SuccessDigest Marketplace


Last week, I was at my barber’s shop, having a trim. I was watching the television through its reflection on the mirror. The station was OGTV (Ogun State Television). I saw something that made me excited. It began with a computer-generated picture of Olumo Rock and beneath it was written “OGD Olumo Rock Project”.

Then the picture began to move. I saw the interior of a beautiful lift that climbed up to the first level of rocks. The picture moved around those rocks, then went into the lift again and moved up to the top of the rock. Then I saw the aerial view of the whole property showing the lawns, the rocks, guest houses, and so on. At the end of the presentation, I saw on the screen the words “Coming Soon”.

I felt like screaming. As simple as it seems, that kind of presentation is one of the most important steps to development in our country. I must admit that the Governor of Ogun State has an idea of what to do as a leader, to create prosperity for his state. Where there is no vision, the people perish.

Vision is the master of provision. Poverty is not caused by the absence of money. It is caused by the absence of vision. A man can only become prosperous when he develops prosperity consciousness. We must create the picture of a prosperous Nigeria and position the average Nigerian in that picture. We should write boldly on it, “Coming Soon”. That is a statement of faith, and all things are possible to him that believes.

The central theme of our quest for development must be the prosperity of the average Nigerian. That theme is the best selling point for all of the government’s reform programs. For a start, our pay structure is ridiculous. Although a salary of N70,000 per month would be considered fat pay, it is only $500. We must develop a practical strategy for
multiplying the income of the average Nigerian in the next ten or twenty years.

The Minister for Police Affairs was quoted recently in newspaper reports to have said that it is obvious to everyone that policemen collect N20 from commercial drivers because of their poor living conditions. That is the truth. And it is not only about policemen. It is the basic reason behind the rampant corruption that pervades the whole country.

The poverty of our citizens has confined us to the consumption of poor-quality goods and services. Whereas a fresh graduate could afford a brand new car in 1974, his fellow citizen cannot afford even a used car in 2004. In 1974, graduates, even undergraduates did not engage in an armed robbery.

Today, it is no longer news. The big question; “Will the privatization program, NEEDS, increase in banks capitalization, deregulation and other government programs help the average Nigerian to become prosperous or will they help a few rich citizens to become richer?” If the average Nigerian will become more prosperous, we need to be shown how.

The tax reforms being  proposed by the new management of the Federal Inland Revenue Service is a welcome development. It has become evident that planning our economy on the long term on oil proceeds is a strategy for poverty. The government’s major source of revenue should be from taxes. As we take this approach, it will become imperative for government to help the average Nigerian to prosper. As long as our citizens are
poor, our government will remain broke.


At the base of the economic pyramid for a developed country is self-sufficiency in food production. Since food is a very basic need, whatever wealth we create will eventually end up in other countries in exchange for food. The portion of our budget devoted to agriculture is too low for any meaningful change. Investment is the key to achievement.

A recent report by the World Bank revealed that it is very difficult to start a business in poor countries than it is in developed economies. I do not see how we can experience a turnaround in our economy without a boom in small businesses. It is businesses that create jobs; they create products and services, and they make profits from which they pay taxes to the government. It is these taxes that enable the government to provide social services.

My dear reader, your personal prosperity will be a major contribution to our national prosperity. Are you prepared to take advantage of the opportunities that are being created by the government’s reform programs? Do you have the skills to starting and running a business?

By the way, if you wait for a perfect condition you will never get anything done. Start with what you have where you are. See a prosperous future for yourself. Set some financial goals. Develop a plan for achieving them. Then, go to work. Be persistent. Your dreams are coming to pass.
You will succeed!



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