SuccessDigest Marketplace


Information is the baseline for any kind of transformation in this world. The quality of our lives cannot be better than the quality of information available to us. We must change the mindsets of our people. The number one challenge we face now as a nation is the provision of information and training. What many people think and have come to accept as ‘normal’ is not normal.

They are putting up with the quality and standard of life they should not put up with at all. Knowledge helps one to discover what belongs to him or her. It creates a gap between what you know you are entitled to and your current state. This new knowledge ignites a desire in you to want to enjoy what you have been missing.

For example, if you discover suddenly that a wealthy relation leaves a large amount of money for you in his will, that knowledge will stir a desire in you to get what belongs to you. One word that we do not commonly use in this country is the word “right”. Many of our citizens, unfortunately, do not know what belongs to them by way of right.

For being a human being, you are entitled to some basic rights which worldwide, called fundamental Human Rights. These rights are contained in chapter 4 of the Nigerian Constitution. But most Nigerians don’t even know what fundamental human rights mean. This is the reason we need to initiate massive educational programs.

It is through enlightenment that we can maximize the potentials of individuals and the whole nation. When there is a lack of information, humans become irrational. Events that are controlled by principles of nature are attributed to some unseen mystical powers Education will make our people aware of the laws that govern life.

When you break a law, you suffer the consequences. These laws are as sure as the law of gravity. Laws make life predictable. If you throw objects upon the earth’s surface, they will come down. It is so sure. There are certain things you will do and poverty will be guaranteed. Same for wealth. It is when you obey rules that you become a ruler.

We must find every available means to get the truth out to our people so that they can be free from poverty, squalor, and failure. Before, I used to believe it was the will of God for some people to be poor and others to be rich. That some were predestined to be rich and others to be poor until I discover that God’s plans are of good and not of evil.

Then I made up my mind that it is the will of God for me to be blessed and to prosper. A was dissatisfaction was created within me. I was determined to lay hold on every possible key to move me from where I wanted to where I want to be. Discovery is our key to recovery. Walking in ignorance is like walking in darkness.

Information is light and light makes progress possible. We must approach education from formal and informal dimensions. There is such a dire need for formal education in Nigeria. But we need more than just this. We must employ all means to get our people informed. We need education to remove ignorance.


A lot of people don’t even know the basic things to move their lives forward. When a man doesn’t know the right key to open a door, he will become frustrated. We need an education that will invoke positive dreams. If God has a put dream in you to build a school, start now. The destiny of the whole nation is waiting for your touch of excellence.

You must play your part. If God has helped you to overcome challenges in our environment; and you have achieved success, kindly pass on what you know to others. We must explore avenues of informal education. The media can be a powerful tool for influencing the thinking of our people.

The undue emphasis on the power of magic and witchcraft will keep our people in fear. Let us put the media to better use. It will help us to organize seminars, workshops, and conferences. We must also improve the reading culture. Books like “The Richest Man in Babylon”, “Think and Grow Rich”, and “Acres of Diamond” helped shape the thinking of Americans. It is our turn for a mental revolution.

Nigeria will Succeed!



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