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S2: Mindset 1: Self Awareness.

S3: Self-awareness is the conscious knowledge of one’s own character, feelings, motives and desires. It’s how you view yourself from a third-party’s perspective.

For example, when you set for yourself a sales target and you feel fear of achieving it, thinking that it is impossible to do so then self awareness at this point would be to acknowledge that you are fearful and start to investigate inwards to understand why is there a fear of growth? Does it stem from unworthiness or something deeper?

Having awareness creates the opportunity to make changes in our behaviors and beliefs because we are able to catch disempowering behaviors before it comes a part of our identity.

S4: To develop self-awareness, it starts with listening inwards to your emotions, thoughts and feelings. You listen by first identifying a situation in which you realize does not serve you. Then detach yourself from that situation and enquire why did you react in this way?


Was it conscious, deliberate on purpose or was it out of fear of some sort on a deeper level?

When you start practicing this on a daily basis, you’ll be able to catch non serving mindsets, limiting beliefs and actions before it happens and turn it into something that serves you better.

S5: Self-awareness has three aspects: self-control, self-reflection and self-beliefs. You need to gain mastery over each aspect as a foundation to a bigger mindset.


S6: The first aspect is self-control. It is the ability to control oneself, in terms of our emotions, our desires and how we react to other people’s behavior, especially in difficult and heated situations.

S7: The ability to exert self-control is called willpower. Heard of the quote “if there’s a will, there’s a way”? When your willpower is strong, you will be able to bring your team and company to a higher level and find a way out of challenges and adversities.


S8: Next is self-reflection which is important for self-improvement. This is the part of acknowledging your wins and giving yourself feedback for improvement.


S9: To do self reflection, at the end of the day, sit down in a quiet area and reflect on what happened in the day. What was your biggest lesson of the day? Did you end the day as how you intended it to be? Were your daily goals achieved? If not, why do you think it was not achieved?

What can you then actively do to prepare for tomorrow and make things better?

Through this thought process, write your thoughts and suggestions on a piece of paper and have them as your personal or company goals.



S10: When you’re setting your goals, be honest to yourself. Set goals that you are able to accomplish, and strive to improve yourself day by day. This also translates into company goals.


S11: The third aspect of self-awareness is “Self Belief”. This is you believing in your talents and abilities with uncompromising conviction. This is very important because if you don’t believe in yourself and don’t believe that you are worthy of success, you will be trapped in a self-fulfilling loop of self-sabotage.

Here’s a true story, you have probably heard of this before, lottery winners who go broke within less than a year of collecting their winnings. If you do a web search on “Lottery Winners Who Got Broke”, you would get an extensive list.

Why is that?

Because they weren’t prepared to receive such a huge lump sum in one go. How big your business grows is proportionate to how big your mindset is.

S12: In order for your mindset to grow big, you first must discard your limiting beliefs. Take a look at your current belief system and ask if these beliefs are still serving you or are they limiting your potential to be better.

Discard beliefs that do not serve you or hold you back and install new beliefs that push and pull you forward. Remember that you and your business will only grow as big as you do so grow yourself to be colossal.


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