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WONDERING why my writing is focusing more on personal achievement at this time?

It is because I’m sensing a more pressing and urgent demand for knowledge that will teach people how to escape from the trap of poverty.

Maybe I’m the only one that is seeing it this way, but it appears to me as if the poverty level has escalated in the country, worse than what it was when Success Attitude Development Centre was established, more than 20 years ago. Mind you, I’m not talking politics here.

Back in 1995, when my wife, Esther, and I were first led to set-up our NGO, there was pressure on families already to put food on the table and send children to school.


But it wasn’t on the scale that I’ve been witnessing around me in the last few months. Hardly does a week pass without one encountering somebody that everyone thought was financially okay opening up that things are bad. In some cases, it’s a whole family of father, mother and young children that are badly hit, going without food for days!

This is no longer a case of young people rushing to get onto the fast lane. It‘s a case of no lanes at all to run on.

The problem of people suffering from poverty didn’t start yesterday. It is an age-long problem; as way back as when man came into existence, or shortly after man was created.

But just as there is a scourge called poverty, so also is there an antidote for it. It’s called Science of Personal Achievement, invented by a man named Napoleon Hill.

Practically everyone who has ever had access to this philosophy and made use of this knowledge has had exciting testimonies to share about the efficacy of the Science of Personal Achievement, as taught by Mr. Napoleon Hill. And that includes me.


I look back at my life and I wonder what it would have been like today, without my access to the information contained in Napoleon Hill’s book – Think And Grow Rich and Success Through A Positive Mental Attitude, co-authored by Hill and W. Clement Stone – which my uncle, Arch Bishop George

Amu, gave me back in December 1983.

These books were instrumental to the financial transformation that my wife and l have been enjoying.

To mark 10 years of our discovering Think And Grow Rich and going into business for ourselves, we launched SADC, an institution that has been raising and nurturing successful entrepreneurs.


Our focus over the years has been to teach people business and income opportunities. And we have made a huge success of it, going by the testimonies available to us.

But there is an urgent need to start teaching another form of knowledge; the knowledge that will hit harder at the soft belly of the enemy of the human race, called poverty.

Poverty is a stubborn foe. It’s not an easy opposition to tackle. The reason is not always obvious to most people. This is because poverty operates where you can hardly look for it: in the mind.

Once poverty-oriented thoughts take charge of your mind, you are done for. And who is this man or woman who has not entertained poverty in this department before they dislodged it, if at all?


But this is what studying the Science of Personal Achievement, as taught by Napoleon Hill can do for you…it will help you to free your mind from all the cobwebs that prevent you from thinking accurately and creatively.

Earl Nightingale, one of the notable Americans who used this philosophy to dramatically improve his life, had this awesome testimony to share: “I don’t think a day has gone by in the last five years that the influence of the philosophy of success has not shaped my life in every way. Coming upon it, as I did after 20 years of earnest sticking for the answers, was like being rescued from the sea.

It’s said that for every life spent in earnest study, there comes an illumination so brilliant as to remove all shadows of doubt. Since then, just a few short years ago, I’ve been able to get everything I set my mind upon.

“Within a week of having discovered the formula, I deliberately doubled my salary and then just to make sure, I re-doubled it. I have since taken for granted such simple things. I have formed four companies since that time, and I am well on the road towards my goal in life.

“Incredible as it may seem, there is one bit of wisdom that has passed down from antiquity unchanged and unchallenged. Great thinkers, from time at the very beginning have already discovered it as their own personal discovery, and so it was.

“We can read it a thousand times and have it shouted in our faces. But for some strange self-limiting reasons we can’t discover it until we are ready to discover it. Human thoughts have a tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent. That’s all.

“Not very shaking, is it? Just 12 words that still give me the creeps when I think of the power that they contain.”

“Human thoughts have a tendency to transform themselves into their physical equivalent!”

That was the secret that I also discovered in Think And Grow Rich years ago, that turned things around for me. And that is the secret that a majority of the human race is yet to learn – that is giving poverty an edge everywhere.


There is an urgent need for what Earl Nightingale calls “earnest study.” Because with it, there will come illumination that will shatter every doubt.

On the occasion of my 60th birthday, my wife ordered 1000 copies of Think And Grow Rich, and shared them to guests as gifts. We are prayerfully hoping that some people have caught the same light that we did years ago from the book.

But beyond that, we have decided to start sharing, step-by-step, the Science of Personal Achievement with my mentees, in addition to business and income opportunities, so as to confront poverty from two fronts, in order to prevent it from continually ravaging our people.


First published in January, 2013.

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