SuccessDigest Marketplace

– Oluwafisayo Akinlolu

Vol. 3 No 5 Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Looking for a new less crowded way to make your own big profits from the internet? This might just be what you are looking for because, if you can write a meaningful, exciting and readable letter, you can quickly grow rich with this emerging giant money earner.

As more and more people latch on to the Internet in this country, there is going to be a rabid demand for copywriters; people who can turn words into sales. Believe me when I say that without any form of adverts or anything, I have been approached about 10 times this year alone by people who want me to write sales copies for them in various capacities (sales copies for physical books, for e-books, etc.) and they were ready to pay as much as N50k!

With the fact that people and corporate institutions are waking up to the Internet and its possibilities, you should not take this business lightly at all. For instance, most banks now advertise online. I have seen the adverts of quite a few of them online already.

The problem however is this: the fact that you have a trendy, beautiful website loaded with pictures doesn’t mean you will make a dime in sales. It also does not mean your website will do well. I have seen brilliant Internet projects and initiatives destroyed because of lack of good copies and I have even seen people waste tons of their advertising budgets simply because they had no solid copy for their products or services. In fact, most people who have tarried in merry-go-round fashion without making a dime are not making money simply because they do not have firm copies in place.

Okay… let’s cut the chase, settle down and understand this business. I will discuss this business today under two very simple headings because I want to make it as clear as possible so that after reading this, you can just get right in and begin.

The two headings are: What Is Sales Copy & Why Is It Important?

The second is: How Do I Make Money From Copywriting Services?

Here we go…


What Is Sales Copy & Why Is It Important?

Sales copy is the “sizzle” that accompanies a product or service and it is designed to get people to buy that product by telling them in an exciting, attention grabbing way “WHAT the product or service will DO for THEM.”

You see, when you visit a website and you go back home and start dreaming of what you read on that website, or you see a website and immediately you feel if you do not have that product or service, the world will crash down… or you pick up a book and read the synopsis and you go like “WHAO!!!”… I gotta read this… That is the power of a sales copy in action.

Now, sales copies are extremely important for any business you do. In fact, if you are not using it right now, you are missing a lot of profits. Why else do you think big companies employ the services of marketing experts to create their advert materials, write the words you see on the screen etc., and why do you think your attention is caught every morning when you see the newspapers? The answer: sales copy!


So, basically, a sales copy is a written item that helps people to make a buying decision for a product or service they need and the person who specializes in writing these copies is called a copywriter.

How Do I Make Money From Copywriting Services?

To make money from copywriting is not complicated at all. It is simply about offering your service at a fee to other people who have products and services. For instance, if an author has just written a book about marriage, you could approach the author and write a sales copy with which the author will sell his book at a fee.

The secret is to be creative and imaginative about creating sales copies for people. Before now, I used to believe you cannot teach or learn copywriting. I used to think it is either you know how or you don’t, but I have had a total rethink as I have seen my students catching in on it and using it to create good income.


So, here is how to start writing good copies, so you can go on from there and learn.

The first thing is to study other people and how they write their sales copies. I suggest you start at places like,,,,,  (Just look around for great copies and start dissecting them. Why do you feel like buying after reading… make notes?)

You will quickly see that all good copies have 4 standard parts. The first is the headline which is designed to make you stop and look at the copy. When you go to websites, it is usually written in red because the colour red catches attention and has been reported to create a buying state in humans. The second thing you will notice is the introduction; designed to arouse your interest and get you to continue reading. Third thing you will notice are smaller sub headlines appearing at every 3 to 5 paragraphs which makes up the body of the sales copy itself and then at the end is the closing where you are asked to make the purchase. All these four elements are essential in a good web copy and they all work together to produce the sales.

To make your work easy, you can obtain one of the many copywriting tools available. For instance, there is one called Simple Sales Copy. These tools usually contain hundreds, even thousands of headlines, power words, intros, bullets etc. which you can use in writing your sales copies in a breeze.

NOTE: if you can afford it, you will go faster by purchasing and studying copywriting courses or by attending seminars on the topic.

Now that you have the basic skills and you can write effective sales copies, it is time to hit the street with your services and rake in truck-loads of profits.

You can start by approaching authors with books. Create sales copies for them and help them put their books on the Internet. You can easily earn as high as N50, 000 per job doing this, and once you do one successfully, you will get more and more through the power of mouth-to-mouth publicity. The truth is that if you follow this path, you will find thousands of copies to write and you will soon start employing staff.

Another method of offering your services to people at a price is to scout around job sites. Recently, I was playfully scouting the Internet when I saw such a copywriting job and the owner of the job said he was ready to pay as high as $1,000! Now, for me, that was some easy bucks if I got such a job because I will write the sales copy in as little as 2 days and $1, 000 (that is about N120, 000) is not such a bad idea for a 2-day job.

Since that time, I have been monitoring job sites and the stream of jobs relating to copywriting never seem to dry. Here are places where you can scout for jobs.,, (To get more of such places, just go over to Google and do a search for Freelance Jobs or go to and navigate through the jobs to get other sites offering jobs).


What these sites do basically is to bring together; job owners and those who can do the jobs. For instance on, the owner of the job will post how much he/she is willing to pay, you then tell him/her how much you will do the job, how many days it will take to complete the job etc. So many others will bid for the same job, and in the end, the job owner will pick someone to do the job.

How To Create Great Sales Copies Without Writing A Word

When I first spoke about this business to people, I got people who were really interested. These particular set of people knew how to get jobs even from big companies but were not too keen about writing the sales copies themselves. The question now arose: How Do I Still Rake In Profits From This Business?

My answer to them was really straight forward. I just told them to become a sales copy contractor which is all about identifying the people who can do the jobs, going out and getting the jobs, forwarding the jobs to those who will do it, paying for it and handing it over to the owner. Of course, don’t forget to pocket your own share.

Copywriting Toolkit for Beginner

Copywriting Toolkit for Beginners is a goldmine that will teach you how to convert everyday words into money-generating sales letters.

Here is a glimpse of the information you will learn inside the Copywriting Toolkit for Beginners:

  1. Copywriting secrets that generate high income
    – Simple Copywriting Tips
    – The Nature of irresistible offer
    – What is it people really want??? How to fix it out.
    – Things you must look out for when creating an offer

Click here to order your copy.

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