SuccessDigest Marketplace

Unending Money-making Opportunities In Local Frozen Poultry Production Business

Importation of frozen poultry into Nigeria still tops FG’s import prohibition list. But with the kind of patronage this commodity enjoys daily at most Nigerian markets, two inferences can be safely drawn:

  • It is either Nigerians who don’t give a hoot about the adverse health effect associated with consumption of this poisonous banned commodity.
  • Or, they’ve totally forgotten that this commodity (frozen poultry) was smuggled into the country by smugglers who spend weeks on the road trying to evade the long arm of the law. And that in the process the smugglers use formalin, a dangerous cancer-causing chemical originally used to preserve corpses, to keep their contraband looking fresh till they get to the cold rooms in Nigeria where Nigerians ignorantly buy them for consumption. Yet many Nigerians keep wondering why the country is experiencing increased cancer, liver, and kidney disease cases!


Local Frozen Poultry
Local Frozen Poultry


The danger posed by these poisonous frozen poultry smuggled into the country was further buttressed by an incident involving one of our resource persons, John Agonmuo, sometime in 2002, when he was still involved in the poultry supply business.


John had approached the chief of a five-star hotel in Lagos, a foreigner, to make supplies of imported frozen poultry products to the hotel. He was granted the contract alright but told to bring a sample of what he intends to supply.


John went and got samples from the normal source (merchant importers). But to his surprise, the white man condemned the product which was from a notable European country specialized in frozen poultry and fish export.



The chief chef drew his attention closer to the sample he brought, destination inspection you may call it. He pointed to the skin of the product referring to the processing methods. He looked at the packaging and critically looking at the health status of the product classifying everything as low quality.


In the end, the white man told him he would rather source his chicken locally than go for the poultry products imported into this country. John could not help but wonder that if the chief chef could so condemn a product obtained from his part of the world, then it must be very bad.



Local Frozen Poultry
Local Frozen Poultry


Is There Anything Wrong With Frozen Poultry And Why Do many Nigerians Prefer It?

  1. There is nothing wrong with frozen poultry as long as it is well preserved and not older than 6months.
  2. Nigerians prefer frozen poultry for convenience sake. It saves them the stress of slaughtering and preparation processes, making it easy for kitchen use. You may not believe it, but some people cannot go through the slaughtering process of a chicken.
  3. Frozen poultry meat is easily accessible to consumers as there are many frozen poultry shops in most residential areas.
  4. It can easily be stored and used at will thereby saving time and cooking hours as well as preventing spoilage, etc.


Ok agreed, by the foregoing, frozen poultry has many advantages in the market than purchasing live ones, but does it have to be the poisonous frozen poultry smuggled into the country under unhygienic conditions? The answer is no! The local frozen poultry meat might be a bit expensive, but it is more nutritious and safer for consumption.



Then why are Nigerians still patronizing the poisonous poultry meat smuggled into the country? Two reasons: The majority patronize them out of ignorance, and a few patronize them thinking it is cheaper. Truth is, this commodity might be cheap to buy from the cold rooms, but the consequences are dire!


Do not get this business opportunity mixed up with poultry farming, it is not the same thing as going into poultry farming. The poultry farmers are contented with breeding poultry for buyers. But because Nigerians will rather patronize frozen chicken than live ones for reasons stated earlier, your role is to serve as a middle man between the poultry farmers and the end-users.


You don’t need to go and set up your own poultry to start this business. All you need to do is to source live chickens from existing poultries, process the animal locally into locally produced frozen poultry, and market it locally. That’s all!


All you need to get started had been put together for you in our 2002 report, and it is available for your to download FREE on SD website:  How And Where To Source for Live Poultry, The Equipment Needed, Slaughtering, De-feathering, Processing, and Packaging, Storage, Strategies To Win Your Customers, Little Known Marketing Strategies To Outsell Competitors Who Smuggle In Poisonous Poultry Meat are all in this report.   



Nigeria cannot afford to continue to provide employment and create wealth for people from other countries through the smuggling of products that we can easily produce ourselves while our youths remain jobless and our retired parents are wasting away in hunger.


Stop sitting on your hands complaining there is no job. In every challenge there are money-making opportunities, here is another challenge for you to explore. Put on your thinking cap!


Wishing you success!

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