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As you read this article, I want you to make a BIG commitment. I want you to purpose in your heart to start giving from this day on. Why? Because there is a great benefit in giving. There is joy in giving. Life is not complete without giving.


That’s the great truth that I’ve discovered. I made my discovery almost 30 years ago. I’ve operated this key to the best of my ability over these years. And it has been working wonderfully for me. It will do the same for you if you adopt it.


I embraced giving at a difficult time in my life. I was just 24, neck-deep in personal debt as a result of betting on pools in order to make big money and terminate, once and for all, every trace of poverty in my life. Instead, I got deeper and deeper into debt.


About this time, I got hold of a booklet titled Seven Laws Of Success by Herbet W. Armstrong. That booklet turned my life around completely. In it, among other things, I learned the virtue of giving. I started practicing it. Today, I don’t know what it is like not to give.


In 1995, I started my largest giving project yet at the urgings of my Father in heaven. It’s Success Attitude Development Centre, title owners of SuccessDigest – Nigeria’s No. 1 Life-changing magazine. Like all the previous giving exercises that I’ve been involved in, this one too has started to bring in great harvest.



For instance, a member of SuccessDigest Leaders’ Club, my mentoring club, sent a package to me in June. It was a big envelope and when I opened it, I found a manual titled: Zero to Hero. . . Exclusive Interview With Two Young Nigerian Internet Millionaires, a CD and a letter.


As I was going through the manual, I came upon a page where the author, Lateef Olajide, President/CEO of Success Brothers Enterprises (, dedicated his work to me.



He wrote: “This book, Zero to Hero, exclusive interview with two young Nigerian ‘Net millionaires plus five ‘Net doers, is dedicated to my Chief Mentor, President of the SuccessDigest Leaders’ Club, President Sunny Emmanuel- Ojeagbase, the Publisher of SuccessDigest magazine.”


As I read those words, I came close to tears. So this seed has started to bear good fruit? I said, overwhelmed with joy. My desire to give selflessly in SuccessDigest, is beginning to bear fruit. Praise the Lord!



Well, friend, what else can I tell you than to say that you should think deeply about the virtue of giving and if you find merit in it, embrace it as a lifestyle. You’ll never regret your decision.


PS: When the book, Zero to Hero, is made available to the public, I want you to grab a copy. It’ll guide you to your own Internet millions. Yes it will… provided you’re a doer like the young Nigerian that the author profiled.



First published in July, 2003.

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