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How To Start An E-Learning Business In 6 Steps

E-Learning Business, it will be beneficial if you already have authority within an online community or audience that you have built.

You’ll have easier access to content ideas, potential customers, and early feedback as a result of this. While it is not required, I do recommend that you obtain this before proceeding with any of the instructions following!

Let’s get into it…


1. Identify Your Target Market

The first step is to choose who you want to reach.

This can be thought of as a subset of your present audience. The 20% of people that will be interested in purchasing your premium service.

Ideally, you’ll create an “avatar” that combines the 6-8 main features, goals, and needs that all of your consumers have in common.

You should inquire about the following:

What are their ages?
What is their gender (if applicable)?
What city are they in?
What are they having trouble with?
What are their goals for the skills you’ll teach them?

Depending on your niche and what you teach, the answers to these questions will vary. The easiest method to respond is to approach members of your current audience and ask them questions!


2. Identify the Content That Is Most Important to You

The next step is to determine which teachings your target audience requires the most.

These are the fundamental abilities that will have the most impact on the success of your audience. They’ll have gotten their money’s worth if they leave with these 1-3 items.

This can assist you keep your current consumers happy while also attracting new ones with your core materials.

Assume you’re setting up an E-Learning Business company for creative freelancers. You could base your core lessons on:


How to discover and pitch new clients is referred to as acquisition.
How to Manage Your Time and Workload Productivity
How to Effectively Increase Your Rates Through Negotiation

This is something we incorporate into our own eLearning courses. For example, in Fitness Accelerator, we concentrate our video lectures on three main topics:

  • Getting Started: How to Get Started with Your Online Fitness Platform
  • Expert advice on how to create professional, compelling content
  • How to Grow Your Online Fitness Business Through Marketing

This is how it appears on the website:

These fundamental pieces should address the most important requirements and lead your customers to the intended outcome.


3. Select and develop 1-3 actionable lessons

You’ll drill down and produce some actionable lessons in this stage.

Before you launch your eLearning business, I propose that you construct a complete “module” for each of your major topic areas.

Using the aforementioned creative freelancer as an example, this may look like:

  • How to Write a High-Converting Outreach Email in Acquisition
  • How to Organize Your Workday for Maximum Productivity
  • Negotiation: 10 Must-Have Features for Your Proposal

The idea is to pick high-value courses that set the tone for your future material and can help your consumers see early results or progress!

If you’re starting out on a shoestring budget, Think Media has an excellent video on how to make your first videos with only your smartphone:

4. Decide on an eLearning platform

It’s time to think about how you’ll grow your E-Learning Business.

You may have previously investigated certain “education” platforms that allow you to host individual courses, but I propose that you look into a more comprehensive solution.

I strongly advise you to choose a video monetization platform in particular. This is the reason…

Video is the most effective method for teaching people remotely. It simplifies the presentation of complex data. Just ask the 86% of people who acquire new skills from YouTube videos!


You’ll also need a platform that allows you to do the following:

  • Make your own learning environment that you can manage.
  • Within a standalone platform, connect directly with your audience.
  • Provide a variety of payment choices
  • Make a variety of monetization choices.
  • For both your videos and your promotion, use analytics.
  • Take charge of your finances.

All of this — and much, much more – is possible with Uscreen. Click here to learn more about us and what we have to offer, or watch the video below:

5. Determine Your Costs

Let’s have a look at how to price your E-Learning Business next.

Nick Nimmon, one of our resident video gurus, walks you through a tried-and-true technique for pricing online courses and eLearning enterprises in the video below.

Take a look:

6. Promote Your eLearning Company

The final stage is to promote your E-Learning Business company. This is where having a pre-existing audience is so beneficial!

I recommend that you begin by identifying your current marketing channels, such as…

social media feeds from your newsletter
Viewers of YouTube channels
Forums for the community

…and use it to market your new platform.

You could also think about creating a marketing “funnel” on YouTube. This is where you may share your thoughts:

  • Top-level videos to engage potential and new audience members
  • Middle-level videos to begin educating them
  • Bottom-level videos, like trailers, to point them towards your platform

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