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Hot food vs cold food, either of them is good. However, we are looking at which is better and more beneficial to the human body. besides satiating your appetite, hot foods are better and encouraged due to the following numerous benefits;

Hot Food vs Cold Food – Which Is Better To Eat And Why? Reasons & Benefits

Hot Food vs Cold Food - Which Is Better To Eat And Why? Reasons

1. Hot Foods Are Easier To Digest 

Now you may be wondering How or Why? Let’s get at the explanation; Researchers studying how to make food break down faster have discovered that our digestive system is temperature-sensitive.

The human digestive system works better with warmer-temperature foods and liquids because it does not have to work as hard to digest the food.

Cold foods shock the digestive system, causing your gut to work overtime to break down the nutrients in the food.

Bloating or digestive sensitivity may result as a result of this. However, nutrients are already partially broken down in hot food.

Foods that are steamed, cooked, baked, or roasted begin the process of breaking down healthy chemicals and nutrients before they enter the body.

Plus, people tend to eat hot foods slower, which is also beneficial for the digestive system. When food enters the system slowly, there is more time to absorb nutrients.



2. Hot Food Tastes Better Than Cold Food 

According to some studies, food tastes better when it is warm. This is explained by studies pointing to a taste receptor that detects sweet and bitter tastes. This receptor often sends a stronger signal to the brain when food is warm. Aside from research, hot food can sometimes satisfy a craving that cold food cannot.


3. Hot Foods Contain More Nutrients.


Because hot food facilitates digestion, nutrients from hot food are more easily absorbed. This increases the body’s access to nutrients.

Nonetheless, some cooked foods contain more nutritional content than raw foods. Cooked tomatoes, for example, have a higher concentration of the antioxidant lycopene. Lycopene has been shown to reduce the risk of cancer and heart attacks. Cooking frequently breaks down plant cell walls and releases the nutrients contained within, allowing them to be absorbed by the body.

Important Note…

Eating cold food isn’t necessarily bad for you; in fact, some foods are better consumed cold.

Although cooking increases the nutritional value of many foods, it also causes some foods to lose nutrients. When food is cooked, vitamins C and B, for example, are usually lost. A number of other nutrients and vitamins can be depleted during the cooking process.


Many fruits and vegetables are better for you when they are cold, but that doesn’t mean you have to eat them right out of the fridge all the time. Boiled carrots have higher carotenoid levels (which provide health benefits), whereas raw carrots have higher polyphenol levels (for improved digestion, brain function, blood sugar levels plus some protective benefits). It’s best to switch up how you eat your veggies to ensure you are getting the most out of your food.

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