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6 Reasons Why a Multilingual Website Is Beneficial to Your Company

Is a Multilingual Website Is Beneficial to Your Company? Any company with a website aims to attract customers to their services, products, or services. But, without blowing your marketing budget, how do you expand your business to reach new international speaking customers?

The answer is straightforward: you require a bilingual website.

Customers who may choose from a variety of languages on a website have a significant competitive edge. Read Lingmo’s list of six reasons why you should make your website accessible to everyone.

1. Translating your website is cost-effective

It is not necessary to spend a lot of money to expand your firm into new markets. In fact, the most cost-effective and dependable way to engage customers who speak a different language is through a bilingual website.

By translating your website, you can continue to work on your worldwide marketing plan while still remaining competitive by making your essential content available in many languages.

Providing multilingual content on a website has long been linked with a high price tag. Your website can now be translated immediately from your original copy with the click of a button, thanks to cost-effective monthly payment methods.

2. A multilingual website increases financial productivity

The majority of businesses are focused on increasing sales. One of the most efficient methods to accomplish this is to translate your website.

Customers are more inclined to buy from your website if they can read the content in their own language. In fact, 46% of website visitors believed that having information in their native language increased their trust and confidence in the product, making them more inclined to purchase it.

Customers are more likely to engage with your brand if you localize content since you provide an advantage over your competition.

3. A multilingual website available to everyone

English is no longer the universal language of the internet, which may come as a surprise.


Only 25.9% of internet users were native English speakers as of March 2020. Non-English speaking countries, on the other hand, account for 3.4 billion people.

The majority of internet users will avoid non-localized websites in favor of those that offer many languages.

As a result, businesses without a multilingual website are missing out on a significant portion of their target market.

6 Reasons Why a Multilingual Website Is Beneficial to Your Company


4. Expand your potential market

Translating your website into other languages is a great place to start if you want to expand your company’s worldwide reach.

If you localize your content, more individuals will see your marketing messages, increasing the number of your online audience.

For example, there are already more than half a billion Spanish-speaking online users, but there are ten different Spanish dialects throughout Latin culture.

You might rapidly improve traffic to your website by translating it into Spanish, as Latin users account for 8% of the Internet population.


A translated website will allow you to rapidly and successfully grow into new international markets and reach new target consumers.

5. Increase international website traffic and SEO

Businesses used to believe that ranking well on the Internet required an army of websites, each translated into a different language. This was a misconception, in addition to being time consuming and costly.

Adding languages to your website, on the other hand, increases the likelihood of it being found by various search engines.

Multilingual websites will aid your company’s international ranking.

6. Build brand recognition and trust

Consumer interaction leads to increased brand awareness. As a result, having a translated website implies that more people will visit it, increasing your brand recognition.

Having a bilingual website will appeal to individuals all over the world, and they will begin to identify your brand with a specific need or want. This will set you apart from the competition and aid in the identification of your brand and business. Not to mention, it will help you stand out from the crowd.

Customers who are able to grasp your information in their native language are more likely to notify others who share their interests, resulting in familiarity and repeat business.

Furthermore, having a website in many languages boosts your brand’s trustworthiness. Once you have a multilingual capability on your website, you can truly become a “global” brand.

Customers will appreciate your awareness of their culture if your website is localized, and you will earn their trust.


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