SuccessDigest Marketplace

Success must always begin from the inside and not from the outside. Success is basically not what you have or what you have achieved. Success is who you are. There is a battle all of us must fight in life. I call it the battle of identity. If you don’t know who you are, you won’t know what you have; and if you don’t know what you have, you won’t attempt to achieve what you could achieve.

We derive our self-esteem, not from our circumstances, or from other people’s opinion of us, but from our Creator’s opinion of us. “How does God see us as a nation?” There is a separation between industrialized nations and non-industrialized nations. The industrialized nations are referred to as the First World and the non-industrialized ones the Third World.

But then the big question is “What do we call ourselves?” how do we feel about ourselves? What do we think we are worth? If we devalue ourselves, no one is under obligation to raise our price for us. When you want to find out who you are, the best person to ask is not your neighbor but The One who created both of you.

Your neighbor may have an opinion of you that is not accurate. Nobody can define your destiny as The One who designed you and who invested potentials in your life. God made us in his own image and after His own likeness. He made us to have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air and over the cattle, over all the animals, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.

And He commanded us to have dominion. Now, when God said, “let us make man in our own image and let them have dominion”, did that include Nigerians? It certainly included Nigerians. Therefore, if God Almighty when creating mankind invested the ability to dominate – the potential for dominion – inside us, then we can dominate.

We are winners by destiny. Whether somebody agrees with it or not, if God says we are blessed then we are blessed. I believe this is the greatest country on the earth. We have to believe it. We have to behave it. What we believe is what we become. God did not make us of inferior quality.

It all depends on what we believe. The blood of an Australian is not different from the blood of an Indian, which is not different from that of a Nigerian. All of us have the same blood. This has been tested and proven by hematologists. The color of your skin doesn’t make any difference in the composition of your blood. People across races who are in the same blood group can exchange blood, without any problem whatsoever.

Therefore, there is no blood that is superior to any other blood. Science has taken it a little further. They have checked every part of man and found all the organs are the same. Even the brain is exactly the same. So the difference between races is only skin deep. Once you take off that top layer, we are all the same.

If one race or country is inferior to the other, that was not the way God made it. Solomon, the wise man of the Bible once said, “The rich and poor meet together: the LORD is the maker of them all”. You see, God does not make people poor. He creates people, and then they become rich or poor. And now, we are making a choice to succeed. It will happen in your lifetime and mine.

Nigeria Will Succeed!



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