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5 Steps To Get Your Priorities Straight At Home And In Business

5 Steps To Get Your Priorities Straight At Home And In Business – Operating a successful home-based business is a time-consuming endeavor. This is doubly true as work-at-home moms in that we are responsible not only for the success of our business but for our family as well. We must be self-reliant, self-motivated, and discipline …

5 Crucial Home Business Tips to Realize Financial Freedom

5 Crucial Home Business Tips to Realize Financial Freedom A home business provides a great avenue for gaining financial freedom. Realize your financial dreams by following these five crucial home business tips… Starting your home business is the easy part, but realizing your long-term goal of financial freedom takes much effort and dedication. There are …

3 Easy Ways To Make More Money This Year

3 Easy Ways To Make More Money This Year Successful business owners all have one thing in common, they are never satisfied with sales levels. Whether you are making $10,000 a year or $1 million a year, there is always a possibility for growth. Growth only comes when you realize it can happen. You will …

The Impact of Lacking Self-Esteem on Business

The Impact of Lacking Self-Esteem on Business  Many business people suffer from diminished Self-Esteem. This highly affects their effectiveness. Discover how to solve this problem so your efforts in a business setting will drastically improve and thus you’ll make infinitely more money! Studies show that at least 85% or more of the world’s people suffer …

5 Things to Consider Before You Hire a Virtual Assistant

5 Things to Consider Before You Hire a Virtual Assistant I hear the term “Virtual Assistant” more and more in business. Did you know that you could possibly hire someone from another continent that works while you sleep and maybe for $8 – $12 Dollars. Most of the VA’s I work with have degrees and …

Negotiating With Prospective Buyers

Negotiating With Prospective Buyers It is essential that the exporter should possess the necessary skill for negotiating with the overseas channels of distribution. The ability to negotiate effectively is needed for discussion with importers or trade agents. While conducting business negotiations, the prospective exporter should avoid conflict, controversy, and criticism with the other party. During …

Finding A Reliable Chinese Supplier

Finding A Reliable Chinese Supplier Suppose you come up with a product idea or think you have market channels for certain products, and you want to find a supplier in China because of the low product development cost and low production cost there. To successfully find a suitable China supplier, you need a strategy. This …

Doing Business in Singapore

Doing Business in Singapore Singapore is an amalgam of an indigenous Malay population with a majority of third-generation Chinese as well as Indian and Arab immigrants. As a result, it is very difficult to generalize about the country as a whole. The following guide to doing business in Singapore shall offer some introductory tips. To …

What Aspiring Exporters Should Know

What Aspiring Exporters Should Know The greatest impediment to the development of export business in Nigeria is lack of adequate information about the business, says Mrs. Aderonke Adeyemo, MD, STEM Business Academy who also is among the 60 people currently selected across the nation to participate in the Federal Government-sponsored New Exporters Development Program. She …

You Can Make A Fortune With Herbal Farming

You Can Make A Fortune With Herbal Farming! The days of perceiving herbal medicine as ‘snake oil’, fetish, and superstitious seem to be numbered, as it has been widely confirmed that such medicine is indeed as effective in disease treatment, as ‘Western’ medicine. The world is increasingly turning to nature for radiant health, but astonishingly, …