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Doing Business in Singapore

Doing Business in Singapore Singapore is an amalgam of an indigenous Malay population with a majority of third-generation Chinese as well as Indian and Arab immigrants. As a result, it is very difficult to generalize about the country as a whole. The following guide to doing business in Singapore shall offer some introductory tips. To …

What Aspiring Exporters Should Know

What Aspiring Exporters Should Know The greatest impediment to the development of export business in Nigeria is lack of adequate information about the business, says Mrs. Aderonke Adeyemo, MD, STEM Business Academy who also is among the 60 people currently selected across the nation to participate in the Federal Government-sponsored New Exporters Development Program. She …

The Export Potential of Coir

The Export Potential of Coir Coir is a natural fiber, extracted from the husk of coconut and used in products such as floor mats, doormats, brushes, mattresses, etc. Technically, coir is the fibrous material found between the hard, internal shell and the outer coat of a coconut. Other uses of brown coir (made from ripe …

Smart Way To Select Export Market

Smart Way To Select Export Market Given the number of markets worldwide, which might be showing high potential, the question arises as to how to select this market smartly. Information is what you need to select an appropriate export market. And again, using, chamber of commerce, your industry association, relevant export authority, and your colleagues …

The Golden Rule For Export Business Success

The Golden Rule For Export Business Success Research the market. In order to be successful in exporting one must fully research its markets. No one should ever try to tackle every market at once. Many enthusiastic persons bitten by the export bug, fail because they bite off more than they can chew. Overseas design and …