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Twins: 6 Things That Can Increase Your Chances Of Having Twin Babies

Twins are two offsprings produced by the same pregnancy. A twin pregnancy can occur either when two separate eggs become fertilized in the womb(Fraternal twins) or when a single fertilized egg splits into two embryos( Identical twins).

Unlike in the past, it is now common to have twin births. A Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), shows that twin births have nearly doubled over the last 40 years.

The chances of a woman having twin babies are higher when conception is assisted with fertility treatment or the age of the woman is above 34 years. Aside from maternal age, a study showed that one-third of twin pregnancies in the United States resulted from conception assisted by fertility treatments.

However, there are many myths about how to improve the odds of having twins. Although there are no proven ways to increase the likelihood of conceiving twins, there are certain factors that can increase the chances of this type of pregnancy to occur more. These factors include:


1. Overweight

Women who are obese with a body mass index (BMI) over 30 are more likely to conceive twins than women with a healthier BMI. This may sound ironic since overweight women are also more likely to have difficulty conceiving.

To shed more light on this, extra fat leads to increased levels of estrogen. So, the higher levels of estrogen may lead to overstimulation of the ovaries. Instead of releasing just one egg at ovulation, the ovaries may release two or more.


2. Pregnancy Shortly After You Stop Taking Oral Contraceptives

Oral contraceptives are a popular way to stave off unwanted pregnancies, as they work their magic by halting ovulation. Of course, no form of contraception is absolutely foolproof, but the pill often does the job of keeping pregnancy at bay, so long as it’s taken properly. Because the pill interferes so drastically with a woman’s natural cycle and hormonal balance, it’s not uncommon to assume the body will take time to fully rid itself of the pill’s effects. But that’s not always the case. In fact, your body could be ready to conceive sooner than you’d think — with twins.



3. Fertility Treatment

The choice to begin any kind of fertility treatment is a big decision. Perhaps you’ve been unlucky in your journey to becoming pregnant at all. Or maybe, you’re dead set on having multiples. If that’s the case, IVF may be the way to go. Research shows women who’ve undergone fertility treatments are more likely to have twins, specifically identical twins. Of course, discussing any and all family planning with your doctor is key. The health of both you and your potential child depends on a wide variety of factors.

Twins: 6 Things That Can Increase Your Chances Of Having Twin Babies

4. Maternal Age

Women over 30 are more likely to conceive multiples. This is because the hormone FSH rises as a woman gets older. FSH, or follicle-stimulating hormone, is responsible for the development of eggs in the ovaries before they are released. Higher levels of FSH are needed as a woman ages because the eggs require more stimulation to grow than in a younger woman.

This is somewhat ironic, given that increased FSH is also due to lowering fertility. But sometimes, the follicles overreact to the higher FSH levels, and two or more eggs are released, resulting in a twin pregnancy.



5. Family History

A family history of identical twins does not make it more likely you’ll have multiples. However, if you have fraternal twins (non-identical) in your family, your chances of conceiving twins are high. If there are fraternal twins on both the mother and father’s side, your odds for twins goes up even higher.

A history of fraternal twins on the female side of the family indicates a higher likelihood of ovulating more than one egg per cycle. While a history of fraternal twins on the male side indicates a higher likelihood of the man producing enough sperm to fertilize more than one egg.

6. Diet

While research is still ongoing, some studies have found that women who eat a lot of dairy products are more likely to conceive twins. This is, as a result, dairy lovers have an increased chance of ovulating more than one egg at a time, thus increasing their chances of conceiving fraternal twins. So, take more dairy products if you want to have twin births


Your chances of having twins will depend not just on your use of fertility drugs, but also your family history, age, and other factors mentioned above. These factors do work together. In other words, a tall woman with a family history of fraternal twins is more likely to conceive twins during fertility treatments than a short woman without any family history of twins. Furthermore, twins and multiple pregnancies also vary among fertility clinics. Twin pregnancy differs based on how carefully the clinic track ovulation stimulation during fertility drug use and how many embryos they transfer during IVF. Therefore, if are considering to have twins, make a proper inquiry before you choose a clinic. Meanwhile, here are 9 signs that show you are pregnant with twin babies


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