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Snake bites in the toilet have been a reoccurring issue over time. In fact, there have been multiple instances of snake bites while using the restroom this year alone.

Septic tanks, ventilation pipes, sewers, and drains are all places where snakes can enter your toilet.

Contrary to common opinion, your toilet seat is only a few meters from the sewers, which are home to not only snakes but also lizards, worms, and rats.

The search for these other species can occasionally bring a snake to the surface In your toilet.

Snake bites in the toilet: 7 ways to protect yourself

So, how do you defend yourself against these rambunctious visitors? To stay safe and protected try these 6 ways

  1.  Block pipes, drains, and any gaps in your toilet. To do this,  use mesh or wire covering.
  2. Every six months, fumigate your sewage system.
  3. Cover your septic tanks and slabs at all times. It’s never a good idea to leave them open.
  4. All sewage lines that have burst should be repaired. Rats and other animals are attracted to a damaged pipe.
  5. Before you sit on the toilet, make sure it’s clean. What are the chances? A big snake could be staring back at you.
  6. Pour kerosene into the toilet seat, leave it overnight, wash and flush off the next morning before using.
  7. Boil water to a hundred degree boiling point, pour it into the toilet, and wait for some minutes before seating on it.

Aside snake bites, in the toilet, let’s learn how to keep these away from our environment.

How to keep snakes away from your home using bitter kola ?

To keep snakes away with bitter kola, grind the bitter kola and mix it up with ground maize.

Spread it around the areas you observed snakes frequently pass through or around the compound or around your house; snakes will keep their distance totally. Repeat this process at intervals of three days.

For snake bite, chew 5-10 pieces of bitter kola immediately and within a few seconds, you will feel the need to urinate the poison out of the body. In addition, this method can also be effective for scorpion bites.



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