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LIFE IS PRECIOUS The death last week of four of the sextuplets born to a Nigerian family is heartbreaking. It brings to fore the question of the value we place on human life in our country. A part of the future died with those children. When a seed dies, the potential harvest dies along with …


NIGERIA: OUR PROSPERITY Last week, I was at my barber’s shop, having a trim. I was watching the television through its reflection on the mirror. The station was OGTV (Ogun State Television). I saw something that made me excited. It began with a computer-generated picture of Olumo Rock and beneath it was written “OGD Olumo …


NIGERIA: OUR VISION My dear reader, I ask that you indulge me for the next few weeks, as I think aloud on our journey to development as a nation, as we celebrate the 44th anniversary of our independence. The reforms being carried out in our economy, the civil service, the police, the military, and other …