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I see a new Nigeria, where the green-white-green flag will become a common feature in offices, homes, and even on cars. A new Nigeria which every citizen will be proud of. A new Nigeria where each citizen will be treated as a creation of value and with respect. A Nigeria where wealth creation will be a common feature and each citizen will be free to dream and fulfill their dreams.

But that New Nigeria must become a reality inside us before it can become a reality on the outside. Self-esteem must always begin from the inside-out, not from the outside-in. and I believe that the greatest source of esteem and value is what the creator says about us, not our circumstances or the opinions of others. When the devil wants to confuse you about your identity, what he does is to contest what God has told you because that is the source of your identity.

We should stop using circumstances to define ourselves or our country. Because what you believe is what you become. Everything starts inside. If you think you are inferior then you are, and people will see in it your behavior and treat you that way. Whatever title you put on your head is what you are.

It’s not when you have millions in your account that you become a millionaire, it’s when you become a millionaire inside that the millions have no choice but to flow into your life. You are like a magnet that attracts only its value per time. Let me compare our country’s situation with that of someone named Jacob in the Bible.

Jacob struggled all his life with a wrong identity. Before he was born, God told his parents that they were going to give birth to two nations. When they delivered a set of twins, one would have thought that they would give them names that would reflect or express such powerful destinies. But no. The children were born and unfortunately, their parents used the circumstances of their birth to name them.

The first came out and they named him Esau because he was hairy and the second was named Jacob because he was struggling to come out first and held on to the leg of the first. When the parents saw this they thought to themselves, “This guy would be a smart, cunning guy”. They named him Jacob meaning clever or cunning. Just like a joke that was what he became.

All the life he lied, tricked, took advantage of people just to become what God has already called him (a great nation). He kept struggling with his identity until he met with God and prayed with determination for a change. Then God asked him for his name which was the root of his problem. God said, “From today you will no longer be called Jacob but you will be called Israel”, meaning a prince of God, which I believe was what he should have been named from birth.

God didn’t change the circumstances of Jacob but first changed him. When Jacob changed, things change. When the man changes; his circumstances will also change. So we need to re-name ourselves in this country. We are not poor. This is the wealthiest, most resourceful, and most enterprising set of people in the world. We are a special breed of people who will always find a way where there is none.

Our gifts may have been used negatively before but some people are choosing to use them appropriately now. Why should we accept and internalize the labels given to us by international organizations? We need to re-name this nation. I say again, we are not poor. This is the wealthiest country in the world.


Someone said, “Nothing splendid has ever been achieved except by those who dared believe that something inside them is superior to their circumstance”. We should stop looking for someone’s permission to succeed. Because whoever has the right to give you freedom is the one with the permission to dominate and manipulate you.

True freedom is not external it is internal. And to you, dear reader, I say, let this change begin in you. You are not inferior; you are capable of making a difference. You are not a victim; you are a victor. You are more than a conqueror. You are not poor; you are rich.
Nigeria will succeed!


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