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Ex-Niger Delta militant, Boyloaf, bags a first class degree

A former commander of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND) has bagged a first-class degree from Abuja University.

Who is Ebikabowei “Boyloaf” Victor-Ben

Ebikabowei “Boyloaf” Victor-Ben (born 1971) is former commander of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta. Boyloaf remains popular in the Niger Delta and is currently working to help president Goodluck Jonathan get re-elected.

Boyloaf at one time was one of the highest-ranked commanders in MEND but left the organization after he was granted amnesty in 2009 by president Umaru Musa Yar’Adua. Since being granted amnesty he has not joined any militant group but still hopes that one day the Niger Delta region will become independent.


Boyloaf joined the newly formed Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta in 2006. Boyloaf soon rose to prominence in the ranks of MEND due to his expert commanding skills and was ranked 3rd highest in the ranks of MEND after Dokubo-Asari and Henry Okah.

The name Boyloaf became well known throughout the Niger Delta and Boyloaf recruited hundreds of men and turned them into well-trained soldiers. By 2008 Boyloaf had influence over many soldiers and people throughout the Niger Delta region. On August 27, 2009, Boyloaf was granted amnesty by the Nigerian president Umaru Musa Yar’Adua in Port Harcourt.

Soon after leaving MEND he became a prominent Nigerian politician and was popular among the people in the Niger Delta region. On October 1, 2010, MEND planted two bombs in the capital Abuja killing 12 people and wounding 17. Boyloaf was arrested but soon released. Boyloaf was arrested again on January 13, 2012, after a car bomb had exploded in a town he had been in the previous day. Again he was released soon after.

In late 2012 Boyloaf began promoting the Nigerian president Goodluck Jonathan for the 2015 Nigerian election. Due to the spike in MEND’s activities in early 2013 Boyloaf was yet again arrested on February 4, 2013 and again released soon after. Even though Boyloaf’s days of militancy are far behind him he says that if there is no progress in the Niger Delta and the people of the delta continue to suffer he will return to fighting.

 Who is Ebikabowei? Ex-Niger Delta militant, Boyloaf, bags a first class degree
Who is Ebikabowei? Ex-Niger Delta militant, Boyloaf, bags a first class degree

Ogomugo Marbo shared the story on his facebook page while congratulating the latest graduatee in town.

Read his post below ;


Chief Ebikabowei Victor-Ben, AKA Gen Boyloaf is a former commander of the Movement for the Emancipation of the Niger Delta (MEND).
Your news of the best graduating Student and First Class graduate from Baze University Abuja,is not a surprise news to me. Simply because, you love education and solutions to Insecurities in Niger Delta and Nigeria at large.

You are absolute exemplary to others commanders that, education is the key ?to resolve Niger Delta questions. I am proud of your constructive mannerism and focused ?.

According to Former President of South Africa, Charismatic leader Nelson Mandela “Education is the only weapon you can use to change the world “
Congratulations Gen Boyloaf, We celebrate your courageous mind to make it materialised.
More winning ………
Chief Diplomat,
Aka the Voice of the Voiceless.


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