him telling me; “that thing you’re thinking of doing, don’t do it.”  And he handed me an N100K check to help me bounce back after one of my business failures several years back in 2009. When he had tried it and it didn’t work, he was not ashamed to tell you it didn’t work. He would end it after he had confirmed it was not working, and advise you aright.

  1. As a Prophet…The first prophetic encounter I had with Uncle Sunny (when I still called him Uncle) was in 2006 October during one of our evening meetings for SEN 2020 at SADC hall. And he declared that as God helped him out of debt, God was going to get me out of debt, and the answer came the same week – after a few days. The second prophetic encounter was after one of my Forex trading failures, he had called me to his office and told me not to do that which I was thinking of doing…(running away, hurting myself, and suicidal thoughts were on my mind then). Then he said to me, “God will show you what to do, just do it!” And that weekend, I saw what God was telling me to do twice, as he had prophesied. He had also prophesied on the need for me to write a book and bring it for him to publish for me…That was before I started creating my video courses which he pushed very well to make sure as many as needed them got them.

  1. As a Mentor… He taught me a lot about business, managing money, managing start-ups. On one occasion he had said, “Don’t try to start where I am, it has taken me years to get here.” That has always resonated with me each time I began to think I had been too slow on this journey.

When it will not work, he would tell me after I had finished explaining my new “hottest” business idea to him, he would tell me the loopholes I already had in the ideas and how to fix them.

A great Counsellor he was. He would call me, “Ifeanyi, kee ka ime?” (Ifeanyi, how are you?) Then he would start counseling. On an occasion, as I was leaving his office, a new business idea was born, and I quickly called my business partner to share the idea with him, and we made loads of money with that.

  1. A Great Supporter… How he knew I needed financial support at one of the oddest times of my life, I couldn’t tell. But he called me and offered me a job, though I believe he knew that I knew it was not a job that I needed, but a business break, and he provided the platform for it to happen for me. Once he noticed an ability in you, he would go all out to help you express it by use.


That I recorded any measurable success as a forex trader and entrepreneur, Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Ojeagbase was the man and the brain behind it all. He seemed to always know when it would work, and he would push you to make it work.

There are countless experiences to appreciate the grace of God upon the life and times of Pastor (Dr.) Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase.

I held myself back from writing a note because I wanted to first sleep and wake up to hear it was not true. Alas! It was true that you have gone to be with the LORD, my father, my mentor, my prophet, and my friend.

The world will miss you; Africa and Nigeria will miss you more, but we as family and your loyal Protégés will immensely miss you most. However, our comfort is in the fact that you fought a good fight of faith, you lived the good life, you touched lives beyond borders; you saw no barriers you could not break or cross.

May God grant you eternal rest sir, and give comfort to his immediate family; Mummy Esther, all the Children, grandchildren, brothers, sisters, and all close relatives, friends, and well-wishers!

We Miss You, Daddy!! Rest on Our Hero!!!

Mr. & Mrs. Ifeanyi and Sarah Uche and family




Pastor Dr. Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase was my mentor and definitely one of the greatest men I have known.

Daddy was not only selfless but he cared deeply about people and wanted everyone to succeed.

He shared very freely and passionately from his deep well of knowledge. He also was one to lend a helping hand when it mattered most.

I will always remember him as the angel and guiding light God used to set me on the path of success.

Daddy cared, he gave me knowledge, he gave me gifts, he shared important events in my life, he welcomed me to his home.

It is painful to think that we will not see him again but we are consoled by the fact that he lived a very good life and he has gone to be with God.

You have built a solid legacy Sir and it will continue to live on.

May God console Mummy, Pastor (Mrs.) Esther Ojeagbase and the entire Ojeagbase family. Thank you for sharing this angel with us. We love and appreciate you.

-Oyeleke Toye.


Once in a lifetime, a man is opportune to come across an amazing teacher and mentor like him. He was much more and our meeting can be called divine! I met him at CAP PLC, Ikeja and I have never regretted the encounter till date. He was the most courageous and resourceful man I know. Our meeting happened at one of the most important moments of my life and this makes me assured that certainly he will never be erased from memory.

His devotion and selflessness make it plain that fathers are strong for a reason. He gave me a sense of protection and hope when life looked blurry… He had the “eagle’s eyes” and a giving heart. Always paving way for people and making the world easier to live in. He looked for the best in others and always gave his best. I still remember how He gave me numerous opportunities and platforms to express my knowledge in finance- especially over penny stocks. I can never forget those late-night lessons and long-hour discussions we had. They are one of the best experiences that the verisimilitude of death could never erase.

He is gone now but he will surely remain alive in our hearts.

-Pastor Sanmi Akindipe (Successful Sanmi)



How should I start or what should I write about you?

I have much more to write, much more to say about a man that opened the door of his life and house to me and my wife and cared for us as a father will do.

My journey with Dr. Sunny started in January 2002 when, as a reader of SuccessDigest Magazine, I was inspired to write a book titled 22 Pillars of Success, I sent him a letter via NIPOST(no social media or email at that time) asking him to write a foreword for the book. I was not really expecting his reply to talk less of the writing the foreword. I was shocked to receive a reply from him weeks later with the foreword written and he asked me to see him and I did just that. That was the beginning of a journey of mentoring and fathering that changed the course of my life and ministry.

Reading his articles in the SuccessDigest Magazine changed the way I think about money, success, prosperity, and wealth creation.

Meeting Dr. Sunny changed the way I think about life in general.

One day he called me to see him and asked me how many books I have written, I told him I have written 5 and he said are you feeling you’ve written enough? He did not allow me to answer, he said, “…the books are not selling?” He laughed and said, “Bisi, keep writing. I can see many books in you, even if they are not selling keep writing.” He also said, “a time is coming they will start selling and a time is coming you won’t have enough time to write again… they will sell if not now but with persistence, they will definitely sell.”

It was as if he read my mind. As of then, I thought I have written enough after writing five books, and those five books were not selling.

Based on his prophetic counsel which he always gave, I went back to write more.  Today, I have written and published more than 100 titles selling around the world.

Dr. Sunny Ojeagbase is the father of the internet in Nigeria, I first heard the word “internet” from your mouth during a training session. I read about it in the SuccessDigest when he devoted a section of about five pages to it. It look stupid then, but he told us the internet will take over the world, he told us a time is coming nobody will be able to do anything without the internet. That was when we did not have mobile phones or cyber cafes in Nigeria talk less of anyone having email addresses or websites.

He taught me so many things that will last me more than a lifetime. He said I should always try to make money with peace of mind. Many people taught us ‘Success’ but you taught us the PROCESS, many taught us Miracles you taught us PRINCIPLES, some taught us prosperity but you taught us RESPONSIBILITY.

Dear Daddy Ojeagbase (as my wife always like to call you) thank you for the gift you were to the world, thank you for giving yourself to God and to humanity. You taught me that people can actually make money in a clean and Godly way. You taught me hard work has no pain and that persistence pays in the end; you taught me to read and lead, and to work in integrity; you taught me to look ahead beyond this time and plan ahead; you taught me to write more – from 5 books I have written 110 books; you told me the books will sell, that was when there was no Amazon and other platforms to sell books. Today, dear mentor, they are selling around the world.

You were a mentor like no other, you are a ‘prophet’ that predicated whatever is happening in the technological world today, you said it, we can now see it.

You taught me Vision and entrepreneurship, you taught me to ‘keep doing it’’ and not give up that it will surely be rewarded. I celebrate you greatly, you know I do.

I also celebrate the woman of your life, Mummy Esther Ojeagbase, a woman like no other, a gem and rare breed, together you raised us, together you supported us, together you built men that are building men today.

Thank you, great leader

Thank you great, mentor

Thank you great, father

Good Night.

-Pastor Bisi Adewale

Family Booster Ministry



Dr. Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase, known as the “Coach of Internet Business in Nigeria,” taught us business. He will forever be remembered for showing the Nigerian youths that we can make it too.

As a mentor to many of the biggest names in Nigerian businesses & the tech world, you will forever be remembered for generations to come.

I miss your humility, encouragement, father figure, and welcoming heart. You always spur us on – we will miss that.

Remarkably, you gave back to society through several forms but will never forget the barrage of FREE seminars you did for us with the same quality as the paid ones.

In Nigeria, we lack leaders, mentors to shape our intellect, interest, and life in general. But, my mentor did all that. You carved your name on hearts, not tombstones. Your legacy is etched into the minds of Nigerian youths, businesses, and the stories they share about you.

You are truly a mentor worthy of emulation & will forever be missed by your mentees, Nigerians & readers of SuccessDigest Magazine.

Your ideas light up homes and businesses.

You are my Hero and Mentor. You are my Friend and Role Model who will never die!

You will never die – you live on.

Dr. Emmanuel Sunny Ojeagbase endorsed the name “MOST SOUGHT AFTER INFOPRENEUR/NETPRENEUR”

You are forever in my heart.

Your Mentee!

-Appah Amaebi

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