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5 Crucial Home Business Tips to Realize Financial Freedom

5 Crucial Home Business Tips to Realize Financial Freedom A home business provides a great avenue for gaining financial freedom. Realize your financial dreams by following these five crucial home business tips… Starting your home business is the easy part, but realizing your long-term goal of financial freedom takes much effort and dedication. There are …


CHANGE AGENTS Who can you be that you are not yet? What can you do that you have not done? And what can you say that you have not said? In each person there are potentials! Each man was designed to be a person of influence, a person of success. The simple way to becoming …


NATIONAL EDUCATION There was a convention held by the Barbers and Hairstylists of America. The convention was to let all Americans appreciate their profession. They hired one young public relations executive to package the convention. The public relations executive had a brilliant idea. He went downtown to the slums to fish out an addict that …


QUALITIES OF A LEADER: VISION Sam Adeyemi says: I am impressed by the Paretto principle: the 80/20 principle. It suggests that twenty percent of the population of a country should control eighty percent of the wealth of the nation. But in a country like Nigeria, I find that the Paretto principle has been messed up. …