SuccessDigest Marketplace

Seven Ways To Promote Your Export Business

The outcome of your promotional strategies can make or break your export venture. In this context, promotion refers to any or all of the communications tools listed below that you may use to convince people to buy your product or service.

Advertising – carefully select the media that have a wide circulation within your target audience. If few
people have televisions, is radio a better bet? Or print? Or online advertising? Or social media? Word of
mouth promotion (testimonials, samples, etc.)?

Promotional materials – you may need to remove elements that are inappropriate, offensive or
meaningless in the target market. Then have a commercial writer adapt these materials into the native
language, and have it double-checked by a native of the country.

Direct mail – a targeted direct mail campaign can be very effective if you do your research and gain
experience in your target market.

Media – prepare a media kit that includes a profile of your company, new products/services,
newsworthy activities and any articles published about your company.

Personal visits – many cultures value personal contact as the best means of promotion and building
business relationships.

Trade shows – attending or participating in international trade shows allows you to promote your
business, check out the competition and do market research.

Internet – be prepared to commit time and money to keeping your website up-to-date, useful to
customers and maintained in other languages.

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