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5 Steps Towards Maximum Productivity

In maximum productivity, We all know how important it is to exercise and eat well in order to stay healthy. Did you know that performing them more often will help you accomplish more at work and in life?

A standing desk can improve your health as well as your productivity. According to Dr. Stephanie Faubion, “sitting is the new smoking.”

Physically and mentally healthy activities have been linked to increased productivity. To improve yours, use these life hacks:

  1. Don’t multitask; multipurpose instead

In achieving maximum productivity, multitasking is impossible, according to research. Our brains can only focus on one thing at a time, and refocusing can take up to 23 minutes if we become distracted.

That isn’t to say that people can’t accomplish two things at the same time. Nicole Bandes, a productivity coach, recommends “multi-purposing,” or doing one focused work and one routine task at the same time.

Consider the following scenario:

  • While you’re out shopping for groceries, listen to that skill-building podcast.
  • Grab a snack with a coworker and have a work meeting instead of having lunch alone.
  • Schedule a conference call for the morning when you’re commuting (but not driving!).

She explains, “It’s about reaping numerous rewards from a single task.” “If you don’t have to focus in two distinct directions, you can finish two tasks.”

  1. Continue to move

    Kaitlin Bitting tried for years to fit a workout into her day, but she could never seem to find the time. Finally, about a year ago, the natural night owl began setting her alarm clock for 6 a.m. in order to get to the gym first thing in the morning.

    She boasted, “I can sleep with the best of them.” “However, I needed to find uninterrupted exercising time.”

    Bitting began working out to enhance her health, but soon discovered another benefit: she was significantly more productive at work.


Consider the following:

  • When you work out in the morning or at lunch when you still have work to do, you’ll be able to accomplish more during the day.
  • Purchase a standing desk. “Sitting is the new smoking,” says Mayo Clinic executive and international medicine director Dr. Stephanie Faubion. “As a result, adopting a stand-up workstation can help.”
  • Take the stairs whenever possible, and get up and go for a stroll during your lunch break.

Bitting became so productive, she found time to start moonlighting as a health and wellness coach.


“I’m at my best when I’m driven and energized to get things done during the day,” Bitting says. “It took a long time, but I finally understand my body and how to work more efficiently.”

  1. Get some rest

    Working while sleep deprived is equivalent to working while inebriated.

    “When people don’t get enough sleep, they fail sobriety tests,” Faubion says. “When we’re fatigued, our brains don’t work as well.”

    She recommends getting seven to eight hours of sleep. Isn’t it easier said than done?

Consider This:

  • Every day, go to bed and wake up at the same hour. According to studies, (maximum productivity), this helps to maintain a regular sleep quality by reinforcing your circadian cycle.
  • Get a real alarm clock and put your phone away in another room. “If you wake up in the middle of the night and check your email,” Faubion explains, “you’ll train yourself to get up at night.” Also, don’t glance at your phone for at least an hour before bedtime. According to the National Sleep Foundation, the light from your phone can delay the release of melatonin, a hormone that helps your body fall asleep.
  • Drink nothing two hours before bedtime so your body doesn’t feel compelled to get up and go to the bathroom in the middle of the night — which will keep you awake later, according to Faubion.
  • To combat noise and light disturbances, use a sleep mask and a white noise machine.
  1. Treat food as a source of energy

    Healthy eating habits can provide us with more energy throughout the day, allowing us to be more productive and achieve the aims to be Maximum in Productivity


Consider the following:


  • First and foremost, don’t eat a substantial lunch. “After lunch, a lot of people slip into a significant slump,” Faubion explains. “Eat light,” says the author.
  • If you’re looking for a snack, stick to fruits and veggies. Granola bars and other high-carb goodies will offer you a small burst of energy, but you’ll collapse 30 minutes later.
  • Limit your coffee consumption. A cup in the morning and another in the afternoon is fine, but more than that can make you jittery and inattentive, according to Faubion.
  • To prevent falling to poor eating during a hectic week, set aside some time on the weekend to do some healthy snack and meal prep, such as placing carrots in snack bags or cooking weeknight meals.

We all react to food differently, so listen to your body, advises Faubion.

  1. Invest in Tools

    Taking steps toward a more productive existence, according to maximum productivity, can be difficult. Don’t rely just on your brain abilities; tools can assist you.

    There are many task management apps, such as Asana, that can help you keep track of and check off activities for everything from a professional assignment to your wedding. To make business communications more productive, consider non-email communication options like Slack and the AI-assisted Boomerang for Gmail.

    While some of these applications require some time to learn and set up, Bandes believes they can help you become more efficient at work and “free up time to accomplish the things that help you meet your objectives and advance you in the direction you want to go.”

In maximum productivity, There are also meditation applications like Headspace and Calm that can help you refresh your mind and regain focus when you feel like you’re running on fumes.

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