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How To Make Your Weak Hair Thick, Long And Strong Forever – Reliable Tips

How To Make Your Weak Hair Thick, Long And Strong Forever - Best Natural Tips

Not everyone is blessed with natural hair that is gorgeous and strong. So, many of us always dream of beautiful, long and strong hair. Flawless hair not only glorifies your appearance but also enhances your personality simultaneously. This ultimately makes you feel confident about yourself.

It might appear easy to flaunt strong hair, but nothing is possible unless you put in some effort and time for hair care. Despite your busy schedule and bad hair health, you too can attain strong hair with dedication and the right kind of care.

How To Make Your Weak Hair Thick, Long And Strong Forever

Here are some remedies and tips that help you get the hair you desire for so long. The first and foremost thing is making sure that you are taking a break from chemical products. These products cause deep damage, harm your hair, make them weak and brittle and ultimately intervene with its natural growth. Going natural is rather an amazing alternative to these products.

Read on to know about the best-kept secrets that Mother Nature has to help you get strong hair.

Castor Oil

Surprisingly not-so-famous castor oil has been in use in beauty remedies since time immemorial. It is one of the most important ingredients when it comes to getting strong hair naturally. Extracted from castor beans, this oil is enriched with lots of medicinal properties. Enriched with omega fatty acids, castor oil proves to be an excellent moisturizer for hair. Moreover, it has anti-inflammatory properties that help treat infections and common scalp conditions like flaky skin, dandruff and so on.

How to use it? Gently massage your head with pure cold press castor oil. Doing so strengthens the roots, provides intense hydration to hair follicles and prevents breakage.

Sweet Almond Oil

One of nature’s best ingredients for strong and lovely tresses is sweet almond oil. Its antibacterial properties make it an excellent remedy to nourish your hair locks with fatty acids. Pampering your hair with almond oil massage helps in improvising damaged hair cuticles. This makes your hair silkier, softer and stronger.

How to use it? Lightly wet your hair and massage your scalp gently with the sweet almond cold-pressed oil. Work your way down from roots to tips until all hair is covered. Cover your hair with a shower cap for half an hour. Later on, rinse it with a mild shampoo.



The thought of using onions on your hair may be repelling, but it actually works. The anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties of onion keep scalp problems at bay. Plus, its juice boosts hair strength and volume. Besides this, onions are a great source of Sulphur, which is one of the main components of the hair protein – keratin.

How to use it? Regular use of onion and Bhringraj hair oil or onion Bhringraj Hair Shampoo stimulates hair growth, offers intense nourishment to the scalp, reduces hair loss and strengthens hair roots.

Keratin and Wheat Protein

Both keratin and wheat are rich sources of protein. Apart from nourishing your hair, they offer support to hair and increase its tensile strength.

How to use it? Apply keratin & wheat protein mask. Massage the scalp in circular movements with the help of your fingertips. Leave it for 30 45 minutes. Rinse it thoroughly afterwards with Keratin & Wheat Protein Shampoo. Follow the process twice a week for the best results.


Indian Gooseberry or Amla

From Indian households to Ayurveda, Amla is one of the most treasured ingredients. It is popular for its myriad beneficial properties. An excellent source of vitamins, antioxidants, minerals and amino acids, this ancient herb works effectively to strengthen the hair from the roots. Moreover, it provides deep conditioning and eventually offers long and thick hair.

How to use it? Make a habit to use amla organic powder as a hair mask regularly. It also works well when paired up with other hair nourishing ingredients like shikakai organic powder, curd, eggs, etc.


Neem is the natural byproduct of the neem tree and is primarily grown in India. Also known as the “wonder plant” it has been widely used in traditional medicine and has demonstrated anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects. The regular use of neem and sage helps in promoting a healthier scalp and hair. They contain various minerals like Calcium, Phosphorous, Magnesium, and Vitamins like B1, B2, B6, C, K, and A. Neem helps to control dandruff and relieves itchiness, dryness and promotes strong and voluminous hair.

How to use it? Wet your hair and scalp. Apply neem and sage hair mask on the length of your hair working its way down from the scalp to the tip. Slowly finger comb the hair top by blending the mask properly through the hair. Leave it for 15-20 minutes. Rinse it thoroughly with water and after that Apply the mild neem and sage Shampoo for better results.


Now that you know the secrets to stronger hair, stop waiting and start implementing? Follow these hair care remedies to make sure that your hair becomes silky and voluminous.

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