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4 Things That Can Help You Feel Light After Overeating – We all at some point have overeaten or overfed especially when our favorite meal is served before us and thereafter had regrets follow.

Things like that happen often, so don’t be hard on yourself when you see yourself in such a situation.

There are many things you can do to feel light again or speed up your digestion.  Without further ado, here are suggestions of things you can do to feel light when you overeat or overfeed.

So let’s look at how to digest food faster after a heavy meal

4 Things That Can Help You Feel Light After Overeating

Sip Some Water.

The keyword is ‘SIP’, meaning you should not rush or gulp water after eating heavily.  Gulping water can add to your distress at a time as that. To make it easier for yourself, rest your back on a seat or somewhere comfortable while taking a few sips of water throughout the day. Drinking water can help your body flush out excess sodium and prevent constipation.

Take A Walk. 

If siping water is not an option for you, take a slow walk. Walking can help stimulate your digestive system and help your blood sugar levels even out. Avoid strenuous exercise, however, since this can cause blood flow to your legs or arms instead of to your gut.

Chew Gum.

4 Things That Can Help You Feel Light After Overeating

Chewing gum is a good option for overeating as it helps improve digestion. It accomplishes this by increasing the flow of saliva in the mouth, which promotes easier swallowing and activates digestive processes such as the flow of bile and other beneficial acids and enzymes that digest food.

Sip Lipton Green Tea.


Lipton green tea is good for digestion, healthy weight, and detoxifying the body. Lipton Green Tea is a unique blend of powerful indigents that aid digestion and metabolism, making you feel light after eating. Lipton Green Tea is made with pure love and freshly plucked leaves, which are then processed to give it a scent and taste. Read more HERE

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