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9 Ways to Expand Your Online Store
Ways to Expand Your Online Store when it comes to eCommerce, things are thriving, thanks to the impact of COVID-19, which has ushered in a new wave of online businesses. Some are completely new, while others have been forced to pivot in order to stay alive.Even in these hard times of extreme change, with a sure stream of highly driven consumers ready to spend online, the reality remains that you must market your eCommerce business if you want to expand it, attract more customers, and increase traffic. Right now, there are more opportunities for you, but keep in mind that there is also more competition.

How to Grow Your Ecommerce Business

1. Increase the quality of your customer service

When customers receive exceptional eCommerce customer service or know that they can quickly contact you if they have a query or an issue, they are more inclined to buy from you since it provides them added peace of mind.

Remember when you need to expand your online store that we live in a world where people want immediate responses, which is why Chatbots — automated customer support software solutions that allow online chat without human interaction – are a great way for your consumers to contact you with their questions. If you can respond to a query fast, you have a better chance of making a sale, therefore your conversions should improve.

How? You can create your own Chatbot if you have some spare time. Most ecommerce organizations, on the other hand, will want to look into Chatbot software. There are numerous free ‘out of the box’ Chatbots to consider, as well as ones that may be commissioned to be constructed and customised to your specific needs.

If you’re an ecommerce business that sells across various channels, an eCommerce helpdesk like eDesk can integrate client inquiries from sales channels, social media, and email into a single shared dashboard.

2. Create and distribute blogs and newsletters

One of the most effective and proven ways to help your ecommerce business develop is to use content. Unfortunately, many business owners overlook the effectiveness of this method since it requires time and work and does not produce immediate benefits. It’s a long-term strategy that only works when there’s a focus on quality and consistency!

Writing and publishing compelling material on your blog can significantly improve your organic SEO – but only if done properly. A couple of posts every few months won’t enough. It’s also not going to work if you solely post sales-oriented content. The more useful and entertaining content you provide, the more prominent your e-commerce business becomes online – and the more clients you attract.

In achieving expand your online store, delivering weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly newsletters to your prospects and clients – again, crafted with instructive and helpful topics in mind – will remind them of you. It will also make people regard you as an authority in your field, making them more likely to purchase from you!

How? Think e-guides, checklists, ‘how- to’s,’ and ‘tips’ type subjects pertaining to your business or product and geared at your target audience for blog articles and newsletters. Your blog should be updated at least once a week, and you should send out a newsletter once a month. You can hire a professional content creator to write material for you if you don’t have the time or the ability to do it yourself.

3. Make a social media post

Social media is a powerful eCommerce tool that can help you reach a wider audience and influence shoppers with your product or service, just like writing material on your blog and sending out a newsletter.


Because you must have a strong presence with a business page on Facebook and Instagram for the possibility to announce product promotions or special discounts, you must have a strong presence with a business page on these platforms.

Again, don’t only publish deals and product information on social media — this can turn off customers. Along with your product or service, you should provide authentic, useful information.

How? Every day, make a new post. Yes, this is true! Consistency is important for your eCommerce business, just like it is for your blog entries, because it establishes your brand in the minds of your target audience. Get a diverse range of content out there. There will be some sales, product promotions, and instructional and informative content. Spread the word about your e-commerce business on all social media channels — Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn – to reach a wider audience.

9 Ways to Expand Your Online Store


4. Take a look at Google Shopping.

After a period when its paid service was the sole alternative available, Google Shopping now delivers free ads to merchants. Why wouldn’t you use it to help your ecommerce business develop for free?

Because Google Shopping is a comparative search engine, it can help you get your products in front of customers. The best part is that they are also visually appealing. A typical Google Shopping ad features a product image, a price, and the name of your company or store. If your product description matches the search parameters, it will show in front of the client when they search for a product on Google. Only when someone clicks on one of your Google Shopping advertisements will you get charged.

How? Product information given to the merchant data feed is used to produce Google Shopping adverts. It takes a little longer to set up at first, but they demand less effort in the long run. You’ll need to create a product feed to convert your store’s products into Google Shopping Ads. A Google Merchant Center account and a Google Ads account are also required. This is a simple method to follow, especially if your eCommerce site is built on Shopify, Magento, BigCommerce, or WooCommerce, which all provide apps to assist you with your product feed. There are also other tutorials available on the internet.

5. Make use of cross-channel marketing

The term “omnichannel” simply means “all channels,” and it refers to a method of streamlining all of your marketing activities. It emphasizes on providing a consistent, pleasant customer experience regardless of whether your consumer is purchasing on a mobile device, a laptop, or a tablet.


Your customer might, for example, add a product to their shopping cart while exploring your website on their laptop. They become distracted and do not return to your ecommerce site till they are surfing on their mobile device later.

Instead of forcing the customer to restart the process, omnichannel marketing allows you to ensure that they may complete their transaction fast and without having to repeat it.

Omnichannel marketing eliminates the need for your consumer to repeat steps many times during the purchasing process, increasing conversions.


To design and implement an omnichannel strategy, you’ll need to analyze and understand each of your customer touchpoints. The trick is to pay attention to your consumers’ actions. You’ll need to gather information and create a buyer’s journey map before customizing the marketing procedure.

6. Create a mailing list

You’re missing out on a significant component of ecommerce that might help you develop your business if you don’t have a location on your website (or after an order is placed) where clients can sign up to get news, deals, and information about your products or services.

Email marketing is a cost-effective way to boost sales and expand your business. You must, however, first make your list. The more prospects you can interact with and the more conversions you’ll see, the bigger your list should be.

How? Ask consumers to sign up for a special promotion, discount coupon, free gift, or anything similar on your ecommerce website and on your ‘Thank You’ page at the end of the order process. Subscribers share their email addresses in exchange, allowing you to increase your list and maybe provide them with better bargains in the future.

Pro-Tip: It’s critical that you get in touch with your subscribers on a frequent basis and don’t only sell to them! Send out your newsletter once a month (or more frequently) and include exclusive discounts, early-bird specials, and freebies, as well as informative articles, advice, and news. To increase client loyalty, consider birthday and seasonal offers.


9 Ways to Expand Your Online Store

7. Make International Sales

Expand your online store worldwide might be as simple as that! It’s so obvious, in fact, that it’s frequently overlooked. The amount of growth you may get simply by focusing on clients in multiple nations is enormous.

Cross-border ecommerce is exploding, and as the internet becomes more widely available, buyers from all over the world will have easier access to enterprises like yours. It will take time and effort to replicate your present success in new nations, and it will necessitate some setup, especially when it comes to your product listings. If at all feasible, sell to your new customers in their native tongue. When you do, you’ll notice a better conversion rate.

How? Translation plugins and add-ons for various nations are available on most major ecommerce systems. To avoid blunders, though, it’s advisable to use a professional translator. You must also check that your payment processor can accept payments in the country’s native currency.

Let’s have a look at some more advanced tactics that you might use to supplement the fundamentals.

8. Make Your Customers’ Experience Unique

A one-size-fits-all approach to your expand your online store isn’t going to cut it these days! Instead, you should focus on making your customer’s experience unique. Why? Because, according to data, more than 80% of customers are more inclined to buy from an online business that gives individualized experiences across their whole journey – from browsing to email, social network activity, and paid marketing.

However, what exactly are tailored experiences?

Simply showing more products that are relevant to a specific buyer! Consider that for a moment. If you display products or services that are highly relevant to potential purchasers, they are more likely to buy. According to Epsilon research, 80% of shoppers are more likely to buy from a company that provides these personalized experiences.

How? Each visitor to your ecommerce site can view a page suited to them, such as product recommendations or favorites, thanks to content personalization. However, a substantial amount of data is required for efficient personalisation. For instance, previous interactions with that user on your site, as well as their location, gender, age, visit duration, and hobbies. In order to create your personalisation roadmap, you’ll need to use a variety of technologies.

9. Is Your Website Mobile-Friendly? Become ‘Mcommerce.

While having a responsive and mobile-friendly website is great, optimizing for mobile commerce will help you expand your online store even more. What is the goal? To make your consumers’ mobile shopping experience even better.

It’s no surprise that customers won’t accept delayed shopping experiences, with nearly four out of five Americans now shopping online and more than half making transactions using a mobile device.

How? Make your eCommerce store mobile-friendly. To help you grow your mobile sales, test the design and usability of your mobile store and checkout process.

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