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NATIONAL EDUCATION III Some time ago I mentioned to our church members that some people had been stealing the fittings in the water closets in our toilets. Most worshippers were shocked. But come to think of it, people steal street lights, road railings, and public funds in our country. The level of depravity to which …


NATIONAL EDUCATION II Information is the baseline for any kind of transformation in this world. The quality of our lives cannot be better than the quality of information available to us. We must change the mindsets of our people. The number one challenge we face now as a nation is the provision of information and …


THE NIGERIAN DREAM II When you have a vision, it becomes the basis for your decisions. When you have decided where to go, you do not have problems when you come to a road junction. But for the person who has no vision, any road is the way. As soon as we decide on the …


NIGERIA: OUR PROSPERITY Last week, I was at my barber’s shop, having a trim. I was watching the television through its reflection on the mirror. The station was OGTV (Ogun State Television). I saw something that made me excited. It began with a computer-generated picture of Olumo Rock and beneath it was written “OGD Olumo …

Earn Big Cash – How To Make Six-Figure Income Monthly Loading Agro-Export Commodities From The Interior Villages Where They Are Readily Available To Lagos

…You Can Also Earn Big Cash Just Getting Export Contracts Online That a lot of Nigerians have given up on their dream of making money from the export business does not remove the shine from the export business. Though very lucrative, the export business is not for lazy people. It is for hardworking and diligent …