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-Anybody Can Do This Business From Anywhere Home Or Shop – First Published: 2012-05-09 – Hope Eno

Yes, ready to cook food processing business can turn you into a weekly cash machine. Generating income from processed and already cooked sea foods, shrimps, catfish, prawns, etc is not new, but turning it into a business is another ball game you must desire to play right now because the market is huge.


Statistics show that the number of people out there who are tied to long working hours, especially working class women are on the increase. Not only this, but their work rate per day has also increased, added to the fact that a lot of them still have to carter for other domestic issues like cooking or supervising such, taking care of the kids and their numerous home work or school assignments and other needs.


These groups of people also try to keep up with other social demands put on them by the society they live in, thus reducing the time they will spend for kitchen activities. This is where you stand a chance to make money from a service that will make life easy for the above group of people.


Exposing The Opportunities In This Business

Food processing and Ready to Cook business opportunity is hot right now, especially in busy cities like Lagos, Abuja, port Harcourt, etc. You can rake in huge about of money on a daily basis doing this low capital intensive business with high turn over.



The good thing about the business is that it is a business that makes life easier for busy executives who come back home very late to cook, and for people who like snail, prawns, catfish, local chicken, bush meat, etc., but don’t have the time to clear all the rough ends in order to get such stuff into their menu – it becomes a delight to pay for such services.


For some people, they may have the time, but they still don’t want to face that challenge. They prefer other people doing it for them while they pay for the service; hence the market for this business is very large, not only for the women folks, but also for guys who can make a living out of it. you don’t need a rocket science degree in food processing to be able to get this done as restaurants, bookers, eatery centers are in dare needs of these products and services right now.



The Process Involved In Taking This Business To A Profitable Level

There is no doubting the fact that this business is simple to do, but to make consistent money from it you must obey the entire rule, because it involves a lot of processes.


Speaking with Mrs. Dollar Okome, CEO of McDollar’s Foods on the opportunities in this business brought out a lot of facts. According to her, first you have to determine what you want to sell, sea foods, shrimps, catfish, prawns, snails, bush meat, local chicken, etc. You have to sort out every item one after the other depending on what you want and the kind of suppliers you have in mind and also the number of supplies you want to make.



Sea Food Processing Is An Income Earner

You have to be very careful when processing each product, especially the fish. If you don’t scale the fish very well your clients will not enjoy the soup. You can employ people to do the washing for you since you are dealing with different kinds of fish, both fresh water and sea water fishes, but still you have to assist your staff to do it, because you are the owner of the business and every business needs good supervision for success to be inevitable.


Packaging for cash

I still make sure that before processing, packaging or freezing my products, I have to check every one of the items to make sure they are well cleaned. The supervisory process means you have to be around when your staff are doing the cleaning and the processing of the sea food or any local animal, snail, bush meat or chicken.


Simple Fact About The Business

The opportunity is very large, just get the clients and learn the process, you are bound to make money. I spent N5000 just to know how to wash only snails for two hours, hence there is also opportunity to make money teaching people how to process these raw products incase you are out there with the gift and you don’t know what to do with it, just go ahead and start exploiting this opportunity.



The Process Involved In Washing Snail

Apart from using alum and lime, I use special sponge to wash the snail, and even when you are using the sponge you have to pour enough water because snail is a very dirty animal, since it is gotten from muddy or bushy environment. Though this sponge is in the market, it is not common, you have to ask the Yoruba women for it before you can get it.


The Use Of Preservatives

Why I don’t used preservative is because customers complain about the use of it in the products they buy from supermarkets. They say that some of the items have sour taste because of it, when it stays there for a long time. My product doesn’t stay more than five days because of the numerous clients I have and because I don’t use preservatives.


How To Process The Shrimps For Cash

Shrimps are a very nutritious product. You have to sort for it in the market and peel it, you have to dry it, you have to cold dry it before you process it. In cold drying, you have to outline the items one by one in a big tray to dry on its own after you have added salt to them right in the freezer; hence you need two freezers, one for cold drying and one for after packaging.


Processing Crabs For Cash

For the crabs, we have two types of crabs here in Nigeria, the flat one that is very common in the market and the ones they pick from the bush and tie together to sell. But I buy the flat ones because that is the one they use for Eforiro (a local African soup) and also because that one is very good for use and is in demand by most of my clients.


For the processing of this specie, you remove the head, clean the bad sides, sometimes you can leave the limbs, sometimes you have to break them depending on the client, but everything must be put in the pack. The next stage is to cold dry them as well before packaging.


Processing Fish For Cash

Fish processing gives the highest amount of turnover because there are different types of fish and each one requires different processing methods and different prices. To start processing fish, you first have to scale it, that is to remove the scales and then remove the gills and other dirt inside it, cold dry it and then package it.


Making Money From Poultry Products

For the poultry products, they include chicken, turkey, etc. It is actually a known fact that some customers don’t like imported frozen chicken but they prefer live local chicken, I guess because of their unique taste and flavour, but they cannot process this for their daily need, which is where you can come in and make the money. What we do is that I go to the market, get the live chicken, clean them, prepare them and package them especially for such clients.

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